CC26xx Driver Library
watchdog.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../inc/hw_types.h"
#include "../inc/hw_ints.h"
#include "../inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "../inc/hw_wdt.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "interrupt.h"


#define WATCHDOG_LOCK_UNLOCKED   0x00000000
#define WATCHDOG_LOCK_LOCKED   0x00000001
#define WATCHDOG_INT_TIMEOUT   0x00000001
#define WATCHDOG_INT_TYPE_INT   0x00000000
#define WATCHDOG_INT_TYPE_NMI   0x00000004


static bool WatchdogRunning (void)
 Determines if the watchdog timer is enabled. More...
static void WatchdogEnable (void)
 Enables the watchdog timer. More...
static void WatchdogResetEnable (void)
 Enables the watchdog timer reset. More...
static void WatchdogResetDisable (void)
 Disables the watchdog timer reset. More...
static void WatchdogLock (void)
 Enables the watchdog timer lock mechanism. More...
static void WatchdogUnlock (void)
 Disables the watchdog timer lock mechanism. More...
static bool WatchdogLockState (void)
 Gets the state of the watchdog timer lock mechanism. More...
static void WatchdogReloadSet (uint32_t ui32LoadVal)
 Sets the watchdog timer reload value. More...
static uint32_t WatchdogReloadGet (void)
 Gets the watchdog timer reload value. More...
static uint32_t WatchdogValueGet (void)
 Gets the current watchdog timer value. More...
static void WatchdogIntRegister (void(*pfnHandler)(void))
 Registers an interrupt handler for the watchdog timer interrupt. More...
static void WatchdogIntUnregister (void)
 Unregisters an interrupt handler for the watchdog timer interrupt. More...
static void WatchdogIntEnable (void)
 Enables the watchdog timer. More...
static uint32_t WatchdogIntStatus (void)
 Gets the current watchdog timer interrupt status. More...
static void WatchdogIntClear (void)
 Clears the watchdog timer interrupt. More...
static void WatchdogIntTypeSet (uint32_t ui32Type)
 Sets the type of interrupt generated by the watchdog. More...
static void WatchdogStallEnable (void)
 Enables stalling of the watchdog timer during debug events. More...
static void WatchdogStallDisable (void)
 Disables stalling of the watchdog timer during debug events. More...