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PDMCC26XX.h File Reference

Detailed Description

PDM driver implementation for a CC26XX PDM controller.


The PDM header file should be included in an application as follows:


This driver is written to be able to perform continuous audio streaming of PDM data from a microphone. It also controls one DIO to be able to turn on power to the microphone.

This PDM driver performs two operations that requires processing

This driver is configured to process 256 bytes of PDM data provided by the I2S hardware module at a time, sampled at 1.024 Mbps. The PDM driver consequently receives such a buffer approximately every 2ms. A frame of PDMCC26XX_Params.retBufSizeInBytes PCM data bytes minus four metadata bytes is provided to the application after being filled by all or part of one or more 64 byte buffers of PCM data derived from the 256 bytes of PDM data. The resulting PCM frame provided to the application is a 16bit PCM signal sampled at 16kHz.

The driver creates a separate task to run in.

The application must allow for the PDM driver task to run often enough to process the data received from I2S driver approximately every 2ms.

The driver currently only samples on a single edge of the I2S clock.

General Behaviour

Before using PDM on CC26XX:

While using PDM on CC26XX:

After PDM operation has ended:

Error Handling

The application is notified of errors via the registered callback function.

Heap Full

If the application fails to consume PCM buffers fast enough and the heap is full when driver tries to allocate a new buffer, the driver will drop all new incoming data until a buffer can be allocated to store it. Data is dropped one PCM data buffer at a time , even though it is streamed into the device and copied into the buffer in smaller chunks. This is done to keep the data expected in any buffer in sync with the sequence number of the buffer that keeps incrementing even when the buffer is dopped. The application may keep track of lost frames by comparing sequence numbers.

Hence, the PDM stream will never have a buffer overflow, but if the memory available in the heap is too low it may lose frames because because there is nowhere to put the incoming

If the heap frees up again and the PDM task runs, it will automatically resume normal operation again. The only application-observable difference is the incremented version number.

PDM Task Not Serviced In Time

The application must permit the PDM task to run often enough that it can process a PDM buffer every 2ms on average. If the application requires a larger contiguous segment of processing time, the I2S hwi may run out of empty buffers to fill with new PDM data. When the I2S driver runs out of empty PDM buffers it will pop a buffer from the full buffer queue and overwrite its old data. The I2S driver notifies the PDM driver that it has dropped a PDM buffer. Once it runs again, the PDM driver will drop enough additional PCM samples such that the sequence numbers of the PCM buffers remain aligned with the data in the audio stream. The latency between when the PDM task was last serviced and when it must be serviced again to avoid losing data is specified by ::PDMCC26XX_Params::pdmBufferQueueDepth. This permitted latency increases by 2ms for each increment of pdmBufferQueueDepth.

PDMCC26XX_open Failing

PDMCC26XX_open() returns NULL and rolls back all prior parts of the initialisation if any part of the initialisation fails. The following can cause PDMCC26XX_open() to fail:

PDMCC26XX_startStream Failing

PDMCC26XX_startStream() returns false if it fails. The following can cause PDMCC26XX_startStream() to fail:

PDMCC26XX_stopStream Failing

PDMCC26XX_stopStream() returns false if it fails. The following can cause PDMCC26XX_stopStream() to fail:

Power Management

The PDMCC26XX driver sets a power constraint while streaming to keep the device out of standby. When the stream has ended, the power constraint is released.

The following statements are valid:

Supported Functions

API function Description
PDMCC26XX_init() Initialize PDM driver
PDMCC26XX_open() Set system dependencies, configure pins
PDMCC26XX_startStream() Turn on mic, start stream and prevent standby
PDMCC26XX_stopStream() Stop stream and release standby hold, turn off mic
PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer() Request a buffer from the driver
PDMCC26XX_close() Disable HW and release system dependencies

Standard Use Case

The standard use case involves calling PDMCC26XX_open() once and calling PDMCC26XX_startStream() and PDMCC26XX_stopStream() to start and stop the stream as needed. PDMCC26XX_close() is called when the PDM driver will no longer be needed again. In order for the PDM driver task to run, the application pends on a semaphore that is posted in the PDMCC26XX_Params::callbackFxn. In this example, the application requests 128 buffers. In a real application, the process of pending on a semaphore, requesting a buffer, and freeing it would be repeated as often as required by the use case before stopping the stream.

void bufRdy_callback(PDMCC26XX_Handle handle, PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification *pStreamNotification)
PDMCC26XX_Status streamStatus = pStreamNotification->status;
else {
// Handle the error
static void applicationTask(UArg a0, UArg a1){
Semaphore_Params semParams;
PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest bufferRequest;
PDMCC26XX_Params pdmParams;
const uint16_t returnBufferSize = 64;
const uint8_t numberOfPcmBuffersToRequest = 128;
// Initialize semaphore
semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY;
Semaphore_construct(&bufferReadySemaphore, 0, &semParams);
// Set up parameters for PDM streaming with compression
pdmParams.callbackFxn = bufRdy_callback;
pdmParams.micPowerActiveHigh = true;
pdmParams.applyCompression = true;
pdmParams.retBufSizeInBytes = returnBufferSize;
pdmParams.mallocFxn = &malloc;
pdmParams.freeFxn = &free;
// Try to open the PDM driver
if(pdmHandle = PDMCC26XX_open(&pdmParams) == NULL){
// Handle PDMCC26XX_open() failing
// Try to start streaming
uint8_t pcmBuffersRequestedSoFar;
// Request numberOfPcmBuffersToRequest buffers and then stop the stream
for (pcmBuffersRequestedSoFar = 0; pcmBuffersRequestedSoFar < numberOfPcmBuffersToRequest; pcmBuffersRequestedSoFar++){
// Pend on the semaphore until a buffer is available from the PDM driver
Semaphore_pend(Semaphore_handle(&bufferReadySemaphore), BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER);
// Now request a buffer as it was indicated that one is available
PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer(pdmHandle, &bufferRequest);
// Process bufferRequest
// Free the buffer
my_free(bufferRequest.buffer, returnBufferSize);
// Try to stop the stream
// Handle PDMCC26XX_stopStream() failing
// Handle PDMCC26XX_startStream() failing


The PDM driver interface produces log statements if instrumentation is enabled.

Instrumentation Description
Diags_USER1 Logs the start and end of each API call of the PDM driver and progress through events
Diags_USER2 Logs occurances in the I2S sub-module of the PDM driver
Warnings Logs unexpected events such as initialisations or memory allocations failing

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest
 A PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer(). More...
struct  PDMCC26XX_Config
 The PDMCC26XX_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the PDMCC26XX driver implementation. More...
struct  PDMCC26XX_HWAttrs
 PDMCC26XX Hardware attributes. More...
struct  PDMCC26XX_metaData
 Metadata associated with an array of PCM data. More...
struct  PDMCC26XX_Object
 PDMCC26XX Object. More...
struct  PDMCC26XX_Params
 PDMCC26XX Parameters are used to with the PDMCC26XX_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using PDMCC26XX_Params_init(). More...
struct  PDMCC26XX_pcmBuffer
 PCM buffer pointed to in a PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest. More...
struct  PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification
 A PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_CallbackFxn(). Provides notification about available buffers and potential errors. More...


#define PCM_METADATA_SIZE   sizeof(PDMCC26XX_metaData)
#define PCM_SAMPLE_SIZE   16
#define PDM_TASK_STACK_SIZE   550
#define ti_sysbios_family_arm_m3_Hwi__nolocalnames


typedef struct PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest
 A PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer(). More...
typedef void(* PDMCC26XX_CallbackFxn) (PDMCC26XX_Handle handle, PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification *streamNotification)
 The definition of a callback function used when buffers are ready. More...
typedef struct PDMCC26XX_Config PDMCC26XX_Config
 The PDMCC26XX_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the PDMCC26XX driver implementation.
typedef void(* PDMCC26XX_FreeFxn) (void *ptr, size_t memSize)
 PDMCC26XX_FreeFxn is a function pointer for the free function to be used by the driver. This is needed for memory clean up, if something goes wrong.
typedef enum PDMCC26XX_Gain PDMCC26XX_Gain
 Predefined gain settings. More...
typedef struct PDMCC26XX_ConfigPDMCC26XX_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a PDMCC26XX_open() call.
typedef struct PDMCC26XX_HWAttrs PDMCC26XX_HWAttrs
 PDMCC26XX Hardware attributes. More...
typedef void *(* PDMCC26XX_MallocFxn) (size_t memSize)
 PDMCC26XX_MallocFxn is a function pointer for the malloc function to be used by the driver.
typedef struct PDMCC26XX_Object PDMCC26XX_Object
 PDMCC26XX Object. More...
typedef struct PDMCC26XX_Params PDMCC26XX_Params
 PDMCC26XX Parameters are used to with the PDMCC26XX_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using PDMCC26XX_Params_init(). More...
typedef enum PDMCC26XX_Status PDMCC26XX_Status
 Status codes that are set by the PDM driver.
typedef struct PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification
 A PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_CallbackFxn(). Provides notification about available buffers and potential errors.


