TIOVX User Guide

Target object internal state. More...

#include <tivx_target.h>

Data Fields

vx_enum target_id
 ID of this target.
tivx_task task_handle
 Handle to underlying task associate with this target.
tivx_task_create_params_t task_params
 Parameters of task associated with this target.
tivx_queue job_queue_handle
 handle to job queue associated with this target
uintptr_t job_queue_memory [TIVX_TARGET_MAX_JOB_QUEUE_DEPTH]
 queue memory
tivx_task_main_f target_main
 target main
vx_bool targetExitRequest
 Flag to request target to exit main so that it can be deleted.
vx_bool targetExitDone
 Flag to indicate target exited its processing loop and is about to exit its main function.

Detailed Description

Target object internal state.

Definition at line 193 of file tivx_target.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: