Fls User Guide


This document details AUTOSAR BSW Flash module implementation

  • Supported AUTOSAR Release : 4.3.1
  • Supported Configuration Variants : Pre-Compile, Post-Build
  • Vendor ID : FLS_VENDOR_ID (44)
  • Module ID : FLS_MODULE_ID (92)

The Flash Driver provides services for reading, writing, erasing flash memory and Execute-in-Place (XIP) mode for external Flash Device.
The driver supports the following devices:

Device Flash Protocol Boards supported
S28HS512T XSPI J721S2, J7200, J784S4, J742S2

The main tasks of the FLS driver are:

  • Perform storage mode applications:
    • Read from flash.
    • Write to flash.
    • Erase Flash.
    • Compare and Blank Check flash memory location.

Fls Driver Architecture/Design

Please refer the Flash design, which is included as part of CSP.

Functional Description

The Fls Module uses internal OSPI peripheral as the serial bus to transfer data to and from the attached flash device.

Programming of clock source for the flash, is beyond the scope of this document. The Clock programming is taken care by the test application.

1 Fls instance is supported by this driver implementation.

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The Fls Driver implementation supports multiple configuration variants (refer section Introduction), the driver expects generated Fls_Cfg.h, Fls_NOR_Device.h to be present as (Configuration Folder Structure). Please refer (Build) to specify path to generated configuration. The associated Fls configuration generated files Fls_Cfg.c, and Fls_PBcfg.c to be present as shown (Configuration Folder Structure)

Flash Protocols Supported

The current driver supports the following protocols for custom flash devices:

  1. OSPI (Octal SPI)
  2. XSPI (Extended SPI)
  3. QSPI (Quad SPI)

Ensure the correct protocol is selected based on the flash device’s capabilities.

Adding and Configuring Custom Flash Support

The FlsMemConfiguration section of the EB Tresos configurator allows the user to define custom flash devices. Key fields and their descriptions for custom flash configuration include:

  1. FlsDeviceType: Specifies the type of flash (e.g., NOR, NAND).
    • Example: FLS_NOR
  2. FlsProtocolMode: Specifies the protocol mode (e.g., OSPI, QSPI, XSPI).
    • Example: FLS_OSPI
  3. FlsNORBlockSize: Defines the block size of the flash memory in bytes.
    • Example: 67108864 (64KB)
  4. FlsNORUniformSectorSize: Defines the uniform sector size in bytes. This field is only applicable for NOR flash devices with a uniform sector structure, where all sectors have the same size.
    • Example: 4096 (4KB)
  5. FlsNORHybridSectorSize: Defines the size of hybrid sectors if applicable. Some flash devices may have a mixture of large and small sectors.
    • Example: 4096 (4KB) for hybrid sectors.
    • Note: If the flash device does not have hybrid sectors, set this field to FlsNORUniformSectorSize. It will default to FlsNORUniformSectorSize which represents the regular sector size.
  6. FlsNORSize: Total size of the NOR flash in bytes.
    • Example: 0x4000000 (64MB)
  7. FlsNORPageSize: Defines the page size for writes in bytes.
    • Example: 0x100 (256B)
  8. FlsNORErasedData: Specifies the erased data value, typically 0xFF.
  9. FlsNORCmdBulkErase: Defines the command for bulk erase.
    • Example: 0xC7 for supported devices, 0U if unsupported.
  10. FlsNORCmdWrReg: Command to write to the flash configuration register.
    • Example: 0x01 for supported devices, 0U if unsupported.

In addition to the above, other fields are also present in the configuration, such as commands for read, write, and specific flash operations, which are similarly defined for supported and unsupported devices. Above is the description of some key fields.

Ensure all relevant commands are defined according to the flash device’s datasheet.

The image below illustrates the Custom Flash Configuration in the EB Tresos tool, where the user can define parameters such as the NOR device type, protocol mode, sector sizes, and various command configurations. These fields allow seamless integration and customization of external flash devices by configuring the appropriate values for each field.

Select the added flash in the FlsExternalFlashSelect Field :

Select The Added Flash Device

Flash Configuration Header Files

The driver uses two primary configuration files:

  • Fls_Cfg.h: Contains the general flash configuration parameters.
  • Fls_NOR_Device.h: Defines specific settings and commands for the selected flash device.

Both files are generated based on the configuration fields set in the configurator. Ensure that both files are included correctly in the build path to avoid errors.

Handling Different Flash Configurations

Sector Size Configuration In the FLS driver configuration, two key fields help in defining the size of sectors in the flash memory:

  • NOR_UNIFORM_SECTOR_SIZE: This field represents the size of the sectors when the flash uses a regular or uniform sector size throughout the memory. If the flash device has consistent sector sizes across the entire memory, this macro is used to define the sector size.



In such cases, the flash memory has uniform sectors of 64KB, and this value will be used for erasing, writing, and reading operations. The system will rely on this macro alone to manage sector-related operations.

  • NOR_SECTOR_SIZE: This field is used if the flash memory supports hybrid sectors, where a combination of smaller and larger sectors exists in the memory. This is common in flashes that have some portions (e.g., near the beginning or end) that use smaller 4KB sectors for more granular control, while the rest of the flash uses larger uniform sectors. If hybrid sectoring is supported, the NOR_SECTOR_SIZE field must be used alongside the uniform sector size to represent the different sector sizes.



