1. Installing the Compiler¶
The typical use model for the compiler is to invoke it from within EdgeAI Studio Model Composer. The following steps are required only if the compiler is used directly from the command-line.
1.1. Installing¶
TI Neural Network Compiler for MCUs is distributed as a prebuilt Python package in wheel format for either Linux or Windows. Using a Python 3.10 virtual environment is recommended. Please make sure the Python virtual environment path does not contain spaces. Install the package using the standard Python wheel installation mechanism. For example:
pip3 install https://software-dl.ti.com/mctools/esd/tvm/mcu/ti_mcu_nnc-1.3.0-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whlWindows
pip3 install https://software-dl.ti.com/mctools/esd/tvm/mcu/ti_mcu_nnc-1.3.0-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
1.2. Verifying Install¶
After installation, verify that the compiler is available as follows:
pip3 show ti_mcu_nnc which tvmc python3 -c "import tvm; print(tvm.__file__)" ls `python3 -c "import tvm; print(tvm.__path__[0])"`/ti_docs/index.htmlWindows Git BASH
pip3 show ti_mcu_nnc which tvmc python -c "import tvm; print(tvm.__file__)" ls `python -c "import tvm; print(tvm.__path__[0])"`/ti_docs/index.htmlWindows PowerShell
pip3 show ti_mcu_nnc get-command tvmc python -c "import tvm; print(tvm.__file__)"
A local copy of the user guide is also available in the installation, inside the ti_docs
1.3. Tested Platforms¶
Ubuntu 22.04, Python 3.10
Windows 10, Python 3.10