Delay Insertion


Insert timer delays or wait for events in task code

The following types of delays are supported:

  • fwDelayUs() : Waits for at least the specfied number of microseconds
    • CC13x0/CC26x0 uses AUX Timer 0 to wait for up to 100 milliseconds.
    • CC13x2/CC26x2 and CC13x4/CC26x4 use the microsecond delay timer to wait for up to 65535 microseconds.
  • fwDelayInstrCycles() : Waits for exactly the specified number of instruction cycles (1/12 microseconds each), up to 255 instruction cycles.
  • fwWaitForEvSignal() : Waits forever for an event signal to equal the specified level
  • fwWaitForEvSignalOrExitFlag() : Waits for an event signal to equal the specified level, or for the application to set an exit flag variable (that is, any data structure member) to the specified value
    • Note that this procedure runs code continuously, and therefore uses more current than the other wait/delay procedures
    • After the specified event level occurs there is a random delay of between 1 and 4 instructions
  • fwWaitForTwoEvSignals() : Waits for one or both of two event signals to equal the specified levels
  • fwWaitForEvSignalUs() : Waits for an event signal to equal the specified level, or until the specified number of microseconds have elapsed

Note that an extra delay (approximately 3 clock cycles at 48 MHz) is introduced when the System CPU switches between HF RCOSC and HF XOSC. This typically happens before and after the radio is used.

  • For AUX domain hardware that runs at 24 MHz, this will cause a permanent delay
  • For AUX domain hardware that runs at 2 MHz or 32 kHz, this will sometimes cause temporary jitter


Microsecond Delay

// Power up the sensor and wait 850 microseconds for it to get ready

// Sample the sensor and store the ADC value

Instruction Cycle Delay

// Generate a 2 microsecond pulse (gpioSetOutput() and gpioClearOutput() take one instruction cycle each)

Procedures Overview

Name Brief description
fwDelayInstrCycles() Delays execution of the next line by the specified number of instruction cycles (1/12 microseconds each). More …
fwDelayUs() Delays execution of the next line by the specified number of microseconds. More …
fwWaitForEvSignal() Waits for an event signal to equal the specified level. More …
fwWaitForEvSignalOrExitFlag() Waits for an event signal to equal the specified level, or for the specified exit flag variable (that is, any data structure member) to equal the specified value. More …
fwWaitForEvSignalUs() Waits for an event signal to equal the specified level, or until the specified number of microseconds have elapsed. More …
fwWaitForTwoEvSignals() Waits for both or any one of two event signals to equal the specified levels. More …


Name Description
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_ADC_DONE Pulsed each time an ADC measurement is done
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_ADC_FIFO_ALMOST_FULL High while the ADC FIFO contains 3 or more samples
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_ADC_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY High while the ADC FIFO contains 1 or more samples
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_AON_BATMON_BAT_UPD High for two SCLK_MF clock periods when there is an update of AON_BATMON:BAT
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_AON_BATMON_TEMP_UPD High for two SCLK_MF clock periods when there is an update of AON_BATMON:TEMP
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_MCU_EV The event signal selected by EVENT:AUXSEL0
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_PWR_DWN Low while any part of the system (MCU domain, AUX domain and/or JTAG) is in active mode, or VDDR recharge is in progress
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_SYS_ACTIVE High while any part of the system (MCU domain, AUX domain and/or JTAG) is in active mode
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_TDC_DONE Low while a TDC measurement is in progress, high after a TDC measurement is done
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_TIMER0_EV Timer 0 event output
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_TIMER1_EV Timer 1 event output
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_TIMER2_EV0 Timer 2 event 0 output
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_TIMER2_EV1 Timer 2 event 1 output
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_TIMER2_EV2 Timer 2 event 2 output
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_TIMER2_EV3 Timer 2 event 3 output
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_TIMER2_PULSE Timer 2 narrow pulse output
FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_VDDR_RECHARGE High while the system recharges VDDR

Global Variables




Prototype: fwDelayInstrCycles(delay)

Delays execution of the next line by the specified number of instruction cycles (1/12 microseconds each). The delay must be in the range 1 to 255 instruction cycles.

If the specified delay is a constant, the resulting delay is exactly the specified number of instruction cycles.

If the specified delay is a variable, there is an overhead of 1 or 2 instruction cycles + RAM load instructions, if any.

Note that the delay is implemented using busy waiting, and will therefore consume more power than for example fwDelayUs() .

Parameter value(s)

  • delay : Delay in number of instruction cycles (1 to 255)


Prototype: fwDelayUs(delay)

Delays execution of the next line by the specified number of microseconds.

To avoid busy waiting, the delay is implemented using the microsecond delay timer.

The delay is independent of power modes (active and low-power) and switching between power modes.

Parameter value(s)

  • delay : Delay value in microseconds (1-65534)


Prototype: fwWaitForEvSignal(signal, #level)

Waits for an event signal to equal the specified level.

Parameter value(s)

  • signal : The event signal to wait for (FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_XYZ)
  • #level : Event signal level to wait for


Prototype: fwWaitForEvSignalOrExitFlag(signal, #level, exitFlagVar, #exitValue)

Waits for an event signal to equal the specified level, or for the specified exit flag variable (that is, any data structure member) to equal the specified value.

This allows the System CPU application to abort Sensor Controller wait conditions, for example to stop a continuously running Sensor Controller task.

Note that this procedure runs code continuously, and therefore uses more current than for example fwWaitForEvSignal() .

After the specified event level occurs there is a random delay of between 1 and 4 instructions.

Parameter value(s)

  • signal : The event signal to wait for (FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_XYZ)
  • #level : Event signal level to wait for
  • exitFlagVar : Address of the exit flag variable (use the # operator to get the address)
  • #exitValue : Exit flag variable value that triggers exit


Prototype: fwWaitForEvSignalUs(signal, #level, timeout)

Waits for an event signal to equal the specified level, or until the specified number of microseconds have elapsed.

Parameter value(s)

  • signal : The event signal to wait for (FW_WEV_SIGNAL_XYZ)
  • #level : Event signal level to wait for
  • timeout : Timeout value in microseconds (2-65535)


Prototype: fwWaitForTwoEvSignals(#waitForBoth, signalA, #levelA, signalB, #levelB)

Waits for both or any one of two event signals to equal the specified levels.

Parameter value(s)

  • #waitForBoth : 1 to wait for both event signals to equal the specified levels, 0 to wait for any one event signal to equal its specified level
  • signalA : Event signal A to wait for (FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_XYZ)
  • #levelA : Event signal A level to wait for
  • signalB : Event signal B to wait for (FW_WAIT_SIGNAL_XYZ)
  • #levelB : Event signal B level to wait for