enum  PDMCC26XX_Gain {
 Predefined gain settings. More...
enum  PDMCC26XX_Status {
 Status codes that are set by the PDM driver. More...


void PDMCC26XX_close (PDMCC26XX_Handle handle)
 Function to close a given CC26XX PDM peripheral specified by the PDM handle. More...
void PDMCC26XX_init (PDMCC26XX_Handle handle)
 PDM CC26XX initialization.
PDMCC26XX_Handle PDMCC26XX_open (PDMCC26XX_Params *params)
 Function to initialize the CC26XX PDM peripheral specified by the particular handle. The parameter specifies which mode the PDM will operate. More...
void PDMCC26XX_Params_init (PDMCC26XX_Params *params)
bool PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer (PDMCC26XX_Handle handle, PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest *bufferRequest)
 Function for requesting buffer. More...
bool PDMCC26XX_startStream (PDMCC26XX_Handle handle)
 Function to start streaming PDM data. More...
bool PDMCC26XX_stopStream (PDMCC26XX_Handle handle)
 Function to stop streaming PDM data. More...


const PDMCC26XX_Config PDMCC26XX_config []

Macro Definition Documentation



Minimum number of PDM buffers required by the driver to safely use the I2S module



Compression rate if compression is enabled


#define PCM_METADATA_SIZE   sizeof(PDMCC26XX_metaData)

PCM data metadata size. When a buffer is requested there will be metadata prepended. In other words the pointer returned points to the metadata header. Depending on the mode, this contains different information. The first byte is always an 8-bit sequence number.


#define PCM_SAMPLE_SIZE   16

Uncompressed PCM sample size in bits

Internal use only since only 16 bits are supported


#define PDM_TASK_STACK_SIZE   550

Defines TI-RTOS stack size allocation. It is a conservative estimate. Change this to save a few bytes of RAM on stack allocation. The stack usage is independent of the PCM return buffer size specified by the application. When using logging, increase this value. This value is also dependent on the malloc and free function implementations provided by the application as both are called from PDM task context.

§ ti_sysbios_family_arm_m3_Hwi__nolocalnames

#define ti_sysbios_family_arm_m3_Hwi__nolocalnames

The following allows this header file to be included in an application file which also includes ti/sysbios/hal/Hwi.h.

Typedef Documentation

§ PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest

A PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer().

buffer is a pointer to the requested buffer. It is NULL if no buffer is available. Each buffer contains a metadata header of size PCM_METADATA_SIZE. The first byte of the metadata is always an 8 bit sequence number. The other bytes depends on mode.

Mode Interpretation of bufferIn being NULL after returning
Blocking mode Request timed out and still no buffer available
Non-Blocking mode No buffer available

§ PDMCC26XX_CallbackFxn

typedef void(* PDMCC26XX_CallbackFxn) (PDMCC26XX_Handle handle, PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification *streamNotification)

The definition of a callback function used when buffers are ready.


§ PDMCC26XX_Gain

Predefined gain settings.

Gain is controlled by modifying the first coefficient of the PDM filter. Use these defines to get correct gain setting. All these values are in dB. Default filter will add 12dB gain. In fact this is not an amplification, this setting uses all the information in the PDM samples, so if use case allows it this will have the least compromised range. PDM2PCM algotrithm returns false if any of the samples decimated goes above 2^16 - 1, i.e. the sample clipped during decimation. This information can be used for automatic gain control.


PDMCC26XX Hardware attributes.

These fields are used by the PDM driver

§ PDMCC26XX_Object

PDMCC26XX Object.

The application must not access any member variables of this structure!