Protocol Configuration

Current FLS driver uses OSPI, XSPI, and QSPI protocol modes and supports the three NOR Flash devices for all devices (MT35XU512ABA1G12, S28HS512T, and MT25QU512ABB).

If variation to the supported features are needed, user will need to take care to modify the driver to accommodate changes.

  1. Configuring other flash protocols
    • All protocols should be able to use existent OSPI files: Fls_Ospi.c and Fls_Ospi.h.
    • The board config files (Fls_Brd_Nor.c) will need slight modification to ensure that Flash Device is configured correctly when using other protocols.
    • Then Fls_Brd_Nor_<new protocol>.c file need to be added to support functions specific to that new flash protocol.
  2. Integrating new Flash Device
    • Configure plugin with required flash memory configuration for new flash device such as device name, device type, protocol mode. This can be done based on the flash device specification.
    • Each flash device will need to have its own header file which defines device specific commands. User will specify the flash specific details as mentioned in the configuration section and generate the file Fls_NOR_Device.h. This file to be placed along with Fls_Cfg.h in configuration section.
    • Next, the board configuration files (Fls_Brd_Nor.c, etc.) will need to be modified to work with the new flash device. The APIs in the board configuration files are used to set the flash device settings. They should be carefully modified to ensure that correct commands are being written on the flash device. This can be done based on the flash device specification.
  • Note: Writing incorrect commands can break the flash device and make is obsolete. Proper care should be taken to ensure integration had been done correctly.

As the Fls driver supports different flash protocols, and the configuration differs based on the selected protocol:

  1. FLS_XSPI:
    • The NOR_BLOCK_SIZE macro is used when configuring devices with the XSPI protocol. The block size value defines the erase unit size for the flash memory.
    • In this mode, the driver utilizes the block size for operations such as erasing and chunking write jobs.
    • For devices using OSPI or QSPI protocols, the NOR_SECTOR_SIZE macro is utilized. This configuration reflects the sector size used for read, write, and erase operations specific to these protocols.
    • This differentiation allows the driver to handle sector-based memory operations efficiently in these protocols.

(When configuring flash devices using the FlsMemConfiguration field, ensure that the correct protocol is set so that the driver can apply the appropriate block or sector sizes based on the selected flash type.)

  • Note: Please note that the PHY Tune algorithm is not expected to work with other flash devices.

Handling Flash Operations

The driver supports the following operations for custom flash devices:

  1. Erase
    • Erase operations must be aligned to the block or sector size.
    • NOR_UNIFORM_SECTOR_SIZE is applicable to devices with uniform sectors, while NOR_BLOCK_SIZE is used for devices with mixed sector sizes.
    • Example Check: ```c if ((TargetAddress % NOR_BLOCK_SIZE) != 0) { return E_NOT_OK; /* Address not aligned to block size */ } ```
  2. Write:
    • Write operations must be aligned to the page size of the flash.
    • Page size must be configured correctly in FlsNORPageSize.
  3. Read::
    • Read operations can occur at any address but should consider sector boundaries for performance optimization.

Error Handling for Custom Flash Devices

When integrating custom flash devices, pay attention to the following error handling mechanisms:

  1. Command Not Supported Error:
    • If a required command is not supported by the custom flash, set the value to 0U in the configuration to avoid operation failure.
  2. Alignment Errors:
    • Erase, write, and read operations should always be aligned to the sector or block size.
    • For example, if the sector size is 4KB, an erase operation starting at an unaligned address will fail.
  3. Timeouts:
    • Timeout supervision for custom flash devices is not supported in this driver version. Users should manage timeouts externally if required.

Key Considerations

When configuring a custom flash device, ensure the following:

  1. Command Support:
    • Verify that all required commands (e.g., FlsNORCmdPageProg, FlsNORCmdSecErase) are supported by the custom flash. Unsupported commands should be set to 0U.
  2. Sector and Block Alignment:
    • Memory operations should always be aligned to the sector or block size to prevent data corruption.
  3. Erased Data Value:
    • Typically, NOR flash devices use 0xFF for erased data. Ensure the FlsNORErasedData is correctly set.
  4. Page Size Configuration:
    • Write operations are performed in page-sized chunks (e.g., 256B). Ensure FlsNORPageSize is correctly configured.
  5. Uniform Sector and Hybrid Sector Handling:
    • For flash devices with uniform sectors, configure FlsNORUniformSectorSize with the appropriate value.
    • For devices with hybrid sectors, set the FlsNORHybridSectorSize accordingly. If not applicable, set this to 0U, and the driver will fall back on the regular FlsNORUniformSectorSize.

