AM273x MCU+ SDK  08.03.00

Detailed Description

HWA Paramset Config for pre-processing block.

HWA paramset config parameters for the preprocessing block inside HWA_ParamConfig which is used with the HWA_ConfigParamSet() call.

Data Fields

uint8_t dcEstResetMode
uint8_t dcSubEnable
uint8_t dcSubSelect
struct {
   uint8_t   thresholdEnable
   uint8_t   thresholdMode
   uint8_t   thresholdSelect
struct {
   uint8_t   resetMode
struct {
   uint8_t   enable
   uint8_t   countThreshold
   uint8_t   pathSelect
   uint8_t   leftHystOrder
   uint8_t   rightHystOrder
uint8_t chanCombEn
uint8_t zeroInsertEn
HWA_ComplexMultiply complexMultiply

Field Documentation

◆ dcEstResetMode

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::dcEstResetMode

controls the reset behavior for all 12 accumulators, see HWA_DCEST_INTERFSUM_RESET_MODE macros for correct values. set into HWA_DCEST_INTERFSUM_RESET_MODE_NOUPDATE to bybass DC estimation. sets the bits DCEST_RESET_MODE in register PREPROC in paramset

◆ dcSubEnable

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::dcSubEnable

enable/bypass DC subtraction, see HWA_FEATURE_BIT macros for correct values. set into HWA_FEATURE_BIT_DISABLE to disable the DC subtraction. sets the bits DCSUB_EN of the register PREPROC in paramset

◆ dcSubSelect

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::dcSubSelect

see HWA_DCSUB_SELECT macros for the correct values sets bits DCSUB_SELECT of the register PREPROC in paramset

◆ thresholdEnable

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::thresholdEnable

enable/disable interference marking out, see HWA_FEATURE_BIT macros for correct values if set into HWA_FEATURE_BIT_DISABLE to disable the interference localization. sets the bits INTERFTHRESH_EN of the register PREPROC in paramset

◆ thresholdMode

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::thresholdMode

specifies interference threshold mode, see HWA_INTERFTHRESH_MODE macros for the correct values sets the bits INTERFTHRESH_MODE of the register PREPROC in paramset

◆ thresholdSelect

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::thresholdSelect

select the source of the threshold, see HWA_INTERFTHRESH_SELECT macros for the correct values sets bits INTERFTHRESH_SELECT of the register PREPROC in paramset

◆ interfLocalize

struct { ... } HWA_PreProcessing::interfLocalize

◆ resetMode

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::resetMode

control reset behavior for all mag sum and magdiff sum accumulators, if it is set to HWA_DCEST_INTERFSUM_RESET_MODE_NOUPDATE, it is bypassed. see HWA_DCEST_INTERFSUM_RESET_MODE macros for the correct values sets the INTERFSUM_MAG_RESET bits of the register PREPROC in paramset

◆ interfStat

struct { ... } HWA_PreProcessing::interfStat

◆ enable

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::enable

enable/disable interference mitigation path, see HWA_FEATURE_BIT macros for the correct values sets the bits INTF_MITG_EN of register PRE_PROCESSING in paramset

◆ countThreshold

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::countThreshold

5 bits value: the number of non-zero IIB within the hysteresis window should exceed the threshold for the CUT to be considered to be affected by interference. valid values are from 0 to 31. sets the bits INTF_MITG_CNTTHRESH of the register PRE_PROCESSING in paramset

◆ pathSelect

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::pathSelect

see HWA_INTERFMITIGATION_PATH_SELECT macros for the correct values, select one of the three paths in the interference mitigation module sets the bits INFT_MITG_PATH_SEL of register PRE_PROCESSING in paramset

◆ leftHystOrder

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::leftHystOrder

4 bits value: the length of the IIB array considered on the left side of the CUT, valid values from 0 to 15. sets the bits INTF_MITG_LEFT_HYST_ORD of the register PRE_PROCESSING in paramset

◆ rightHystOrder

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::rightHystOrder

4 bits value: he length of the IIB array considered on the right side of the CUT, valid values from 0 to 15. sets the bits INTF_MITG_RIGHT_HYST_ORD of the register PRE_PROCESSING in paramset

◆ interfMitigation

struct { ... } HWA_PreProcessing::interfMitigation

◆ chanCombEn

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::chanCombEn

enable/disable synthetic channel combining, see HWA_FEATURE_BIT macros for the correct values. if set into HWA_FEATURE_BIT_DISABLE to disable the channel combining. sets the bits CHANCOMB_EN of the register PREPROC in paramset

◆ zeroInsertEn

uint8_t HWA_PreProcessing::zeroInsertEn

enable/disable zero-insertion, fill the zeros at arbitrary locations in the A-dimension, prior to windowing and FFT, only applied to FFTSIZE upto 256. see HWA_FEATURE_BIT macros for the correct values sets the bits ZEROINSERT_EN of register BFLYFFT in paramset

◆ complexMultiply

HWA_ComplexMultiply HWA_PreProcessing::complexMultiply

Complex multiply related params used when HWA_ParamConfig::accelMode is not HWA_ACCELMODE_CFAR