CC13xx Driver Library
interrupt.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../inc/hw_ints.h"
#include "../inc/hw_types.h"
#include "../inc/hw_nvic.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "cpu.h"


#define INT_PRIORITY_MASK   0x000000E0
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL0   0x00000000
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL1   0x00000020
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL2   0x00000040
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL3   0x00000060
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL4   0x00000080
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL5   0x000000A0
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL6   0x000000C0
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL7   0x000000E0


static bool IntMasterEnable (void)
 Enables the processor interrupt. More...
static bool IntMasterDisable (void)
 Disables the processor interrupt. More...
void IntRegister (uint32_t ui32Interrupt, void(*pfnHandler)(void))
 Registers a function to be called when an interrupt occurs. More...
void IntUnregister (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Unregisters the function to be called when an interrupt occurs. More...
void IntPriorityGroupingSet (uint32_t ui32Bits)
 Sets the priority grouping of the interrupt controller. More...
uint32_t IntPriorityGroupingGet (void)
 Gets the priority grouping of the interrupt controller. More...
void IntPrioritySet (uint32_t ui32Interrupt, uint8_t ui8Priority)
 Sets the priority of an interrupt. More...
int32_t IntPriorityGet (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Gets the priority of an interrupt. More...
void IntEnable (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Enables an interrupt. More...
void IntDisable (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Disables an interrupt. More...
void IntPendSet (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Pends an interrupt. More...
bool IntPendGet (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Query whether an interrupt is pending. More...
void IntPendClear (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Unpends an interrupt. More...
static void IntPriorityMaskSet (uint32_t ui32PriorityMask)
 Sets the priority masking level. More...
static uint32_t IntPriorityMaskGet (void)
 Gets the priority masking level. More...