Safety and Validation for Custom Flash Devices

The FLS driver incorporates safety checks to ensure data integrity and proper operation across supported flash devices. These checks include boundary verifications for uniform and hybrid sector sizes, valid address alignment, and command execution correctness. Although the driver is thoroughly tested and verified for the following flash devices:

  • MT35XU512ABA1G12 (OSPI, tested on J721E)
  • S28HS512T (XSPI, tested on J721S2, J7200, J784S4)
  • MT25QU512ABB (QSPI, tested on J721S2)

It is important to note that when adding custom flash devices, these safety mechanisms will ensure that the driver performs appropriate validations during read, write, and erase operations. While custom devices can be configured, it is critical to refer to the device's datasheet to ensure proper configuration of commands, sizes, and addressing modes. For any device not listed here, ensure that it adheres to similar specifications to the tested devices to maintain the driver's integrity and safety standards.

The following section details on the unsupported features and additional features added.

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Variance / Deviation from the specification


This parameter is the switch between Direct Access Mode (DAC) and Indirect Access Mode (INDAC) used by the OSPI module to communicate with the Flash Device. The Flash will be memory mapped when running in DAC mode, and execution in place will happen directly from flash memory. In INDAC mode, data transfer between system memory and external flash occurs through the internal SRAM.


This parameter is the switch to turn on or off XIP mode. Only XIP Read mode is supported in current driver. XIP mode will only be functional in DAC mode of operation.


This parameter defines the Clock Speed for the OSPI peripheral. The supported clock speeds are as follows:

  1. 133Mhz (133333333U) - This Clock freq works with all modes of the Flash Driver.
  2. 166Mhz (166666666U) - This Clock freq is fully supported in INDAC mode of operations. In DAC mode, only read operation is supported.


This parameter is the switch between Double Transfer Rate (DTR) and Single Transfer Rate (STR) for OSPI Flash.


This parameter is the switch to turn on and off PHY mode.

Features that are not supported:

Following features outlined in Specification are not supported:

  1. Fast vs Normal Mode - devices only has one mode of execution for OSPI Flash. Only normal mode is supported. Relevant features not implemented include:
    1. FlsSetModeAPI
    2. FlsDefaultMode
    3. FlsMaxReadFastMode
    4. FlsMaxWriteFastMode
  2. Access Code Placement - Write and Erase in XIP mode is not supported. Only Read in XIP implemented. Relevant features not implemented include:
    1. FlsAcLoadOnJobStart
    2. FlsAcErase
    3. FlsAcWrite
  3. Timeout Supervision - Relevant features not implemented include:
    1. FlsTimeoutSupervision
    2. FlsCallCycle
  4. FlsSector - Internal Flash Device Info structure used instead of FlsSector
    1. Fls_NorOspiInfo structure is used by driver for flash device information.
  5. DET RunTime Error is not supported. DET Dev Errors and DET Transient Faults are supported.

Custom Flash Configuration Adaptation

In compliance with project-specific requirements, the FlsSectorList field has been removed from the configurator. Instead, the flash-related information, such as sector size, block size, and page size, is now defined through the fields in FlsMemConfiguration. These fields include:

  • FlsNORBlockSize: Defines the block size for the NOR flash.
  • FlsNORUniformSectorSize: Represents the uniform sector size for flash devices where applicable.
  • FlsNORHybridSectorSize: Represents the hybrid sector size, used when supported by the flash device. If not applicable, the uniform sector size is used.
  • FlsNORPageSize: Specifies the page size for write operations.

This deviation from the AUTOSAR specification ensures a more streamlined and flexible configuration for flash devices. The use of the FlsMemConfiguration fields allows for easier integration of custom flash devices while maintaining necessary safety and validation checks.

By using these macros, the driver automatically adapts the flash parameters based on the selected flash in the FlsExternalFlashSelect field. This modification allows support for custom flash devices while still adhering to core safety mechanisms, even though it deviates from the strict AUTOSAR spec implementation. Refer section (refer section Configuration) for custom flash addition.

Migration Guide

With the introduction of the updated flow, including the new Fls_NOR_Device.h, existing customers must adjust their configurations to align with the new structure. Follow the steps below to transition smoothly:

Key Changes:

  1. **New Header File (Fls_NOR_Device.h)**:
    • This file consolidates device-specific configurations and replaces the need for individual headers like Fls_NOR_m35xu512.h or Fls_NOR_s28hs512t.h.
    • All commands, block sizes, sector sizes, and protocol-specific configurations must now be defined in Fls_NOR_Device.h.
  2. Updated Configuration Process:
    • Use the FlsMemConfiguration field in the EB Tresos configurator to define flash parameters such as:
      • Device Type: e.g., NOR
      • Protocol Mode: OSPI, QSPI, or XSPI
      • Block Size, Sector Size, and Page Size
      • Flash Specific Commands
    • The generated Fls_NOR_Device.h will contain all necessary macro definitions for these fields.
  3. Board Layer Updates:
    • Ensure the board-specific configuration files (e.g., Fls_Brd_Nor.c) reference the new Fls_NOR_Device.h macros and settings.
    • Modify these files to ensure compatibility with your custom flash device, particularly in setting the correct device commands and configurations.
  4. Handling Custom Flash Devices:
    • For custom flash integration, add the required configurations in FlsMemConfiguration within EB Tresos.
    • Use the generated macros in Fls_NOR_Device.h for any custom commands or configurations.

