AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01
Memory Configurator


In the prior versions of the SDK, linker files presented challenges in terms of ease of maintenance. Linker files were generated from templates, meaning that any alterations to parameters such as stack size, heap size, memory regions, or sections necessitated direct edits to the linker files. This process proved to be cumbersome and difficult to manage.

The Memory Configurator tool seamlessly integrated into sysconfig empowers users to configure critical parameters. By utilizing this tool, corresponding linker files are automatically generated. This feature significantly streamlines the process, eliminating the need for manual adjustments to the linker files and providing users with a hassle-free experience.

Please refer to the section "By-passing Sysconfig generated Linker" to use hand written linker file.

Enhanced Significance in Multi-Core Environments

Demonstrating a multi core scenario

Suppose core 0 has a memory region named MEM0 with a start address of 0x0 and a length of 16KB. Core 1, on the other hand, possesses a memory region named MEM1 with a start address of 0x4000 and a length of 64 KB. Now, in the event that the user wishes to expand the size of MEM0, this action would necessitate an adjustment in the start address of MEM1 while ensuring its size remains unchanged. Furthermore, if there are any other memory regions defined immediately after MEM1, all corresponding adjustments would need to be made. The integration of this tool facilitates these modifications, sparing the user the need to manually edit each individual configuration.

Handling Violations and Common Configuration Errors

There are scenarios where a core attempts to configure the Memory Protection Unit (MPU) for a memory region that hasn't been assigned to it. This constitutes a violation that requires proper handling.

Another common error involves designating a shared memory region as cached. This tool serves as a safeguard against such mistakes, ensuring that these violations and configuration errors are prevented.

Getting Started with the Tool

Within the tool interface, the user will find a section labeled "MEMORY" on the left pane. This section encompasses three key components: "General," "Memory Region," and "Sections."

In the forthcoming discussion, each of these components will be explored in detail. This will equip users with the knowledge and guidance required to configure the tool in alignment with their specific requirements.

The tool doesn't support GCC compilers.


Within this section, the user will have the option to configure essential parameters such as stack size, heap size, IRQ (Interrupt Request), FIQ (Fast Interrupt Request), SVC (Supervisor Call), Abort Stack and Undefined Stack sizes.

Upon adding an instance, these parameters will be automatically populated with their default values.

Additionally, the user will have the capability to select the compiler, which will determine the syntax for generating the linker files.

Sysconfig view of General and the corresponding Linker File generation

Memory Region

Initial Sysconfig view of Memory Region

The Memory Region configuration is a pivotal aspect with several integrated features.

Upon clicking the "Add" button, an option titled "Automate MPU Setting" will become available. By default, this option will remain unchecked. In this scenario, users can add memory regions without any associated MPU settings, unless configured otherwise. There is no restriction on the size in the sense that it doesn't need to be power of 2 and can take any value within its memory type limit.

If the user opts to check this option, it signifies that each memory region instance may be linked to a maximum of one MPU configuration. This implies that when a user adds a memory region instance and desires to include an MPU setting, they are exempted from the manual entry of parameters such as address and size.

The tool employs a specific algorithm for memory region allocation:

  1. It initially identifies all memory region instances of a particular type for eg whether it's FLASH/ RAM etc.
    • to know more on this, please refer section "Enhanced Visualization View" at the bottom.
  2. Instances with manually assigned start addresses take precedence and are positioned at the forefront within the memory region of that type.
  3. Subsequently, any remaining unassigned regions result in empty spaces, known as "holes." These holes are then sorted from smallest to largest.
  4. For memory regions with automatically calculated start addresses, the tool allocates them to the smallest hole that has sufficient space to accommodate them.
  5. In the event that the tool encounters size constraints preventing the allocation of a memory region, it will promptly flag an error.

Here is an illustration to explain the above:

Memory Region Configuration for OCRAM1

Memory Region Configuration for OCRAM2

Memory Region Configuration for OCRAM3

Memory Region Configuration for OCRAM4

In this configuration, there are four designated regions: OCRAM_1 and OCRAM_2 have auto-generated start addresses, while OCRAM_3 and OCRAM_4 possess manually assigned ones. Following the algorithm's guidelines, the regions with manual start addresses, OCRAM_3 and OCRAM_4, take precedence. They are first accommodated within the OCRAM space. Subsequently, three gaps remain: one to the left of OCRAM_3, another between OCRAM_3 and OCRAM_4, and a third to the right of OCRAM_4. The algorithm then selects the smallest available gap to house the largest auto start address region, OCRAM_2.

Afterwards, OCRAM_1 is placed in the gap adjacent to OCRAM_2, as it is the smallest one capable of accommodating OCRAM_1.

Memory Region Configuration Layout
Once a memory region is assigned to a core, it is prohibited from being overlapped by any other region, whether by the same core or a different one. For memory types which are core-specific i.e. belong exclusively to a core, it is permissible to use the same start address and size. This is because, at the physical level, it does not constitute actual overlap.

