Signal Observation


Observation of AUX domain event bus signal on GPIO pin

This resource allows for one signal on the AUX event bus to be routed to a GPIO output pin.

This is mainly intended for debugging purposes, but can also be used for application purposes.

Multiplexing is done in two stages:

  • First, select the event signal to observe
  • Then connect the observation signal to a GPIO output pin

It is possible to connect the observation signal to multiple GPIO output pins.

The observation signal must be disconnected manually from any connected GPIO output pins after use .



// Connect the COMPA output to a GPIO pin


// Disconnect any observation signal from the GPIO pin

Procedures Overview

Name Brief description
obsConnectSignalToGpio() Connects the signal selected by obsSelectSignal() to the specified AUX I/O pin. More …
obsDisconnectSignalFromGpio() Disables signal observation on the specified AUX I/O pin. More …
obsSelectSignal() Selects the signal to be observed. More …


Name Description
OBS_AON_BATMON_BAT_UPD High for two SCLK_MF clock periods when there is an update of AON_BATMON:BAT
OBS_AON_BATMON_TEMP_UPD High for two SCLK_MF clock periods when there is an update of AON_BATMON:TEMP
OBS_AON_RTC_4KHZ 4 kHz signal (4096 Hz) generated by RTC, used to trigger Sensor Controller wake-up
OBS_AON_RTC_CH2 Sensor Controller wake-up signal from RTC compare channel 2
OBS_AON_RTC_CH2_DLY Sensor Controller wake-up signal from RTC compare channel 2, delayed version
OBS_AUX_ADC_DONE Pulsed each time an ADC measurement is done
OBS_AUX_ADC_FIFO_ALMOST_FULL High while the ADC FIFO contains 3 or more samples
OBS_AUX_ADC_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY High while the ADC FIFO contains 1 or more samples
OBS_AUX_COMPA Comparator A output
OBS_AUX_COMPB Comparator B output
OBS_AUX_DAC_HOLD_ACTIVE The signal waited for by refdacWaitForStableOutput()
OBS_AUX_ISRC_RESET_N Low while the ISRC output is clamped to ground
OBS_AUX_TDC_DONE Low while a TDC measurement is in progress, high after a TDC measurement is done
OBS_AUX_TIMER0_EV Timer 0 event output
OBS_AUX_TIMER1_EV Timer 1 event output
OBS_AUX_TIMER2_CLKSW_RDY Low while switching Timer 2 clock source
OBS_AUX_TIMER2_EV0 Timer 2 event 0 output
OBS_AUX_TIMER2_EV1 Timer 2 event 1 output
OBS_AUX_TIMER2_EV2 Timer 2 event 2 output
OBS_AUX_TIMER2_EV3 Timer 2 event 3 output
OBS_AUX_TIMER2_PULSE Timer 2 narrow pulse output
OBS_MANUAL_EV Manually controlled event signal, used to trigger TDC, Timer 2 capture etc.
OBS_MCU_EV The event signal selected by EVENT:AUXSEL0
OBS_PWR_DWN Low while any part of the system (MCU domain, AUX domain and/or JTAG) is in active mode, or VDDR recharge is in progress
OBS_SCLK_LF The SCLK_LF clock (32 kHz)
OBS_SYS_ACTIVE High while any part of the system (MCU domain, AUX domain and/or JTAG) is in active mode
OBS_VDDR_RECHARGE High while the system recharges VDDR

Global Variables




Prototype: obsConnectSignalToGpio(#auxio)

Connects the signal selected by obsSelectSignal() to the specified AUX I/O pin.

Parameter value(s)

  • #auxio : GPIO output to be connected to the observed signal (index of AUX I/O pin)


Prototype: obsDisconnectSignalFromGpio(#auxio)

Disables signal observation on the specified AUX I/O pin.

Parameter value(s)

  • #auxio : GPIO output to be disconnected (index of AUX I/O pin)


Prototype: obsSelectSignal(signal)

Selects the signal to be observed. Only one signal can be observed at any time.

Parameter value(s)

  • signal : Signal to be observed (OBS_XYZ)