§ PDMCC26XX_Params

PDMCC26XX Parameters are used to with the PDMCC26XX_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using PDMCC26XX_Params_init().

See also

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ PDMCC26XX_Gain

Predefined gain settings.

Gain is controlled by modifying the first coefficient of the PDM filter. Use these defines to get correct gain setting. All these values are in dB. Default filter will add 12dB gain. In fact this is not an amplification, this setting uses all the information in the PDM samples, so if use case allows it this will have the least compromised range. PDM2PCM algotrithm returns false if any of the samples decimated goes above 2^16 - 1, i.e. the sample clipped during decimation. This information can be used for automatic gain control.


24dB gain


18dB gain


12dB gain. Default


6dB gain


0dB gain


Internal use only

§ PDMCC26XX_Status

Status codes that are set by the PDM driver.


Idle mode. Stream not started


Buffer ready


Buffer ready, but the I2S module has had to drop data .


The I2S module encountered a hardware error. Likely because the target address for the I2S DMA was NULL


A stop was requested and this is the last buffer to be produced.




Buffer ready

Function Documentation

§ PDMCC26XX_close()

void PDMCC26XX_close ( PDMCC26XX_Handle  handle)

Function to close a given CC26XX PDM peripheral specified by the PDM handle.

Posts an event that shuts down the I2S hardware, frees all memory used by the driver on the heap, releases the pins back to the PIN driver, and releases the dependency on the corresponding power domain.

PDMCC26XX_open() has to be called first.
The PDM task must be allowed to run to synchronously shut down the driver
handleA PDMCC26XX_Handle returned from PDMCC26XX_open()
See also

§ PDMCC26XX_open()

PDMCC26XX_Handle PDMCC26XX_open ( PDMCC26XX_Params params)

Function to initialize the CC26XX PDM peripheral specified by the particular handle. The parameter specifies which mode the PDM will operate.

The function will set a dependency on the PDM module, which in turn powers up the module and enables the clock. IOs are also allocated, however the PDM driver will not begin streaming audio until PDMCC26XX_startStream() is called.

PDM controller has been initialized
paramsPointer to a parameter block. Will use default parameters if NULL
A PDMCC26XX_Handle on success or a NULL on an error or if it has been already opened
See also

§ PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer()

bool PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer ( PDMCC26XX_Handle  handle,
PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest bufferRequest 

Function for requesting buffer.

PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer returns immediately even if no buffer is available. The caller is notified through events each time a buffer is available. However, more than one buffer may be available. Hence, the caller should request even without notification if the caller is ready to process.

PDMCC26XX_open() and PDMCC26XX_startStream() has to be called first.
handleA PDM handle returned from PDMCC26XX_open()
*bufferRequestPointer to PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest struct
True if request is successful and false if not
See also
PDMCC26XX_open(), PDMCC26XX_startStream()

§ PDMCC26XX_startStream()

bool PDMCC26XX_startStream ( PDMCC26XX_Handle  handle)

Function to start streaming PDM data.

Posts an event that tells the I2S hardware to start streaming and the PDM task to start processing incoming data.

PDMCC26XX_open() has to be called first.
The PDM task must be allowed to run (by e.g. pending on a semaphore in the application task) to process incoming PDM data from the I2S module.
handleA PDM handle returned from PDMCC26XX_open()
true if transfer is successful and false if not
See also
PDMCC26XX_open(), PDMCC26XX_stopStream()

§ PDMCC26XX_stopStream()

bool PDMCC26XX_stopStream ( PDMCC26XX_Handle  handle)

Function to stop streaming PDM data.

Blocks while the I2S module shuts down gracefully. Subsequently posts an event to let the PDM task process any remaining data.

PDMCC26XX_startStream() has to be called first.
handleA PDM handle returned from PDMCC26XX_open()
True if stream stopped successfully and false if not
Process all available PCM buffers by calling PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer() until it returns false. Otherwise, the available PCM buffers will take up space on the heap until PDMCC26XX_close() or PDMCC26XX_startStream() are called.
See also
PDMCC26XX_open(), PDMCC26XX_startStream()

Variable Documentation

§ PDMCC26XX_config

const PDMCC26XX_Config PDMCC26XX_config[]

PDMCC26XX_Config struct defined in the board file

Copyright 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated