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DisplayHost.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Display driver for printf-like output.


Driver include

The header file should be included in an application as follows:

Below is an example configuration to use the HOST display.

#define MAXPRINTLEN 1024
DisplayHost_Object displayHostObject;
static char displayBuf[MAXPRINTLEN];
const DisplayHost_HWAttrs displayHostHWAttrs = {
.strBuf = displayBuf,
const Display_Config Display_config[] = {
.object = &displayHostObject,
.hwAttrs = &displayHostHWAttrs
const uint8_t Display_count = sizeof(Display_config) / sizeof(Display_Config);

Calling Context

For TIRTOS based applications, the Display_HOST interface is only callable from Task context. The Display_HOST interface is callable from any context for FreeRTOS based applications.

#include <ti/display/Display.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  DisplayHost_HWAttrs
 DisplayHost Attributes. More...
struct  DisplayHost_Object
 DisplayHost Object. More...


typedef struct DisplayHost_HWAttrs DisplayHost_HWAttrs
 DisplayHost Attributes. More...