AM243x MCU+ SDK  10.01.00
adcStepConfig_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Structure containing parameters for ADC step configuration.

Data Fields

uint32_t mode
uint32_t channel
uint32_t openDelay
uint32_t sampleDelay
uint32_t rangeCheckEnable
uint32_t averaging
uint32_t fifoNum

Field Documentation

◆ mode

uint32_t adcStepConfig_t::mode

Mode of operation. Refer enum adcOperationMode_t.

◆ channel

uint32_t adcStepConfig_t::channel

Channel number from which input is given. Refer enum adcChannel_t.

◆ openDelay

uint32_t adcStepConfig_t::openDelay

Delay between driving the inputs and the time to send the start of conversion signal. It is number of clock cycles of ADC clock and can take values from 0 to ADC_OPENDELAY_MAX.

◆ sampleDelay

uint32_t adcStepConfig_t::sampleDelay

Sampling time/width of the start of conversion signal. It is number of clock cycles of ADC clock and can take values from 1 to ADC_SAMPLEDELAY_MAX.

◆ rangeCheckEnable

uint32_t adcStepConfig_t::rangeCheckEnable

Option to enable range check. Enabled if it is TRUE Disabled if it is FALSE.

◆ averaging

uint32_t adcStepConfig_t::averaging

Option for averaging the sampled data. Refer enum adcAveraging_t.

◆ fifoNum

uint32_t adcStepConfig_t::fifoNum

FIFO to be used to store the data. Refer enum adcFIFONum_t.