CC13xx Driver Library
uart.c File Reference
#include "uart.h"


void UARTFIFOLevelGet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t *pui32TxLevel, uint32_t *pui32RxLevel)
 Gets the FIFO level at which interrupts are generated. More...
void UARTConfigSetExpClk (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32UARTClk, uint32_t ui32Baud, uint32_t ui32Config)
 Sets the configuration of a UART. More...
void UARTConfigGetExpClk (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32UARTClk, uint32_t *pui32Baud, uint32_t *pui32Config)
 Gets the current configuration of a UART. More...
void UARTDisable (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Disables transmitting and receiving. More...
int32_t UARTCharGetNonBlocking (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Receives a character from the specified port. More...
int32_t UARTCharGet (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Waits for a character from the specified port. More...
bool UARTCharPutNonBlocking (uint32_t ui32Base, uint8_t ui8Data)
 Sends a character to the specified port. More...
void UARTCharPut (uint32_t ui32Base, uint8_t ui8Data)
 Waits to send a character from the specified port. More...
void UARTIntRegister (uint32_t ui32Base, void(*pfnHandler)(void))
 Registers an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt. More...
void UARTIntUnregister (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Unregisters an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt. More...