PDK API Guide for J721E
Mcasp_ChanParams Struct Reference

Detailed Description

channel Parameters to initialize channel Object

This structure stores user supplied parameters

Data Fields

uint16_t noOfSerRequested
uint32_t indexOfSersRequested [16u]
uint16_t isDmaDriven
Mcasp_OpMode channelMode
uint16_t wordWidth
void * userLoopJobBuffer
uint16_t userLoopJobLength
void * edmaHandle
Mcasp_GblCallback gblCbk
uint32_t noOfChannels
Mcasp_BufferFormat dataFormat
uint16_t enableHwFifo
uint16_t hwFifoEventDMARatio
uint16_t isDataPacked
Mcasp_WordBitsSelect wordBitsSelect

Field Documentation

◆ noOfSerRequested

uint16_t Mcasp_ChanParams::noOfSerRequested

Serializer requested by channel. Channel can ask for both.

◆ indexOfSersRequested

uint32_t Mcasp_ChanParams::indexOfSersRequested[16u]

Multi Serializer numbers requested by channel

◆ mcaspSetup

Mcasp_HwSetupData* Mcasp_ChanParams::mcaspSetup

Setup information for xmt/rcv sections of the McASP

◆ isDmaDriven

uint16_t Mcasp_ChanParams::isDmaDriven

This parameters determines whether channel operates in DMA mode * All DMA parameters would be read only if this is TRUE

◆ channelMode

Mcasp_OpMode Mcasp_ChanParams::channelMode

channel operation mode TDM or DIT mode

◆ wordWidth

uint16_t Mcasp_ChanParams::wordWidth

The parameter informs the driver what is the width word * (not slot) and this help driver indirectly to decided no. of * bytes to be transfered into each serialer for each slot- This is * very important parameter - in case of invalid value default * value of 32 will be assumed by the driver

◆ userLoopJobBuffer

void* Mcasp_ChanParams::userLoopJobBuffer

Buffer to be transferred when the loop job is running.it should * be noted that this buffer size should be n*userLoopjobLength * where n is the no of serialisers configured in the direction of * the channel we are creating

◆ userLoopJobLength

uint16_t Mcasp_ChanParams::userLoopJobLength

Number of bytes of the userloopjob buffer for each serialiser * Please note that this is no. of bytes and this should be * pre-calcuated properly for word width of slot - Please refer the * wordWidth of this structure

◆ edmaHandle

void* Mcasp_ChanParams::edmaHandle

Handle to the EDMA Driver

◆ gblCbk

Mcasp_GblCallback Mcasp_ChanParams::gblCbk

callback required when global error occurs - * must be callable directly from the ISR context

◆ noOfChannels

uint32_t Mcasp_ChanParams::noOfChannels

No of channels of data to be transmitted after the frame sync * This input is valid only for TDM in DSP mode mode of * communication E.g.–For Stereo data the value is 2 and for 6 * channel dac taking all channel data through one serialiser the * value of this member will be 6 Note: But for same 6ch dac taking * stereo data though 3 seperate serialiser value should be 2

◆ dataFormat

Mcasp_BufferFormat Mcasp_ChanParams::dataFormat

Format of the application supplied buffer

◆ enableHwFifo

uint16_t Mcasp_ChanParams::enableHwFifo

Option to enable the Hardware FIFO

◆ hwFifoEventDMARatio

uint16_t Mcasp_ChanParams::hwFifoEventDMARatio

This represents the ratio WNUMEVT/WNUMDMA of the MCAPS FIFOCTL register * In other words, this represents the DMA event(to/from Host) throttle factor i.e a DMA event will be sent to Host (EDMA controller) only if 'hwFifoEventDMARatio' events reach the McASP FIFO by the peripheral. This way the number of the DMA events to/from the Host (EDMA controller) is reduced leading to reduced host overheads due to a DMA transfer. For example, if hwFifoEventDMARatio=4, a DMA read/write event is sent to the Host only when 4 such events reach the FIFO from the peripheral.

◆ isDataPacked

uint16_t Mcasp_ChanParams::isDataPacked

flag to indicate if the buffer data needs to be packed,i.e the EDMA needs to be programmed for the exact slotwidth or a rounded width of 32,16, or 8 Bit

◆ wordBitsSelect

Mcasp_WordBitsSelect Mcasp_ChanParams::wordBitsSelect

Option to indicate the word alignment (MSB/LSB) if word size < slot size. Mcasp_WordBitsSelect_LSB = Select the Least significant 'word' sized bits in the slot bits Mcasp_WordBitsSelect_MSB = Select the Most significant 'word' sized bits in the slot