AM62Px MCU+ SDK  10.01.00
Cpsw_InterVlanEgressPortCfg Struct Reference

Detailed Description

InterVLAN egress port configuration.

Data Fields

Enet_MacPort egressPort
CpswMacPort_InterVlanRoutingCfg outPktModCfg

Field Documentation

◆ egressPort

Enet_MacPort Cpsw_InterVlanEgressPortCfg::egressPort

Egress port for the interVLAN route

◆ outPktModCfg

CpswMacPort_InterVlanRoutingCfg Cpsw_InterVlanEgressPortCfg::outPktModCfg

Egress packet modification for the interVLAN route. The packet that is routed to the egress port will be modified based on configuration specified in this parameter