The other fields which we have for configuring a memory region are:

  1. Attributes: It's a multi-select drop down option button with options as Read, Write, Execute and Initialize. By default all of them are selected.
    • R specifies that the memory can be read.
    • W specifies that the memory can be written to.
    • X specifies that the memory can contain executable code.
    • I specifies that the memory can be initialized.
  2. Last Symbol: LAST optionally specifies a symbol that can be used at run-time to find the address of the last allocated byte in the memory range.
  3. Shared: On checking this box, we get an option to choose what all cores the user wants to share the current memory region with. As already mentioned that once a region is assigned to a core, it can't be overlapped by other.
    • Another feature which might be required sometimes is the renaming of a shared core. This is can done from the "Rename Shared Region" module. In the below example we can see R5FSS0-0 is sharing all these regions with R5FSS0-1.
      Rename Shared Region: Options to rename
    • Now, if R5FSS0-1 wants to rename any of them, then select and rename. Here LOG_SHM_MEM is changed to LOG_SHM_MEM_X.
      Rename Shared Region: After renaming
    • In the linker.cmd of R5FSS0_1 we can see all those shared regions appearing with the LOG_MEM_SHM name changed. The section redirecting to this memory region also gets updated accordingly.

Shared Memory Region Configuration

It's important to note that if a memory region is designated as "Shared," the user will have the option to select the cores with which it will be shared. As a result, this region will automatically be included in the linker files of all the chosen core. Therefore, there is no need for the user to manually add the same region to the other cores. In fact, doing so would not be possible. For shared memory regions, it's essential to ensure that the size is a power of 2 else an error will be triggered. Also, the start address has to be aligned with the size of the memory region.

The same shared region instances will not appear in the GUI for the selected cores but will get reflected in their linker files.
Additionally, system projects should not be built at individual core level if there are any shared memory regions. We will see that the individual builds of older projects are breaking with the introduction of this tool. This is due to the fact that some cores do not add some shared memory regions like USER_SHM_MEM, LOG_SHM_MEM from their "respective SYSCFG contexts" (separate syscfg tabs pertaining to these individual cores) yet are still getting them reflected in their tool generated linker.cmd. This is happening because r5fss0-0 is adding these regions and marking them as shared with those other cores. There's a dependency here as we can see, where the only independent core in this case is r5fss0-0 and rest others depend on this. So when you try to build r5fss0-0 individually, it will work BUT rest others when done the same way will fail because they would have those shared memory regions missing in their own linker.cmd as the link between r5fss0-0 and itself is now gone. To summarize, almost all the system projects in our SDK have this dependency (and not only IPC) so they need to be built at system level.

If we want to test some dependent core individually in a multi-core project, then you need to add those shared regions by opening the syscfg for that core only.


make -sC examples/empty/{device_name}/{core_name_os}/{compiler}/ syscfg-gui

And not,

make -sC examples/empty/{device_name}/system_nortos/ syscfg-gui

But the thing to note here is that now when you build system project, there will be conflict coming from the independent core sharing these regions and your current core under test as it will have the same regions added twice (once by the independent and other by itself). Then we will have to remove those from the dependent ones.

Impact of Automate MPU Setting

When the "Automate MPU Setting" option is selected, the tool's behavior is adjusted to align with MPU setting rules. Specifically, memory regions cannot be placed anywhere within a hole; they must be situated at an address that starts at a multiple of their size. The size must be a power of 2 starting from 32 B through 4 GB.

MEM0 and MEM1, both 32B regions of the same type, are arranged as depicted. However, MEM2, which is 128B in size, cannot be positioned immediately after MEM1 due to alignment constraints. Placing it there would result in a start address that is not a multiple of its size. Consequently, the region is relocated to an address where the start aligns with its size, thereby generating a gap between MEM1 and MEM2.

Memory Region Start Address Alignment

An MPU setting will be generated with parameters (such as start address and size) mirroring those of its associated memory region. Please note that these parameters will be locked and cannot be altered by the user. Other parameters, such as Access Permissions, Region Attributes, Allow Code Execution, and Sub-Region Disable Mark, can be customized by the user.

Sysconfig view of Memory Region with Automate MPU Setting
All cores should follow the same MPU setting i.e. either it should be enabled for all or disabled for all.


Sysconfig view of Section: Load memory options

Within this section, the user has the option to set various parameters for a section.

  1. Section Type Selection: The user can choose from options like LOAD, DSECT, COPY, NOLOAD, and NOINT.
  2. Load Memory and Run Memory Options: These will list all available memory regions added by the user in the previous "Memory Region". By default, the run memory will match the load memory, unless the user chooses to make a specific change.
    • Sometimes instead of directing a section into a memory region, we may want to directly specify the memory address. This is possible when we select the option "Address" in "Load to Memory Regions or Address?".
    • In this case options will appear to enter the value of load and run memory.

