Deciphering CPU Exceptions

Several possible exception causes exist. If an exception is caught, an exception handler function can be called. Depending on the project settings, this handler may be a default handler in ROM, which is just an infinite loop or a custom function called from this default handler instead of a loop.

When an exception occurs, the exception may be caught and halted in debug mode immediately, depending on the debugger. If the execution halted manually later through the Break debugger, it is then stopped within the exception handler loop.

Exception Cause

With the default setup using TI-RTOS, the exception cause can be found in the System Control Space register group (CPU_SCS) in the register CFSR (Configurable Fault Status Register). The ARM Cortex-M3 User Guide describes this register. Most exception causes fall into the following three categories.

  • Stack overflow or corruption leads to arbitrary code execution.
    • Almost any exception is possible.
  • A NULL pointer has been dereferenced and written to.
    • Typically (IM)PRECISERR exceptions
  • A peripheral module (like UART, Timer, and so forth) is accessed without being powered.
    • Typically (IM)PRECISERR exceptions

The CFSR register is available in View –> Registers in IAR and CCS.

When an access violation occurs, the exception type is IMPRECISERR because writes to flash and peripheral memory regions are mostly buffered writes.

If the CFSR:BFARVALID flag is set when the exception occurs (typical for PRECISERR), the BFAR register in CPU_SCS can be read out to find which memory address caused the exception.

If the exception is IMPRECISERR, PRECISERR can be forced by manually disabling buffered writes. Set [CPU_SCS:ACTRL:DISDEFWBUF] to 1, by either manually setting the bit in the register view in IAR/CCS or by including <hw_cpu_scs.h> from Driverlib and calling the following.

#include <ti/devices/cc26x0r2/inc/hw_cpu_scs.h>
int main()
  // Disable write-buffering. Note that this negatively affect performance.

  // ..

Using TI-RTOS and ROV to Parse Exceptions

To enable exception decoding in the RTOS Object View (ROV) without using too much memory, use the Minimal exception handler in TI-RTOS. The default choice in the BLE-Stack projects is to use no exception handler.

To set this up, change the section of the TI-RTOS configuration file that relates to M3Hwi so that it looks like the code below:

//m3Hwi.enableException = true;
m3Hwi.enableException = false;
//m3Hwi.excHandlerFunc = null;
m3Hwi.excHookFunc = "&execHandlerHook";

Then, make a function somewhere with the signature void (*Hwi_ExceptionHookFuncPtr)(Hwi_ExcContext*); such as the one below:

#include <ti/sysbios/family/arm/m3/Hwi.h>
// ...
volatile uintptr_t *excPC = 0;
volatile uintptr_t *excCaller = 0;
// ...
void execHandlerHook(Hwi_ExcContext *ctx)
    excPC = ctx->pc;     // Program counter where exception occurred
    excCaller = ctx->lr; // Link Register when exception occurred


Setting m3Hwi.enableException to false enables the minimal handler, which fills out the global Hwi_ExcContext structure that the ROV looks at to show the decoded exception. By setting up an excHookFunc, the minimal exception handler will call this function and pass along a pointer to the exception context for the user to work with. This structure is defined in <ti/sysbios/family/arm/m3/Hwi.h>.

When an exception occurs, the device should end up in that infinite loop. Inspect the ROV -> Hwi -> Exception information.


Figure 124. Decoded exception, intentional write to address 0x0013 which is illegal. Note that writebuffering has been disabled to get a precise error location, and that m3Hwi.enableException has been set to false to get the decoding.

In this case, a bus fault was forced in the function writeToAddress by dereferencing address 0x0013 and trying to write to it:

Listing 91. Write to an address in the FLASH memory region.
void writeToAddress(uintptr_t *addr, int val)
   *(int *)addr = val;

// ..

void taskFxn(...)
   // ..
   writeToAddress( (void*)19, 4 ); // Randomly chosen values

The write instruction was placed on line 79 of application.c, as indicated. To get a precise location, the write buffer was disabled as described earlier.

It can be instructive to look at the disassembly view for the locations specified by PC (program counter) and LR (link register). PC is the presumed exception location, and LR is normally the location the failing function should have returned to. As an example, the PC at this exception:


Figure 125. Here the pc from the decoded exception was looked up in the disassembly view.

Some forensics is required here. We have from the Hwi decoding in ROV (and from the exception context in the exception hook) that the program counter was 0x708e when the exception occurred.

At that location there is a store instruction str r0, [r1] meaning, store in R0 the value of what the memory address in R1 points to. The business with SP in the figure above is related to optimization being turned off, so all local variables are stored on the stack, even though in this case R0 and R1 could have been used directly from the caller.

Now we know that the exception occurred because someone called writeToAddress with an invalid address.

Thanks to the exception decoder we can easily find the call site by looking at the call stack, but if the call stack isn’t helpful, we can look at lr, which is seen in the exception decoder to be 0x198f


Figure 126. Call site as specified in lr. Note that lr is the instruction after the call to writeToAddress because execution would have resumed here.

We can see here that R0 and R1 are initialized with constants. This means that some programmer has intentionally called the write function with an address that causes a busfault.

Most often the reason for a bus-fault is that a pointer is not initialized and a function like writeToAddress gets the pointer, assumes it’s valid and dereferences the pointer and writes to the invalid address.