TIOVX User Guide

Parameters that can be set during task creation. More...

#include <tivx_task.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t * stack_ptr
 Pointer to task stack, if NULL then task stack is allcoated by OS and not supplied by user.
uint32_t stack_size
 Task stack size, if 0, OS allocates stack with default size.
uint32_t core_affinity
 If task runs on a SMP CPU then this value tells the affinity of task to a given core, Valid values are 0 .. max cores in the SMP CPU. when TIVX_TASK_AFFINITY_ANY is used OS decides the task affinity.
uint32_t priority
 task priority for task associated with this target TIVX_TASK_PRI_HIGHEST is highest priority, TIVX_TASK_PRI_LOWEST is lowest priority
tivx_task_main_f task_main
 Entry point for task.
void * app_var
 private app object
char task_name [TIVX_MAX_TASK_NAME]
 Task Name.

Detailed Description

Parameters that can be set during task creation.

Definition at line 164 of file tivx_task.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: