BLE-Stack APIs  3.00.01
Data Fields
PDMCC26XX_Params Struct Reference

PDMCC26XX Parameters are used to with the PDMCC26XX_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using PDMCC26XX_Params_init(). More...

Data Fields

bool applyCompression
PDMCC26XX_CallbackFxn callbackFxn
uintptr_t custom
int32_t * decimationFilter
PDMCC26XX_FreeFxn freeFxn
PDMCC26XX_MallocFxn mallocFxn
PDMCC26XX_Gain micGain
bool micPowerActiveHigh
uint8_t pdmBufferQueueDepth
uint16_t retBufSizeInBytes
uint32_t startupDelayWithClockInSamples
bool useDefaultFilter

Detailed Description

PDMCC26XX Parameters are used to with the PDMCC26XX_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using PDMCC26XX_Params_init().

See also

Field Documentation

§ applyCompression

bool applyCompression

Set to TRUE to apply compression. Setting it to FALSE allows user to apply own compression scheme.

§ callbackFxn

PDMCC26XX_CallbackFxn callbackFxn

Callback function pointer

§ custom

uintptr_t custom

Custom argument used by driver implementation

§ decimationFilter

int32_t* decimationFilter

Filter that is applied if PDMCC26XX_Params::useDefaultFilter is set to FALSE

§ freeFxn

Free function pointer

§ mallocFxn

Malloc function pointer

§ micGain

PDMCC26XX_Gain micGain

Microphone gain

§ micPowerActiveHigh

bool micPowerActiveHigh

Set to TRUE if setting the GPIO high powers the microphone

§ retBufSizeInBytes

uint16_t retBufSizeInBytes

PDM buffer queue depth in number of blocks. We assume that we will be able to consume approximately one buffer per 2ms. This allows us to use the minium number of blocks (3) for the PDMCC26XX driver. If the application can not service the PDM task within the 2ms time window, increase this value to permit more latency in processing incoming PDM data at the cost of increased RAM useage.Size of returned buffers. It is not reccomended to make this value less than 64, the driver will not crash, but the equence numbers may become unaligned with the data in the buffer.

§ startupDelayWithClockInSamples

uint32_t startupDelayWithClockInSamples

Some digital microphones have a startup delay. Set the number of samples to discard after powering the microphone starting to clock in data.

§ useDefaultFilter

bool useDefaultFilter

Set to TRUE to apply default filter. Set to FALSE to apply PDMCC26XX_Params::decimationFilter.

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