AM62Px MCU+ SDK  10.01.00
mcspi/v0/mcspi.h File Reference


MCSPI Driver API/interface file.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  MCSPI_Transaction
 Data structure used with MCSPI_transfer() More...
struct  MCSPI_OpenParams
 MCSPI Parameters. More...
struct  MCSPI_ChConfig
 MCSPI configuration parameters for the channel. More...
struct  MCSPI_Attrs
 MCSPI instance attributes - used during init time. More...
struct  MCSPI_ChObject
 MCSPI channel object. More...
struct  MCSPI_Object
 MCSPI driver object. More...
struct  MCSPI_Config
 MCSPI global configuration array. More...


 Max number of channels/Chip Select (CS) supported. More...
#define MCSPI_ERROR_TX_UNDERFLOW   (0x00000001U)
 McSPI error macro's. More...
#define MCSPI_ERROR_RX_OVERFLOW   (0x00000002U)
#define MCSPI_FIFO_LENGTH   (64U)
 Total length of FIFO for both TX/RX. More...
 McSPI peripheral Rx FIFO is enabled. More...
 McSPI peripheral Rx FIFO is disabled. More...
 McSPI peripheral Tx FIFO is enabled. More...
 McSPI peripheral Tx FIFO is disabled. More...
#define MCSPI_REG_OFFSET   (0x14U)
 McSPI Register Offset for MCSPI_CHxCONF, MCSPI_CHxSTAT, MCSPI_CHxCTRL, MCSPI_TXx and MCSPI_RXx register set. More...
#define MCSPI_CHCONF(x)
 Base address of McSPI_CHCONF(x) More...
#define MCSPI_CHSTAT(x)
 Base address of McSPI_CHSTAT(x) More...
#define MCSPI_CHCTRL(x)
 Base address of McSPI_CHCTRL(x) More...
#define MCSPI_CHTX(x)
 Base address of McSPI_CHTX(x) More...
#define MCSPI_CHRX(x)
 Base address of McSPI_CHRX(x) More...
#define MCSPI_CLKD_MASK   (0x0FU)
 Bit mask to clear all status bits. More...
Channel Id

Values used to determine the channel number used for McSPI communication. This determines which Chip Select (CS) line to use

#define MCSPI_CHANNEL_0   (0U)
#define MCSPI_CHANNEL_1   (1U)
#define MCSPI_CHANNEL_2   (2U)
#define MCSPI_CHANNEL_3   (3U)
Operating Mode

Values used to determine the McSPI driver operation.

#define MCSPI_OPER_MODE_DMA   (2U)
Transfer Status Code

Status codes that are set by the MCSPI driver

Transfer Mode

This determines whether the driver operates synchronously or asynchronously

In MCSPI_TRANSFER_MODE_BLOCKING mode MCSPI_transfer() blocks code execution until the transaction has completed

In MCSPI_TRANSFER_MODE_CALLBACK MCSPI_transfer() does not block code execution and instead calls a MCSPI_CallbackFxn callback function when the transaction has completed

 MCSPI_transfer() blocks execution. This mode can only be used when called within a Task context More...
 MCSPI_transfer() does not block code execution and will call a MCSPI_CallbackFxn. This mode can be used in a Task, Swi, or Hwi context More...
Modes of Operation

Definitions for various MCSPI modes of operation

The MCSPI driver operates in both master and SPI slave modes. Logically, the implementation is identical, however the difference between these two modes is driven by hardware. The default mode is MCSPI_MS_MODE_MASTER, but can be set to slave mode by setting MCSPI_OpenParams.msMode to MCSPI_MS_MODE_SLAVE in the parameters passed to MCSPI_open().

 The module generates the clock and CS. More...
 The module receives the clock and CS. More...
Frame Format

Definitions for various SPI data frame formats

POL0 = SPICLK is held low during the INACTIVE state POL1 = SPICLK is held high during the INACTIVE state

PHA0 = Data are latched on odd-numbered edges of SPICLK PHA1 = Data are latched on even-numbered edges of SPICLK

#define MCSPI_FF_POL0_PHA0   (0U)
#define MCSPI_FF_POL0_PHA1   (1U)
#define MCSPI_FF_POL1_PHA0   (2U)
#define MCSPI_FF_POL1_PHA1   (3U)
Chip-select Polarity

Type for SPI Chip Select Polarity and Clock Idle Level

 SPIEN (CS) is held high during the ACTIVE state. More...
 SPIEN (CS) is held low during the ACTIVE state. More...
Transmit-Receive Modes

Input Select

 Data line 0 (SPIDAT[0]) selected for reception. More...
 Data line 1 (SPIDAT[1]) selected for reception. More...
Transmission Enable for Data Line

 Data line selected for transmission. More...
 No transmission on Data Line. More...
Slave Chip-select Signal Select

Start-bit Polarity

 SStart-bit polarity is held to 1 during MCSPI transfer. More...
 Start-bit polarity is held to 0 during MCSPI transfer. More...
Chip-select Idle Time

Values used to configure the chip select time control (TCS)

 0.5 clock cycles delay More...
 1.5 clock cycles delay More...
 2.5 clock cycles delay More...
 3.5 clock cycles delay More...
Channel Mode

 Only one channel will be used in master mode. This should be used when CS is used in forced enable mode. More...
 More than one channel will be used in master mode. More...
Pin Mode

 SPIEN (CS) is not used. In this mode all related options to chip-select have no meaning. More...
Init Delay

Values used to enable initial delay for first transfer

 No delay. More...
 4 SPI bus clock delays More...
 8 SPI bus clock delays More...
 16 SPI bus clock delays More...
 32 SPI bus clock delays More...


typedef void * MCSPI_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a MCSPI_open() call. More...
typedef void(* MCSPI_CallbackFxn) (MCSPI_Handle handle, MCSPI_Transaction *transaction)
 The definition of a callback function used by the SPI driver when used in MCSPI_TRANSFER_MODE_CALLBACK. More...


void MCSPI_init (void)
 This function initializes the MCSPI module. More...
void MCSPI_deinit (void)
 This function de-initializes the MCSPI module. More...
MCSPI_Handle MCSPI_open (uint32_t mcspiConfigIndex, const MCSPI_OpenParams *openPrms)
 This function opens a given MCSPI peripheral. More...
void MCSPI_close (MCSPI_Handle handle)
 Function to close a MCSPI peripheral specified by the MCSPI handle. More...
int32_t MCSPI_chConfig (MCSPI_Handle handle, const MCSPI_ChConfig *chCfg)
 Function to configure a MCSPI channel. More...
int32_t MCSPI_dmaChConfig (MCSPI_Handle handle, const MCSPI_ChConfig *chCfg, const MCSPI_DmaChConfig *dmaChCfg)
 Function to configure a DMA of a channel. More...
int32_t MCSPI_transfer (MCSPI_Handle handle, MCSPI_Transaction *transaction)
 Function to perform MCSPI transactions. More...
int32_t MCSPI_transferCancel (MCSPI_Handle handle)
 Function to cancel MCSPI transactions on channel of a SPI peripheral specified by the MCSPI handle. More...
static void MCSPI_OpenParams_init (MCSPI_OpenParams *openPrms)
 Function to initialize the MCSPI_OpenParams struct to its defaults. More...
static void MCSPI_ChConfig_init (MCSPI_ChConfig *chConfig)
 Function to initialize the MCSPI_ChConfig struct to its defaults. More...
static void MCSPI_Transaction_init (MCSPI_Transaction *trans)
 Function to initialize the MCSPI_Transaction struct to its defaults. More...
uint32_t MCSPI_getBaseAddr (MCSPI_Handle handle)
 Function to get base address of MCSPI instance of a particular handle. More...
int32_t MCSPI_reConfigFifo (MCSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t chNum, uint32_t numWordsRxTx)
 Function to re-configure Effective FIFO Words. More...
static uint32_t MCSPI_getBufWidthShift (uint32_t dataSize)
 This API will return the buffer width in bytes based on dataSize. More...
static uint32_t MCSPI_readChStatusReg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t chNum)
 This API will return the status of the McSPI channel currently in use. More...
static uint32_t MCSPI_readChCtrlReg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t chNum)
 This API returns Channel control register value. More...
static void MCSPI_writeChCtrlReg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t chNum, uint32_t regVal)
 This API sets Channel control register value. More...
static uint32_t MCSPI_readChConf (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t chNum)
 This API returns Channel Config register value. More...
static void MCSPI_writeChConfReg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t chNum, uint32_t regVal)
 This API sets Channel Config register value. More...
static void MCSPI_writeTxDataReg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t txData, uint32_t chNum)
 This API will put the data on to the McSPI Channel transmit register. More...
static void MCSPI_enableTxFIFO (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t chNum, uint32_t enableFlag)
 This API will enable/disable the Tx FIFOs of McSPI peripheral. More...
static void MCSPI_enableRxFIFO (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t chNum, uint32_t enableFlag)
 This API will enable/disable the Rx FIFOs of McSPI peripheral. More...
static uint32_t MCSPI_readRxDataReg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t chNum)
 This API will return the data present in the MCSPI_RX register. More...
static void MCSPI_setDataWidth (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t chNum, uint32_t dataWidth)
 This API will set the data width in the channel config register. More...


MCSPI_Config gMcspiConfig []
 Externally defined driver configuration array. More...
uint32_t gMcspiConfigNum
 Externally defined driver configuration array size. More...