PDK API Guide for J721E
ipc_types.h File Reference


data types definitions for ipc module.

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IPC Error Codes

Error codes returned by IPC APIs

#define IPC_SOK   (CSL_PASS)
 API call successful. More...
 API call returned with error as failed. Used for generic error. It may be some hardware failure and/or software failure. More...
 API call returned with error as bad arguments. Typically, NULL pointer passed to the API where its not expected. More...
 API call returned with error as invalid parameters. Typically when parameters passed are not valid. More...
 API call returned with error as timed out. Typically API is waiting for some condition and returned as condition not happened in the timeout period. More...
 API call returned with error as allocation failed. More...
 Un Supported service request, API/IOCTLs. More...
#define IPC_E_UNBLOCKED   (-50)
 IPC is unblocked mode. More...
#define IPC_INTR_INVALID   (0xFFFF0000U)
 Macro used to specify that interrupt number is invalid. More...
 Timeout foreever for IPC Recv. More...
 RPMessage Endpoint any available. More...
 RPMessage type. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_OsalHIsrFxn) (uintptr_t arg0, uintptr_t arg1)
 IPC OSAL High Level ISR type. More...
typedef void * Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle
 High Level ISR handle. More...
typedef uint32_t(* Ipc_VirtToPhyFxn) (const void *virtAddr)
 IPC Virtual to Physical address translation callback function. More...
typedef void *(* Ipc_PhyToVirtFxn) (uint32_t phyAddr)
 IPC Physical to Virtual address translation callback function. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_PrintFxn) (const char *str)
 IPC info/debug print function prototype. More...
typedef uintptr_t(* Ipc_OsalDisableAllIntrFxn) (void)
 IPC OSAL interrupt disable function prototype. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_OsalRestoreAllIntrFxn) (uintptr_t cookie)
 IPC OSAL interrupt restore function prototype. More...
typedef Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle(* Ipc_OsalCreateHIsrMutexFxn) (void)
 IPC OSAL create high level interrupt lock. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_OsalDeleteHIsrMutexFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle *handle)
 IPC OSAL delete high level interrupt lock. More...
typedef int32_t(* Ipc_OsalEnterHIsrMutexFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle handle)
 IPC OSAL Lock High level ISR's. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_OsalExitHIsrMutexFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle handle, int32_t key)
 IPC OSAL Un Lock High level ISR's. More...
typedef void *(* Ipc_OsalMutexCreateFxn) (void)
 IPC OSAL mutex create function prototype to protect critical section. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_OsalMutexDeleteFxn) (void *mutexHandle)
 IPC OSAL mutex delete function prototype. More...
typedef int32_t(* Ipc_OsalMutexLockFxn) (void *mutexHandle, uint32_t timeout)
 IPC OSAL mutex lock function prototype. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_OsalMutexUnlockFxn) (void *mutexHandle)
 IPC OSAL mutex lock function prototype. More...
typedef int32_t(* Ipc_OsalHIsrCreateFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle *handle, Ipc_OsalHIsrFxn fxn, void *arg)
 IPC OSAL create high level interrupt handler. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_OsalHIsrDeleteFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle *handle)
 IPC OSAL delete high level interrupt handler. More...
typedef int32_t(* Ipc_OsalHIsrPostFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle *handle)
 IPC OSAL Lock High level ISR's. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_OsalIsrFxn) (uintptr_t arg)
 IPC OSAL ISR callback function prototype. More...
typedef void *(* Ipc_OsalRegisterIntrFxn) (Ipc_MbConfig *cfg, Ipc_OsalIsrFxn isrFxn, uintptr_t arg)
 IPC OSAL ISR register function prototype. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_OsalUnRegisterIntrFxn) (void *hwiHandle)
 IPC OSAL ISR unregister function prototype. More...
typedef void(* Ipc_NewMsgReceivedFxn) (uint32_t srcEndPt, uint32_t procId)
 IPC New message notification. More...

Data Structures

struct  Ipc_MbConfig
 Mailbox interrupt router configuration. More...
struct  Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle
 Second level ISR (HISR), used to complete ISR functions. More...
struct  Ipc_OsalPrms
 IPC driver OSAL function pointers. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define IPC_SOK   (CSL_PASS)

API call successful.



API call returned with error as failed. Used for generic error. It may be some hardware failure and/or software failure.



API call returned with error as bad arguments. Typically, NULL pointer passed to the API where its not expected.



API call returned with error as invalid parameters. Typically when parameters passed are not valid.



API call returned with error as timed out. Typically API is waiting for some condition and returned as condition not happened in the timeout period.



API call returned with error as allocation failed.



Un Supported service request, API/IOCTLs.


#define IPC_E_UNBLOCKED   (-50)

IPC is unblocked mode.


#define IPC_INTR_INVALID   (0xFFFF0000U)

Macro used to specify that interrupt number is invalid.



Timeout foreever for IPC Recv.



RPMessage Endpoint any available.



RPMessage type.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Ipc_OsalHIsrFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_OsalHIsrFxn) (uintptr_t arg0, uintptr_t arg1)

IPC OSAL High Level ISR type.

uintptr_targ1, expected to be of type RPMessage_CallbackData
uintptr_targ2, not used

◆ Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle

typedef void* Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle

High Level ISR handle.