Migration Steps:

  1. Backup: Save your current configuration files and header files.
  2. Configure in EB Tresos:
    • Add the new flash or adjust parameters via the FlsMemConfiguration field.
  3. Generate Configuration Files:
    • Generate Fls_NOR_Device.h and ensure all device settings are correctly defined.
  4. Modify Board Layer:
  5. Validate:
    • Test the configuration with your device to ensure all functionalities work correctly.

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Non Standard Service APIs


As noted from the previous MCAL implementation, some of the critical configuration registers could potentially be corrupted by other entities (s/w or h/w). One of the recommended detection methods would be to periodically read-back the configuration and confirm configuration is consistent. The service API defined below shall be implemented to enable this detection

Description Comments
Service Name Ospi_RegisterReadback Can potentially be turned OFF (Refer to Design Document provided in CSP)
Syntax Ospi_RegisterReadback( P2VAR(CSL_ospi_flash_cfgRegs, AUTOMATIC, SPI_APPL_DATA) RegRbPtr) E_OK: Register read back has been done, E_NOT_OK: Register read back failed
Service ID NA
Sync / Async Sync
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameter in None
Parameters out RegRbPtr Pointer to where to store the readback values. If this pointer is NULL_PTR, then the API will return E_NOT_OK.
Return Value Std_ReturnType E_OK, E_NOT_OK


This API Enable Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.

Description Comments
Service Name Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable Enable Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit
Syntax Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable(uint32 intrFlag)
Service ID NA
Sync / Async Sync
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameter in intrFlag Interrupt Enable flag for Underflow=2U Interrupt Enable flag for Overflow=128U
Parameters out NA
Return Value Std_ReturnType E_OK: Interrupt Enabled E_NOT_OK: Interrupt Enable failed


This API Disable Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.

Description Comments
Service Name Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable Disable Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.
Syntax Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable(uint32 intrFlag)
Service ID NA
Sync / Async Sync
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameter in intrFlag Interrupt Disable flag for Underflow=2U Interrupt Disable flag for Overflow=128U
Parameters out NA
Return Value Std_ReturnType E_OK: Interrupt Disabled E_NOT_OK: Interrupt Disabled failed


This API gets status of Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.

Description Comments
Service Name Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus gets status of Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit
Syntax Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus(uint32 intFlags)
Service ID NA
Sync / Async Sync
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameter in intrFlag Interrupt Enable flag
Parameters out NA
Return Value ospiIrqstatus OSPI_NO_EVENT: No underflow event OSPI_EVENT_PENDING: Underflow Event OSPI_STATUS_READ_FAIL: Status read fail


This API clear Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.

Description Comments
Service Name Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear clear Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.
Syntax Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear(uint32 intrFlag)
Service ID NA
Sync / Async Sync
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameter in intrFlag Interrupt Enable flag for Underflow=2U Interrupt Enable flag for Overflow=128U
Parameters out NA
Return Value Std_ReturnType E_OK: Interrupt status clears E_NOT_OK: Interrupt status clear failed

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The driver can have unexpected behavior and loss of functionality if unsupported values are passed into configurator or unsupported combinations are used. Below is a list of such constraints.

  • Configurator Input Values Constraints:
    1. maxReadNormalMode and maxWriteNormalMode values should be aligned with (multiples of) the Flash device page size.
    2. sectorList structure should not be changed, as that is specific to Flash Device.
    3. ospiClkSpeed should be either 133333333U or 166666666U.
    4. FlsDeviceType should be either FLS_NOR or FLS_NAND based on flash device type.
    5. FlsProtocolMode should be either FLS_OSPI, FLS_XSPI, or FLS_QSPI based on supported flash protocol mode.
  • Feature Combination Constraints:
    1. When using Interrupt mode, dacEnable should be set to FALSE. Interrupt mode is only available when using INDAC mode.
    2. When using Interrupt mode, maxWriteNormalMode value has to be equal to page size of flash device. Please see Fls_Cfg.c sample configuration file in the examples/Fls/fls_app_intr.
    3. If operating in XIP mode, dacEnable has to be enabled, and Interrupt mode has to be set to STD_OFF.
    4. In Interrupt mode, BlankCheck API and Compare API are not supported and should be disabled.
    5. For XSPI supported devices, write and erase is not functional in DAC mode. Only Read is possible in DAC mode. Please use INDAC mode for writing and erasing flash.
    6. QSPI protocol on J721S2 does not currently support PHY Tune and DDR/DTR.
    7. Jacinto devices do not support PHY Tune in SDR mode

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Interrupt Configuration

The Driver does not register any interrupt service routine(ISR), it’s expected that consumer of this driver registers the required interrupt handler.

The interrupt number associated with instance of the Fls is detailed in TRM. Please refer FlsApp_InterruptConfig() in fls_app_intr test application for reference.

Please note that interrupt implementation is only available when running with INDAC mode. BlankCheck and Compare APIs are not supported with interrupt mode.

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The driver doesn't configure the functional clock and power for the Fls modules. It's expected that secondary boot loader(SBL) power-up the required modules. Please refer SBL documentation.

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PHY Tune Module Algorithm

There PHY algorthm used in J7200, J721E, J721S2, and J784S4,J742S2 are based on calibration algorithm. QSPI device on J721S2 do not have PHY tune as of now.

The Phy tune data vector must first be flashed into the last sector of flash memory, and then during first read operation, Phy tune will be calibrated.

The example application can be used as reference for this.

Some restrictions that Fls driver has right now with respect to the SoC:

  1. Phy Tune should only be enabled for DAC mode.
  2. The algorithm vector should be flashed to last sector in memery.
  3. For J721E, the algorithm vector can be written using DAC or INDAC mode.
  4. For XSPI device on J7200, J721S2, J784S4,J742S2, the algorithm vector can only be written using INDAC mode, as write/erase is not functional on these boards in INDAC mode in this release.

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QSPI device support on J721S2

J721S2 support both XSPI flash device (s28hs512t) and QSPI flash device (mt25qu512abb). The build command "FLS_PROTOCOL=qspi" and "FLS_PROTOCOL=ospi" is used to differentiate between using XSPI vs QSPI flash device. example/Fls/QSPI_Cfg has QSPI configuration files. Currently only one flash device can be used at a time on J721S2.

Refer to Build and Running the Application for QSPI build instructions.
Refer to Configuration Folder Structure for QSPI configuration folder

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Build and Running the Application

Please follow steps detailed in section (Build) to build library or example. Please note that OSPI Boot mode is not applicable for Fls module.

The below Fls Test Applications are available:

  1. fls_app_dac - Test Application to demo DAC storage mode
  2. fls_app_indac - Test Application to demo INDAC storage mode and general flash usage
  3. fls_app_intr - Testing interrupt mode. Requires clean flash build since different interrupt Fls_Cfg.h needs to be included. Clean build required even if's the same fls protocol

Please refer to Configuration Folder Structure on which of the three configuration folders each Fls Test Apllication uses.

Note: Please do a clean build (make -s allclean) when a different configuration folder is used. Each configuration folder header files have different define values.

QSPI build instructions:

  • J721S2 supports both XSPI and QSPI flash. The build parameter "FLS_PROTOCOL", which has 2 values: ospi and qspi, is used to specify which protocol to build on J721S2. It is defaulted to "ospi" mode if "FLS_PROTOCOL is not specified. For none J721S2 devices, please ignore FLS_PROTOCOL parameter.
  • Examples:
    • make -s fls_app_dac fls_app_indac BOARD=j721s2_evm SOC=j721s2 will build fls_app_dac and fls_app_indac applications on OSPI0 interface, which builds Fls_Brd_Nor_Xspi.c and uses XSPI device, S28HS512T. Since "FLS_PROTOCOL" parameter is not mentioned in the build command, "ospi" mode is used by default.
    • make -s fls_app_dac fls_app_indac BOARD=j721s2_evm SOC=j721s2 FLS_PROTOCOL=qspi will build fls_app_dac and fls_app_indac applications on OSPI1 interface, which builds Fls_Brd_Nor_Qspi.c and uses the QSPI flash device, MT25QU512ABB.
    • If "FLS_PROTOCOL=qspi" is used on non J721S2 devices, then ospi will be used since qspi is only supported on j721s2.

Setting SDR mode

  • J721S2, J784S4,J742S2, J7200: set dtrEnable = FALSE and .ospixferlines = OSPI_XFER_LINES_SINGLE.
  • J721E: Just set dtrEnable = FALSE.
    • By default J721E SDR mode enables 3 byte addressing mode. If 4 byte addressing is needed, select the M35XU512_4BYTE_ADDRESSING Flash in the configurator under FlsMemConfiguration field.

Note: SDR mode does not support Phy Tune

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Steps to run example application

Please follow steps detailed in section (Build) to build example

Poll Mode - Storage Mode

Test Applications fls_app_dac and fls_app_indac will run as packaged, just build and the executable will be generated.

Interrupt Mode - Storage Mode

Build fls_app_intr and run. Uses different configuration files than Poll Mode, so please build this application on a clean build.

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Dependencies on SW Modules


This implementation depends on the DET in order to report development errors and can be turned OFF. Refer section (Development Error Reporting) for detailed error codes.

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This implementation requires one level of exclusive access to guard critical sections. Invokes SchM_Enter_Fls_FLS_EXCLUSIVE_AREA_0 (), SchM_Exit_Fls_FLS_EXCLUSIVE_AREA_0 () to enter critical section and exit.

In the example implementation (Driver File Structure SchM_Fls.c) , all the interrupts on CPU are disabled. However, disabling of the enabled Fls interrupt should suffice.

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This implementation depends on MemIf module and uses its imported types such as MemIf_JobResultType, MemIf_ModeType and MemIf_StatusType.

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This implementation depends on Fee module for callback notification to notify the module environment about job end and job error.

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Driver File Structure

  1. Driver implemented by : Fls.h, Fls_Irq.h, Fls.c, Fls_Brd_Nor_Ospi.c, Fls_Brd_Nor_Xspi.c, Fls_Brd_Nor_Qspi.c, Fls_Irq.c, Fls_Ospi.c, Fls_Ospi.h, Fls_Brd_Nor.c, and Fls_Brd_Nor.h
  2. Flash Devices by : Fls_NOR_Device.h based on the Flash device selected in the configurator (m35xu512, mt25qu512abb, s28hs512t or any custom flash added).
  3. Example Application by : FlsApp_Startup.h, FlsApp_Startup.c and FlsApp.c
  4. Phy tune algorithm files: nor_spi_patterns.c, nor_spi_patterns.h, nor_spi_phy_tune.c and nor_spi_phy_tune.h

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Configuration Folder Structure

  • There are 3 configuration folders: examples_config/Fls_Demo_Cfg, examples/Fls/QSPI_Cfg, and examples/Fls/fls_app_intr
  • Note: Please do a clean build (make -s allclean) when a different configuration folder is used. Each configuration folder header files have different define values.
    • For example, if fls_app_indac (uses examples_config/Fls_Demo_Cfg) is built, please do a clean build when fls_app_intr (uses examples/Fls/fls_app_intr) is needed.
  • Example Configuration by : Fls_Cfg.h, Fls_Cfg.c, Fls_Cfg_dac.c, Fls_Cfg_indac.c and Fls_PBcfg.c

Fls configuration files in examples_config/Fls_Demo_Cfg folder

  • Used by OSPI0 interface (OSPI/XSPI flash device) build in fls_app_dac and fls_app_indac applications.
  • make -s fls_app_dac fls_app_indac BOARD=... SOC=... will use configuration files in this folder. Since FLS_PROTOCOL is defaulted to ospi, it's optional to specify "FLS_PROTOCOL=ospi".

QSPI Fls configuration in examples/Fls/QSPI_Cfg folder

  • Used by OSPI1 interface (QSPI flash device) build (FLS_PROTOCOL=qspi) in fls_app_dac and fls_app_indac applications.
  • Only used on J721S2 since QSPI flash protocol is only supported on J721S2.
  • make -s fls_app_dac fls_app_indac BOARD=j721s2_evm SOC=j721s2 FLS_PROTOCOL=qspi will use configuration files in this folder. Must specify "FLS_PROTOCOL=qspi".

OSPI and QSPI interrupt configuration in examples/Fls/fls_app_intr folder

  • Used by OSPI0 interface and OSPI1 interface in fls_app_intr application, respectively.
  • make -s fls_app_intr BOARD=j721s2_evm SOC=j721s2 FLS_PROTOCOL=qspi and make -s fls_app_intr BOARD=... SOC=... will use configuration files in this folder.

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Error Handling

Development Error Reporting

Development errors are reported to the DET using the service Det_ReportError(), when enabled. The driver interface (Fls.h) lists the SID.

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Error codes

Type of Error Related Error code Value (Hex)
API service called with wrong parameter FLS_E_PARAM_CONFIG 0x01
API service called with wrong parameter FLS_E_PARAM_ADDRESS 0x02
API service called with wrong parameter FLS_E_PARAM_LENGTH 0x03
API service called with wrong parameter FLS_E_PARAM_DATA 0x04
API service used without module initialization FLS_E_UNINIT 0x05
API called when module is busy FLS_E_BUSY 0x06
API called with a Null Pointer FLS_E_PARAM_POINTER 0x0A

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Transient Faults Reporting

Transient errors are reported to the DET using the service Det_reportDetTransientFault(). The driver interface (Fls.h) lists the SID.

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Fault codes

Type of Error Related Error code Value (Hex)
Flash Erase Failed in HW FLS_E_ERASE_FAILED 0x01
Flash Write Failed in HW FLS_E_WRITE_FAILED 0x02
Flash Read Failed in HW FLS_E_READ_FAILED 0x03
Flash Compare Failed in HW FLS_E_COMPARE_FAILED 0x04
Expected HW ID not matched FLS_E_UNEXPECTED_FLASH_ID 0x05

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API Description

The AUTOSAR BSW Flash Driver specification details the APIs required for Flash Driver. Please refer to (Refer to Design Document provided in CSP) for detailed API description.

Refer API Documentation for details

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Example Application

The example application demonstrates use of Fls module, the list below identifies key steps performed in the example. The configuration file is present at (Configuration Folder Structure).

Polled Storage Mode (fls_app_dac and fls_app_indac)

  • Initializes “Result Status Flags: Fls_JobDoneSuccess and Fls_JobDoneError”
  • Perform Pinmux configuration needed and initializes Board.
  • Core Application ()
    • Fls_Init() - Takes FlsConfigSet as input and Initializes Flash and OSPI
    • Fls_OSPI_configClk () - Configure the OSPI Clocks
    • Set starting address to base address of flash device, and data size to 1M Bytes
    • Fls_GetVersionInfo() - Prints module version info
    • Fls_GetStatus() - Gets the Module status
    • Fls_Erase() - Submits Erase job
    • Fls_MainFunction() - Called in while loop, processes job, and exits when Fls_JobEndNotification/Fls_JobErrorNotification reached.
    • Fls_BlankCheck() - Submits BlankCheck job
    • Fls_MainFunction() - Called in while loop, processes job, and exits when Fls_JobEndNotification/Fls_JobErrorNotification reached.
    • Fls_Write() - Submits Write job
    • Fls_MainFunction() - Called in while loop, processes job, and exits when Fls_JobEndNotification/Fls_JobErrorNotification reached.
    • Fls_Read() - Submits Read job
    • Fls_MainFunction() - Called in while loop, processes job, and exits when Fls_JobEndNotification/Fls_JobErrorNotification reached.
    • Fls_Compare() - Submits Compare job
    • Fls_MainFunction() - Called in while loop, processes job, and exits when Fls_JobEndNotification/Fls_JobErrorNotification reached.

