AM273x MCU+ SDK  09.02.00
crc/v1/crc.h File Reference


CRC Driver API/interface file.

   CRC programming sequence:
   1. CRC_channelReset()
   2. CRC_initialize()
   3. CRC_configure()
   4. CRC_enableIntr() - if needed
   5. Transfer data to PSA signature for generation of signature value
       - DMA is utilized in Semi-CPU mode
       - CPU need to pump data into PSA register in Full CPU mode.
   6. CRC_getPSASectorSig()
       - After complete transfer read CRC signature.

   CRC signature generated depends on amount of data copied into
   PSA register at a time/in single write. Though data pattern can be
   16, 32, or 64 bit, data copied into PSA register is always 64 bit
   wide. If data pattern is less than 64 bit, then it is padded with
   zeros to make it 64 bit write based on the data length.

Go to the source code of this file.

CRC Operation Mode

typedef uint32_t CRC_OperationMode_t
 CRC operation mode supported. CRC can either operate in Semi-CPU, Full-CPU or Auto mode. More...

CRC channel

#define CRC_CHANNEL_1   (0x1U)
#define CRC_CHANNEL_2   (0x2U)
typedef uint32_t CRC_Channel_t
 CRC channel supported. More...

CRC Type

typedef uint32_t CRC_Type_t
 CRC Type supported. More...

CRC Data Length

typedef uint32_t CRC_DataLength_t
 CRC Data Length supported. More...

CRC Bit Swap

typedef uint32_t CRC_BitSwap_t
 CRC Bit Swap supported. More...

CRC Byte Swap

typedef uint32_t CRC_ByteSwap_t
 CRC Byte Swap supported. More...

CRC Interrupt Priority

The offset for the highest pending priority interrupt. These interrupt offset returned in CRC_getHighestPriorityIntrStatus function

typedef uint32_t CRC_IntrPriority_t
 The offset for the highest pending priority interrupt. These interrupt offset returned in CRC_getHighestPriorityIntrStatus function. More...

CRC data bus type mask

typedef uint32_t CRC_DataBusMask_t
 CRC data bus type mask selected for tracing control. More...

Data Structures

struct  CRC_Config
 CRC Configuration. More...
struct  CRC_Signature
 Structure for accessing CRC register data which are 64 bit wide. More...
struct  CRC_SignatureRegAddr
 Structure for accessing CRC registers address which are 64 bit wide. More...
struct  CRC_ChannelStaticRegs
 CRC channel static registers list. More...
struct  CRC_StaticRegs
 CRC static registers list. More...


 Macro defines mask for all the interrupts for a channel. More...
 Macro defines maximum value of CRC Pattern Count. More...
#define CRC_SECTOR_COUNT_MAX   (0x0000FFFFU)
 Macro defines maximum value of CRC Sector Count. More...
 Macro defines maximum value of CRC Block Complete Timeout Counter Preload. More...
 Macro defines maximum value of CRC Watchdog Timeout Counter Preload. More...
 Max number of channels supported in CRC. More...
#define CRC_REG_OFFSET   (0x40U)
 Macro defines the CRC Reg Offset value. More...
#define CRC_SHIFT_BY_EIGHT   (0x08U)
 Macro defines the shift value. More...


int32_t CRC_initialize (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, uint32_t crcWatchdogPreload, uint32_t crcBlockPreload)
 Initialize CRC channel and will configure watchdog and block preload value for given channel. More...
int32_t CRC_verifyInitialize (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, uint32_t crcWatchdogPreload, uint32_t crcBlockPreload)
 Verify the CRC watchdog and block preload value initialized for given channel. More...
int32_t CRC_configure (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, const CRC_Config *config)
 This API will configure CRC mode, pattern and sector count for given channel. More...
int32_t CRC_verifyConfigure (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, uint32_t patternCount, uint32_t sectorCount, CRC_OperationMode_t mode)
 This API will verify the configure of CRC mode, pattern and sector count for given channel. More...
int32_t CRC_channelReset (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel)
 This API is used to reset the CRC channel. More...
int32_t CRC_getPSASigRegAddr (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, CRC_SignatureRegAddr *pCRCRegAddr)
 This API is used to get the PSA register address for given Channel. More...
int32_t CRC_getPSASig (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, CRC_Signature *pCRCPSASign)
 This API is used to get the PSA register value for given Channel. More...
int32_t CRC_setPSASeedSig (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, const CRC_Signature *pCRCPSASeedSign)
 This API is used to set the PSA seed value without compression for given Channel. More...
int32_t CRC_getPSASectorSig (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, CRC_Signature *pCRCSectorSign)
 This API is used to get sector signature Value/ CRC value for given channel. More...
int32_t CRC_getHighestPriorityIntrStatus (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t *pIntVecAddr)
 This API is used to get the pending interrupt with highest priority. More...
int32_t CRC_getIntrStatus (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, uint32_t *pIntrStatus)
 This API is used to get the pending interrupts for given Channel. More...
int32_t CRC_enableIntr (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, uint32_t intrMask)
 This API is used to enable interrupts for given Channel. More...
int32_t CRC_disableIntr (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, uint32_t intrMask)
 This API is used to disable interrupts for given Channel. More...
int32_t CRC_clearIntr (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, uint32_t intrMask)
 This API is used to clear interrupts for given Channel. More...
int32_t CRC_powerDownCtrl (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t ctrlFlag)
 This API is used to control the power down of the CRC module. More...
int32_t CRC_isBusy (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, uint32_t *pBusyFlag)
 This API is used to check if CRC is busy for given Channel. More...
int32_t CRC_getCurSecNum (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, uint32_t *pCurSecNum)
 This API is used to get the current sector number of which the signature verification fails in AUTO mode for given channel. More...
int32_t CRC_getCurPSASig (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, CRC_Signature *pCurPSASig)
 This API is used to get current known good signature value/ CRC value for given channel. More...
int32_t CRC_getRawData (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_Channel_t channel, CRC_Signature *pRawData)
 This API is used to get the uncompressed raw data value for given channel. More...
int32_t CRC_dataBusTracingCtrl (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t ctrlFlag, CRC_DataBusMask_t dataBusMask, CRC_DataBusMask_t busEnableMask)
 This API is used to control the CRC data bus tracing. More...
int32_t CRC_verifyBusTracingCtrl (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t ctrlFlag, CRC_DataBusMask_t dataBusMask, CRC_DataBusMask_t busEnableMask)
 This API is used to verify the control the CRC data bus tracing. More...
int32_t CRC_readStaticRegs (uint32_t baseAddr, CRC_StaticRegs *pStaticRegs)
 This API is used to read static registers of CRC module. This API needs to be called after the initial configuration is done and hence mutliple read between static registers do not change the values. More...