Timer 1


Execution timing and event counting, for use within task iterations

This resource provides access to AUX Timer 1 for use within task code blocks.

AUX Timer 1 is an 8-bit timer with a 2^N prescaler, where N is between 0 and 15.

The timer can either increment on each clock cycle, or on each edge of a selected tick source.

The timer counts up to the specified delay value, pulses an event output signal, and either stops or restarts from 0. The event signal can either be waited for in task code, or it can be used as a trigger signal, for example for the ADC.

The following operations are supported:

  • Start the timer in single or periodical event mode
    • Without tick source: The timer increments at the Sensor Controller clock rate used in the current power mode
    • With tick source: The timer increments at the selected edge of the selected tick source event signal
  • Wait for the timer event
  • Check whether the timer is running (the single event has not yet occurred)
  • Stop the timer

The timer must be stopped before exiting the task code block where it has been used.

Note: This resource uses the AUX Timer 1 hardware module. The following procedures cannot be called while AUX Timer 1 is in use by this resource (started by timer1Start() , stopped by timeout in single mode or by timer1Stop() ):

  • evhSetupTimer1Trigger()
  • rtcmecCheckCaptEv()
  • rtcmecClearCapt()
  • rtcmecInit()
  • rtcmecSetPeriod()


Single Event

// Generate timer event after 100 us
timer1Start(TIMER1_MODE_SINGLE, 150, 4);

// Wait for the timeout

Periodical Events

// Generate timer events at every 100 us
timer1Start(TIMER1_MODE_PERIODICAL, 150, 4);

// Generate one pulse right away

// Generate another 3 pulses
for (U16 n = 0; n < 3; n++) {

    // Wait for timer event before generating each pulse

// Stop the timer


// Start an 4.8 ms timeout
timer1Start(TIMER1_MODE_SINGLE, 225, 9);

// Wait for sensor interrupt or timeout, whichever comes first
U16 interrupt;
do {

    // Check whether the timeout has occured
    U16 timer1IsRunning;
    U16 timeout = timer1IsRunning ^ 0x0001;

    // Check whether the interrupt has occurred
    gpioGetInputValue(AUXIO_I_INTERRUPT; interrupt);

    U16 done = interrupt | timeout;
} while (done == 0);

// Stop the timer

Procedures Overview

Name Brief description
timer1CheckState() Checks whether AUX Timer 1 is currently running. More …
timer1Start() Sets up AUX Timer 1 to generate events, either one-shot after the specified delay or repeatedly at the specified interval. More …
timer1StartWithTickSrc() Sets up AUX Timer 1 to generate events, either one-shot after the specified delay or repeatedly at the specified interval. More …
timer1Stop() Stops AUX Timer 1 event generation. More …
timer1Wait() Waits for the next AUX Timer 1 event. More …


Name Description
TIMER1_MODE_PERIODICAL Timer 1 mode: Periodical events at the specified interval
TIMER1_MODE_SINGLE Timer 1 mode: Single event after the specified delay
TIMER1_TICKSRC_AUXIO_BASE Timer 1 tick source: AUXIO (base + index)
TIMER1_TICKSRC_AUX_ADC_DONE Timer 1 tick source: ADC done
TIMER1_TICKSRC_AUX_COMPA Timer 1 tick source: COMPA output
TIMER1_TICKSRC_AUX_COMPB Timer 1 tick source: COMPB output
TIMER1_TICKSRC_AUX_TIMER0_EV Timer 1 tick source: Timer 0 event

Global Variables




Prototype: timer1CheckState(isRunning)

Checks whether AUX Timer 1 is currently running.

After task code calls timer1Start() , this procedure returns 1 until task code calls timer1Stop() or the delay expires in single event mode.

Return value(s)

  • isRunning : 1 if AUX Timer 1 is running, otherwise 0


Prototype: timer1Start(#mode, mant, #exp)

Sets up AUX Timer 1 to generate events, either one-shot after the specified delay or repeatedly at the specified interval.

Parameter value(s)

  • #mode : Select single event or periodical events (TIMER1_MODE_XYZ)
  • mant : Delay/interval mantissa value (2-255). Resulting delay/interval is mant * 2^exp [Sensor Controller clock periods].
  • #exp : Delay/interval exponent value (0-15). Resulting delay/interval is mant * 2^exp [Sensor Controller clock periods].


Prototype: timer1StartWithTickSrc(#tickSrc, #edge, #mode, mant, #exp)

Sets up AUX Timer 1 to generate events, either one-shot after the specified delay or repeatedly at the specified interval.

The timer increments when the selected edge occurs on the selected tick source event signal.

Parameter value(s)

  • #tickSrc : Select the event signal to count periodical events (TIMER1_TICKSRC_XYZ)
  • #edge : The event signal edge that shall increment the Timer 1 counter (1 = rising, 0 = falling)
  • #mode : Select single event or periodical events (TIMER1_MODE_XYZ)
  • mant : Timer 1 event delay/interval mantissa value (2-255). Resulting delay/interval is mant * 2^exp [tick source edges].
  • #exp : Timer 1 event delay/interval exponent value (0-15). Resulting delay/interval is mant * 2^exp [tick source edges].


Prototype: timer1Stop()

Stops AUX Timer 1 event generation.


Prototype: timer1Wait()

Waits for the next AUX Timer 1 event.

Note that this procedure must be called before the event occurs. Otherwise it will wait for the next event or block indefinitely in single event mode. In single event mode, use timer0CheckState() to check whether the timeout already has occurred.