Interrupt Storage Mode (fls_app_intr)

  • Initializes “Result Status Flags: Fls_JobDoneSuccess and Fls_JobDoneError”
  • Perform Pinmux configuration needed and initializes Board.
  • FlsApp_InterruptConfig()
    • Register the Interrupt and ISR
  • Core Application ()
    • Fls_Init() - Takes FlsConfigSet as input and Initializes Flash and OSPI
    • Fls_OSPI_configClk () - Configure the OSPI Clocks
    • Set starting address to base address of flash device, and data size to 1M Bytes
    • Fls_GetVersionInfo() - Prints module version info
    • Fls_GetStatus() - Gets the Module status
    • Fls_Erase() - Submits Erase job
    • Fls_MainFunction() - Called in while loop, processes job, and exits when Fls_JobEndNotification/Fls_JobErrorNotification reached.
    • Fls_Read() - Submits Read job to manually compare erased data
    • Fls_MainFunction() - Called in while loop, processes job, and exits when Fls_JobEndNotification/Fls_JobErrorNotification reached.
    • Fls_Write() - Submits Write job
    • Fls_MainFunction() - Called in while loop, processes job, and exits when Fls_JobEndNotification/Fls_JobErrorNotification reached.
    • Fls_Read() - Submits Read job to manually compare written data
    • Fls_MainFunction() - Called in while loop, processes job, and exits when Fls_JobEndNotification/Fls_JobErrorNotification reached.

Performance Measurements

  • You can turn on the performance measurements for the storage mode app by enabling the "PERF_TEST" macro in FlsApp.c. This is enabled by default.

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Example Log


    ------------------FLS Sample Application - STARTS !!! ------------------
    Running on J7 ES 
    FLS_APP_DAC: OSPI0 controller will be configured for OSPI/XSPI flash
    FLS_APP_DAC: FLS spi_test Initiating and Starting.
    FLS_APP_DAC: Variant - Pre Compile being used !!!
    FLS_APP_DAC: Configuring Clocks.
    FLS_APP_DAC: Clock Configured at 166666666Hz
    FLS MCAL Version Info
    Vendor ID           : 44
    Module ID           : 92
    SW Major Version    : 10
    SW Minor Version    : 0
    SW Patch Version    : 0
    FLS_APP_DAC: DATA SIZE TEST is 0x100000 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Offset is 0x0 
    *****************Writing PHY Tune Data to last sector in memory*****************
    FLS_APP_DAC: Erasing 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_DAC: Blank Checking 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_DAC: Writing 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 107557 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Comparing 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    *************************Writing PHY Tune Data complete*************************

    FLS_APP_DAC: Erasing 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_DAC: Blank Checking 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_DAC: Writing 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 2533 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Reading 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 40725 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Comparing 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_DAC: Reading 
    FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 41341 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_DAC: All tests have passed! 


    ------------------FLS Sample Application - STARTS !!! ------------------
    Running on J7 ES 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: OSPI0 controller will be configured for OSPI/XSPI flash
    FLS_APP_INDAC: FLS spi_test Initiating and Starting.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Variant - Pre Compile being used !!!
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Configuring Clocks.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Clock Configured at 166666666Hz
    FLS MCAL Version Info
    Vendor ID           : 44
    Module ID           : 92
    SW Major Version    : 10
    SW Minor Version    : 0
    SW Patch Version    : 0
    FLS_APP_INDAC: DATA SIZE TEST is 0x100000 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Offset is 0x0 

    FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Blank Checking 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8912 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Erasing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Writing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 53350 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing.Expected to fail as data is erased. 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Det Error reported
      Module ID       92
      Instance ID     0
      SID             8
      Error ID        8
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Comparing.Expected to fail as data is erased. 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing to compare again 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8911 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Reading 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 44758 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Reading 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 53349 Kbps 
    .......................Changing mode to DAC....................... 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Reading 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 20022 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    ....................Changing mode to INDAC..................... 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Blank Checking 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8913 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Reading 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 44756 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel Erase Job
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Blank Checking after erase cancel-----Expect to fail
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Det Error reported
      Module ID       92
      Instance ID     0
      SID             10
      Error ID        7
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing again 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Blank Checking after erase again
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel after Writing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 53350 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing after write cancel---Expect to fail
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Det Error reported
      Module ID       92
      Instance ID     0
      SID             8
      Error ID        8
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing again. Will pass
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8914 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing.Expected to pass since write passed. 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8913 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Reading 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 53349 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Reading again
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 44751 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Comparing 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing again
    FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress.
    Changing mode to DAC 

