PDK API Guide for J721E
Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Second level ISR (HISR), used to complete ISR functions.

Data Fields

uintptr_t arg0
uintptr_t arg1
Ipc_OsalHIsrFxn hIsrFxn
void * hLosHisrHandle

Field Documentation

◆ arg0

uintptr_t Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle::arg0

First argument, expected to be of type RPMessage_CallbackData

◆ arg1

uintptr_t Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle::arg1

First argument, Not used in this implementation

◆ hIsrFxn

Ipc_OsalHIsrFxn Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle::hIsrFxn

Function to handle HIsr

◆ hLosHisrHandle

void* Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle::hLosHisrHandle

When used to high level OS, TIRTOS, associated HISR handle