AM273x MCU+ SDK  08.03.00


@ brief Macros that define values for the various modes of the interference threshold mode in pre-processing block


#define HWA_INTERFTHRESH_MODE_MAG_OR_MAGDIF   ((uint8_t)0U) /** interference threshold magnitude or Magnitude difference */
#define HWA_INTERFTHRESH_MODE_MAGDIFF   ((uint8_t)1U) /** interference threshold only magnitude difference */
#define HWA_INTERFTHRESH_MODE_MAG   ((uint8_t)2U) /** interference threshold only magnitude */
#define HWA_INTERFTHRESH_MODE_MAG_AND_MAGDIFF   ((uint8_t)3U) /** interference threshold magnitude AND magnitude difference */

Macro Definition Documentation


#define HWA_INTERFTHRESH_MODE_MAG_OR_MAGDIF   ((uint8_t)0U) /** interference threshold magnitude or Magnitude difference */


#define HWA_INTERFTHRESH_MODE_MAGDIFF   ((uint8_t)1U) /** interference threshold only magnitude difference */


#define HWA_INTERFTHRESH_MODE_MAG   ((uint8_t)2U) /** interference threshold only magnitude */


#define HWA_INTERFTHRESH_MODE_MAG_AND_MAGDIFF   ((uint8_t)3U) /** interference threshold magnitude AND magnitude difference */