    FLS_APP_INDAC: Ospi configuration Register Readback values  
    FLS_APP_INDAC: CONFIG_REG                                     : 0x81783881
    FLS_APP_INDAC: DEV_INSTR_RD_CONFIG_REG                  : 0x1e03339d
    FLS_APP_INDAC: DEV_INSTR_WR_CONFIG_REG                  : 0x33082
    FLS_APP_INDAC: DEV_DELAY_REG                              : 0x300000a
    FLS_APP_INDAC: DEV_SIZE_CONFIG_REG                          : 0x111003
    FLS_APP_INDAC: SRAM_PARTITION_CFG_REG                     : 0x3f
    FLS_APP_INDAC: DMA_PERIPH_CONFIG_REG                      : 0x0
    FLS_APP_INDAC: MODE_BIT_CONFIG_REG                          : 0x200
    FLS_APP_INDAC: TX_THRESH_REG                              : 0x1
    FLS_APP_INDAC: RX_THRESH_REG                              : 0x1
    FLS_APP_INDAC: PHY_CONFIGURATION_REG                      : 0x2d0021

    FLS_APP_INDAC: All tests have passed!                                                           


    ------------------FLS Sample Application - STARTS !!! ------------------
    FLS_APP_INTR: OSPI0 controller will be configured for OSPI/XSPI flash
    FLS_APP_INTR: FLS spi_test Initiating and Starting.
    FLS_APP_INTR: Configuring Interrupt.
    FLS_APP_INTR: Variant - Pre Compile being used !!!
    FLS_APP_INTR: Configuring Clocks.
    FLS_APP_INTR: Clock Configured at 166666666Hz
    FLS MCAL Version Info
    Vendor ID           : 44
    Module ID           : 92
    SW Major Version    : 10
    SW Minor Version    : 0
    SW Patch Version    : 0
    FLS_APP_INTR: DATA SIZE TEST is 0x100000 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Offset is 0x0 

    FLS_APP_INTR: Erasing 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INTR: Manual comparing erased data

    FLS_APP_INTR: Calling Read to manually compare 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 58417 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Manual Comparing is Correct

    FLS_APP_INTR: Cancel while Writing 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INTR: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 55448 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Cancel while Reading 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Cancel job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INTR: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. 
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 56766 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Erasing 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress.
    FLS_APP_INTR: Manual comparing erased data

    FLS_APP_INTR: Calling Read to manually compare 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 58439 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Manual Comparing is Correct

    FLS_APP_INTR: Writing Again without Cancel
    FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress.
    Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 13121 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Reading without cancel 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 58452 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Manual Comparing written data 

    FLS_APP_INTR: Calling Read to manually compare 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress.
    Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 58433 Kbps 
    FLS_APP_INTR: Manual Comparing is Correct

    Changing mode to DAC 

    FLS_APP_INTR: Ospi configuration Register Readback values  
    FLS_APP_INTR: CONFIG_REG                                      : 0x81783881
    FLS_APP_INTR: DEV_INSTR_RD_CONFIG_REG                   : 0x1e03339d
    FLS_APP_INTR: DEV_INSTR_WR_CONFIG_REG                   : 0x33082
    FLS_APP_INTR: DEV_DELAY_REG                               : 0x300000a
    FLS_APP_INTR: DEV_SIZE_CONFIG_REG                           : 0x111003
    FLS_APP_INTR: SRAM_PARTITION_CFG_REG                      : 0x3f
    FLS_APP_INTR: DMA_PERIPH_CONFIG_REG                       : 0x0
    FLS_APP_INTR: MODE_BIT_CONFIG_REG                           : 0x200
    FLS_APP_INTR: TX_THRESH_REG                               : 0x1
    FLS_APP_INTR: RX_THRESH_REG                               : 0x1
    FLS_APP_INTR: PHY_CONFIGURATION_REG                       : 0x2d0021

    FLS_APP_INTR: All tests have passed! 


    ------------------FLS Sample Application - STARTS !!! ------------------
     Running on J7 ES
    FLS_APP_XIP: FLS spi_test Initiating and Starting.
    FLS_APP_XIP: Variant - Pre Compile being used !!!
    FLS_APP_XIP: Configuring Clocks.
    FLS_APP_XIP: Clock Configured at 166666666Hz

    FLS MCAL Version Info
    Vendor ID           : 44
    Module ID           : 92                                                        
    SW Major Version    : 1                                                         
    SW Minor Version    : 2                                                         
    SW Patch Version    : 1                                                         

    FLS_APP_XIP: DATA SIZE TEST is 0x1000                                           
    FLS_APP_XIP: Offset is 0x0                                                      
    FLS_APP_XIP: Erasing                                                            
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress.                                        
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS                                                  
    FLS_APP_XIP: Blank Checking                                                     
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress.                                        
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS                                                  
    FLS_APP_XIP: Writing                                                            
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress.                                        
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS                                                  
    FLS_APP_XIP: Calling XIP app                                                    
    MCU1_0 running                                                                  
    MCU1_0 reports: All tests have passed                                           
    FLS_APP_XIP: Returning from XIP app, returned value is 0xFEEDFACE               
    FLS_APP_XIP: Reading                                                            
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress.                                        
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS                                                  
    FLS_APP_XIP: Comparing                                                          
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress.                                        
    FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS                                                  
    FLS_APP_XIP: DONE!    

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