AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01
Building an Application

Building an example is converting the source files of the application into a machine readable file.

  • It involves two primary steps:
    • Compilation
    • Linking
  • A compiler converts the human readable source code to assembly language, producing assembly files.
  • The assembler converts assembly files into machine code, creating object files (.o/.obj)
  • These files are not yet linked into an executable.
  • A linker.cmd file specifies memory layout and sections placement information. The linker then combines the multiple object files into a single executable.


Tool Reference Description
Compiler TI CLANG Compiler Toolchain Converts .c source code to machine readable code.
Sysconfig SysConfig A GUI tool used for configuring pins, peripherals, software stacks, RTOS, clock tree, linker (see row below) and other components.
Creating linker.cmd file Memory Configurator A GUI method of creating a linker file using Sysconfig tool. It generates a linker.cmd file along with other component files.
.out to .rprc Out2RPRC Converts the application executable (.out) into custom TI RPRC (.rprc) image.
.rprc to .appimage Multi-core Image Gen Converts the RPRC files created for each CPU into a single combined multicore application image that can be booted by the SBL.
.out to .mcelf MCELF Image Gen Takes individual core .out files as input and combines them to create a single .mcelf ELF file which can be booted by the SBL.
Signing tools Signing Scripts Collection of scripts needed to sign SBL and application images.

Creation of application binary

To see the exact sequence of steps in which applications and secondary bootloader (SBL) are converted from compiler generated .out files to boot images, see the makefile makefile_ccs_bootimage_gen that is included in every example and secondary bootloader (SBL) CCS project.
If you are using makefile based build, then see the file named makefile in the example folder.

Shown below are the different steps that are done to convert the compiler+linker generated application .out into a format suitable for flashing and booting.

Generating .out binary

  • For each CPU, the compiler + linker toolchain is used to create a .out file.
  • The compiler convertes the .c files into .asm files, the assembler converts .asm files to object files - .obj files.
  • The linker then combines the multiple object files into a single .out file for each CPU.

Generating .out file

Generating .appimage binary

  • For each CPU, out2rpc is used to convert the ELF .out to a binary file containing only the loadable sections. This is called a RPRC file.
  • multiCoreGen is then used to combine all the RPRC files per CPU into a single .appimage file which is a concatenation of the individual CPU specific RPRC files.
  • This .appimage is then flashed to the board.

Post build steps RPRC

Generating .mcelf binary

  • Refer Understanding Multicore ELF image format for information on MCELF
  • The mcelf image generator script takes each individual core's .out file as input and combines them to form a .mcelf file.
  • This .mcelf file contains metadata and segments along with information like segment type, load address, size, alignment.
  • The .mcelf file is then flashed to the board.

Post build steps MCELF

Signing the binary

SBL is signed Yes Yes
Application is signed No Yes

SBL Signing

  • After building, the SBL application .out file is first converted to a binary format .bin using the TI ARM CLANG objcopy tool.
  • This .bin file is then signed using the Signing Scripts to create the final .tiimage bootable image.
    • The .tiimage file extension is kept to separate the SBL boot image from a normal application image
    • The rom_degenerateKey.pem is used for this.
    • This is a ROM bootloader requirement and is needed even on a non-secure device.
    • The signing tools take the .bin file
  • The SBL communicates with ROM to get the HSMRt (TIFS-MCU) loaded on the HSM. This firmware provides various foundational security services. For HS-FS ,this can be found at source/drivers/hsmclient/soc/am261x/hsmRtImg.h. For HS-SE devices, more information can be found at MySecureSW. For integrating HSM RunTime with SBL, the following should be taken care of:
    • HSMClient should be initialized and registered.
    • HSMRT (TIFS-MCU) image signed appropriately should be available. For HS-FS, this is already part of the SDK, for HS-SE, this can be compiled with TIFS-MCU package (available on MySecureSW)
  • Depending on the device type for which we build the SBL, there will be certain prefixes to the .tiimage extension like so:
    • HS-FS device:
      • sbl_xxx.release.tiimage [No prefix before .tiimage, plain image]
    • HS-SE device:
      • sbl_xxx.release.hs.tiimage [hs prefix before .tiimage]
  • Note that if we just mentioned hs it is meant for HS-SE device.
  • The .tiimage file can then be flashed or copied to a boot image using the Flashing Tools


Application signing

Building a Hello world example

Steps to build the hello world example from SDK is mentioned here Build a Hello World example

Next step - Loading the application

Go to Loading an Application