PDK API Guide for J721E
HwiP_Params Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Basic HwiP Parameters.

Structure that contains the parameters passed into HwiP_create when creating a HwiP instance. The HwiP_Params_init function should be used to initialize the fields to default values before the application sets the fields manually. The HwiP default parameters are noted in HwiP_Params_init.

Data Fields

char * name
uintptr_t arg
uint32_t priority
uint32_t enableIntr
uint32_t evtId

Field Documentation

◆ name

char* HwiP_Params::name

Name of the clock instance. Memory must persist for the life of the clock instance. This can be used for debugging purposes, or set to NULL if not needed.

◆ arg

uintptr_t HwiP_Params::arg

Argument passed into the Hwi function.

◆ priority

uint32_t HwiP_Params::priority

Device specific priority. Note: For R5 Core, baremetal case, there is no device specific priority set - all interrupts are handled at the same priority. So, this is not applicable for bare metal R5 Core interrupt config

◆ enableIntr

uint32_t HwiP_Params::enableIntr

When set to TRUE, interrupt is enabled after the create otherwise interrupt is disabled after HwiP_Create

◆ evtId

uint32_t HwiP_Params::evtId

Event Id associated