Sysconfig view of Section: Load to Address
  1. There are other variations to this in terms of directing the sections to memories.
    • Select Multiple Memory Regions:

Sysconfig view of Section with Select Multiple Memory Regions

Once the "Select Multiple Memory Regions" is checked, user will get the option to select the priority of the memory regions. Here the section will be put to the first memory region (in the order) big enough to accommodate the entire section. The Priority 0 contains MSRAM, Priority 1 contains NON_CACHE_MEM and Priority 2 contains USER_SHM_MEM. 

  • Split Across Memories:

Sysconfig view of Section with Split across Memories

Once this option is checked, again in the similar way the user will get options to choose the priority of memory regions. The difference here is the redirection symbol which is ">>" instead of ">". What this means is that the section will spread across multiple regions following the order if the first one is unable to entirely fit it in.

  1. Output Section Requirement: It is mandatory for the user to add at least one output section.
  2. Output Section Grouping: The user can opt to either group all output sections together or keep them separate. The configurations for load and run memory, as well as section type, will apply to all output sections under a given instance.
    • User can mention the Group's Start and End symbols.
    • User can also mention the output section's start and end symbols.
    • Option for alignment and alignment with padding (palign) can also be added. 
      • align: linker to place an output section at an address that falls on an n-byte boundary, where n is a power of 2
      • palign: additionally ensures that the size of the section is a multiple of its placement alignment restrictions, padding the section size up to such a boundary, as needed.
    • User can mention the fill value which is used to fill uninitialized holes.
  3. Input Section Addition: The user also has the flexibility to add zero or more input sections under a specific output section.
    • Any additonal data can also be added in a multiline field called "Additional data". This would appear after the input section data.

Sysconfig view of Section and the corresponding Linker File generation

Default Linker Configuration

Sysconfig view of Linker: Before button Click

Initially when we open an empty project, no memory configurator related configuration will be there and hence linker.cmd won't generate. User can either add the configurations manually or may take the help of this CLICK button to populate the default instances of these modules to generate a default linker. Later it can be edited/ added/ removed as per our needs.

Sysconfig view of Linker: After button Click
When user opens a multi core project and clicks this button in each core, he/she will get conflicts in the Memory Region module because of the shared regions being added in sysconfig of all the cores. Here, user has to manually delete the conflicting regions.

MPU Settings

As discussed earlier, let's revisit the functionality of MPU settings with the Automate option.

When the user selects the "Automate MPU Settings" option within the Memory Region, they will have the opportunity to configure the MPU settings specific to that memory region. Note that in this scenario, the start and size parameters are fixed and cannot be altered. This enhancement aims to streamline the configuration process, alleviating the need for separate MPU adjustments.

However, it's worth mentioning that there may be instances where users prefer the flexibility to customize MPU settings. In such cases, they have the option to disable the automation feature.

Even with the automate option enabled, users still retain the ability to add custom MPU configurations with specific addresses or sizes, if necessary. On the other hand, when the automation is disabled, users will be required to manually add all MPU configurations.

When "Automate MPU Setting" is not selected within the memory region, it results in the loss of the direct one-to-one mapping of the memory region to the MPU configuration view. In such cases, it is beneficial to provide users with a comprehensive overview of how the region is composed.

This should encompass the following information :

  1. Constituent Regions: Display all the individual regions added within the memory region section that collectively constitute this particular region.
  2. Shared Region Information: Specify if any portion of this region is shared among multiple cores. Additionally, indicate which specific cores have access to this shared region.
  3. Memory Type: Clearly state the type of memory being utilized (e.g., Flash, TCMA, etc.) for this particular region.

Sysconfig view of MPU configuration integrated with Memory Region attributes

This approach ensures that users have a clear understanding of how the manually configured MPU settings relate to the broader memory regions and their usage across different cores.

Enhanced Visualization View

To facilitate user understanding and ease of navigation, a specialized view has been incorporated. This view provides a visual representation of the memory types available in this device, displaying crucial details such as start address, size, accessibility across cores, and direct links to the respective memory regions for seamless navigation.

Consolidated view of Memory Regions

A similar visual representation has been integrated for MPU configurations. This view presents a detailed tabulation of all configurations, providing users with a clear overview of their settings.

Consolidated view of MPU Settings

By-passing Sysconfig generated Linker

In case user wants to write their own linker file instead of the sysconfig generated one (as earlier versions of SDK), they can achieve that by following some simple steps:

  1. Makefile build
    • Go inside the "ti-arm-clang" folder of a core project. For eg: examples/${project_name}/${device}/${core}/ti-arm-clang.
      • Create your custom linker file with name "linker.cmd".
    • Update the "makefile" inside this current directory.
      • Search for "generated/linker.cmd" and replace with just "linker.cmd".
    • Build the example. This time the linker you created will be picked during linking phase.
  2. For CCS build
    • Go inside the "ti-arm-clang" folder of a core project. For eg: examples/${project_name}/${device}/${core}/ti-arm-clang.
      • Open example.projectspec and add the following towards the end of the file :
        <file path="linker.cmd" openOnCreation="false" excludeFromBuild="false" action="copy">
    • Open example.syscfg of this project and remove all the instances added under the Memory Configurator Section.
    • Build the example.