TIOVX User Guide

The Flex Color Processing (FCP) data structure used in the tivx_vpac_viss_params_t structure for programming the TIVX_KERNEL_VISS kernel. More...

#include <hwa_vpac_viss_fcp.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t mux_output0
uint32_t mux_output1
uint32_t mux_output2
uint32_t mux_output3
uint32_t mux_output4
uint32_t ee_mode
uint32_t chroma_mode

Detailed Description

The Flex Color Processing (FCP) data structure used in the tivx_vpac_viss_params_t structure for programming the TIVX_KERNEL_VISS kernel.

Below table provides output format supported on different outputs of each FCP unit in the VISS for the corresponding mux value in this structure.

val mux_output0 mux_output1 mux_output2 mux_output3 mux_output4
0 Y12(P12/U16) UV12(P12/U16) Y8(U8) UV8(P12/U16) Invalid
1 Invalid Invalid R8(U8) G8(U8) B8(U8)
2 Invalid C1(P12/U16) C2(P12/U16) C3(P12/U16) C4(P12/U16)
3 Value(P12/U16) Invalid Value(U8) Invalid Saturation(U8)
4 NV12_P12 Invalid NV12 Invalid Invalid
5 Invalid Invalid YUV422 Invalid Invalid

Definition at line 169 of file hwa_vpac_viss_fcp.h.

Field Documentation

◆ mux_output0

uint32_t tivx_vpac_viss_fcp_params_t::mux_output0

Mux to select the output format for the output0 parameter of an FCP.

Valid values for this mux are:

Enum Description
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX0_Y12 Luma 12bit output either in U16 or P12 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX0_VALUE12 Value output form the HSV module either in U16 or P12 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX0_NV12_P12 NV12 output format in P12 format.
If this mux is set to TIVX_DF_IMAGE_NV12_P12, output1 must be disabled and mux_output1 is ignored.

Definition at line 182 of file hwa_vpac_viss_fcp.h.

◆ mux_output1

uint32_t tivx_vpac_viss_fcp_params_t::mux_output1

Mux to select the output format for the output1 parameter of an FCP.

Valid values for this mux are:

Enum Description
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX1_UV12 Chroma 12bit output either in U16 or P12 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX1_C1 C1 output from CFA either in U16 or P12 format
This mux is ignored if output0 is set to output NV12 data.

Definition at line 194 of file hwa_vpac_viss_fcp.h.

◆ mux_output2

uint32_t tivx_vpac_viss_fcp_params_t::mux_output2

Mux to select the output format for the output2 parameter of an FCP.

Valid values for this mux are:

Enum Description
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX2_Y8 Luma in U8 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX2_RED Red color component in U8 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX2_C2 C2 output from CFA either in U16 or P12 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX2_VALUE8 Value output form the HSV module in U8 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX2_NV12 NV12 output format in 8bit format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX2_YUV422 YUV422 interleaved in UYVY or YUYV format
If this mux is set to VX_DF_IMAGE_NV12 or VX_DF_IMAGE_YUYV or VX_DF_IMAGE_UYVY, output3 must be disabled by passing NULL to output3 input parameter and mux_output3 is ignored. Also if the output0 is selected for NV12_P12 format, output2 cannot be YUV422 (UYVY or YUYV).

Definition at line 215 of file hwa_vpac_viss_fcp.h.

◆ mux_output3

uint32_t tivx_vpac_viss_fcp_params_t::mux_output3

Mux to select the output format for the output3 parameter of an FCP.

Valid values for this mux are:

Enum Description
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX3_UV8 Chroma in U8 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX3_GREEN Green color component in U8 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX3_C3 C3 output from CFA either in U16 or P12 format
This mux is ignored if output2 is set to output NV12 data.

Definition at line 228 of file hwa_vpac_viss_fcp.h.

◆ mux_output4

uint32_t tivx_vpac_viss_fcp_params_t::mux_output4

Mux to select the output format for the output4 parameter of an FCP.

Valid values for this mux are:

Enum Description
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX4_BLUE Blue color component in U8 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX4_C4 C4 output from CFA either in U16 or P12 format
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_MUX4_SAT Saturation from HSV module in U8 format

Definition at line 239 of file hwa_vpac_viss_fcp.h.

◆ ee_mode

uint32_t tivx_vpac_viss_fcp_params_t::ee_mode

Enables/Disables Edge Enhancer (EE) and also selects the Luma channel on which the EE to be enabled.

Valid values are

Enum Description
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_EE_MODE_OFF Edge Enhancer is disabled
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_EE_MODE_Y12 Edge Enhancer is enabled on Y12 output (output0)
TIVX_VPAC_VISS_EE_MODE_Y8 Edge Enhancer is enabled on Y8 output (output2)

Definition at line 251 of file hwa_vpac_viss_fcp.h.

◆ chroma_mode

uint32_t tivx_vpac_viss_fcp_params_t::chroma_mode

Selects the chroma output format, when chroma only output is selected in mux_output1 or mux_output3.

Valid Values are

Enum Description
There is only one chroma down sampler, so if one of output0 or output2 is selected as NV12, the other output, if selected as chroma only, is fixed to 420 output. Also if chroma only output is selected in both mux_output1 and mux_output3, chroma format must be same for both outputs.

Definition at line 269 of file hwa_vpac_viss_fcp.h.

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