◆ Ipc_VirtToPhyFxn

typedef uint32_t(* Ipc_VirtToPhyFxn) (const void *virtAddr)

IPC Virtual to Physical address translation callback function.

This function is used by the driver to convert virtual address to physical address.

virtAddr[IN] Virtual address
Corresponding physical address

◆ Ipc_PhyToVirtFxn

typedef void*(* Ipc_PhyToVirtFxn) (uint32_t phyAddr)

IPC Physical to Virtual address translation callback function.

This function is used by the driver to convert physical address to virtual address.

phyAddr[IN] Physical address
Corresponding virtual address

◆ Ipc_PrintFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_PrintFxn) (const char *str)

IPC info/debug print function prototype.

This function is used by the driver to print info/debug messages.

str[OUT] Info string to print.

◆ Ipc_OsalDisableAllIntrFxn

typedef uintptr_t(* Ipc_OsalDisableAllIntrFxn) (void)

IPC OSAL interrupt disable function prototype.

Cookie to be passed back to enable interrupt function

◆ Ipc_OsalRestoreAllIntrFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_OsalRestoreAllIntrFxn) (uintptr_t cookie)

IPC OSAL interrupt restore function prototype.

cookie[IN] This is returned in disable interrupt function

◆ Ipc_OsalCreateHIsrMutexFxn

typedef Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle(* Ipc_OsalCreateHIsrMutexFxn) (void)

IPC OSAL create high level interrupt lock.

Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle on success

◆ Ipc_OsalDeleteHIsrMutexFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_OsalDeleteHIsrMutexFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle *handle)

IPC OSAL delete high level interrupt lock.

Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandleHandle previously created gate

◆ Ipc_OsalEnterHIsrMutexFxn

typedef int32_t(* Ipc_OsalEnterHIsrMutexFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle handle)

IPC OSAL Lock High level ISR's.

Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandleHandle previously created gate
int32_t Unique key value, which would be required to unlock

◆ Ipc_OsalExitHIsrMutexFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_OsalExitHIsrMutexFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandle handle, int32_t key)

IPC OSAL Un Lock High level ISR's.

Ipc_OsalHIsrGateHandleHandle previously created gate
int32_tUnique key value, which received when locking

◆ Ipc_OsalMutexCreateFxn

typedef void*(* Ipc_OsalMutexCreateFxn) (void)

IPC OSAL mutex create function prototype to protect critical section.

Pointer to mutex object

◆ Ipc_OsalMutexDeleteFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_OsalMutexDeleteFxn) (void *mutexHandle)

IPC OSAL mutex delete function prototype.

mutexHandle[IN] Pointer to mutex object returned during create

◆ Ipc_OsalMutexLockFxn

typedef int32_t(* Ipc_OsalMutexLockFxn) (void *mutexHandle, uint32_t timeout)

IPC OSAL mutex lock function prototype.

mutexHandle[IN] Pointer to mutex object returned during create

◆ Ipc_OsalMutexUnlockFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_OsalMutexUnlockFxn) (void *mutexHandle)

IPC OSAL mutex lock function prototype.

mutexHandle[IN] Pointer to mutex object returned during create

◆ Ipc_OsalHIsrCreateFxn

typedef int32_t(* Ipc_OsalHIsrCreateFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle *handle, Ipc_OsalHIsrFxn fxn, void *arg)

IPC OSAL create high level interrupt handler.

IPC_SOK on success

◆ Ipc_OsalHIsrDeleteFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_OsalHIsrDeleteFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle *handle)

IPC OSAL delete high level interrupt handler.

Ipc_OsalHIsrHandleHandle previously created HISR

◆ Ipc_OsalHIsrPostFxn

typedef int32_t(* Ipc_OsalHIsrPostFxn) (Ipc_OsalHIsrHandle *handle)

IPC OSAL Lock High level ISR's.

Ipc_OsalHIsrHandleHandle previously created HISR
int32_t IPC_SOK on success

◆ Ipc_OsalIsrFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_OsalIsrFxn) (uintptr_t arg)

IPC OSAL ISR callback function prototype.

arg[IN] App data

◆ Ipc_OsalRegisterIntrFxn

typedef void*(* Ipc_OsalRegisterIntrFxn) (Ipc_MbConfig *cfg, Ipc_OsalIsrFxn isrFxn, uintptr_t arg)

IPC OSAL ISR register function prototype.

cfg[IN] Defines interrupt details Ipc_MbConfig
isrFxn[IN] ISR callback fxn pointer
arg[IN] Arg that will be passed back in the ISR
Created HWI handle

◆ Ipc_OsalUnRegisterIntrFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_OsalUnRegisterIntrFxn) (void *hwiHandle)

IPC OSAL ISR unregister function prototype.

hwiHandle[IN] HWI handle

◆ Ipc_NewMsgReceivedFxn

typedef void(* Ipc_NewMsgReceivedFxn) (uint32_t srcEndPt, uint32_t procId)

IPC New message notification.

srcEndPt[IN] Specifies the source end point number
srcProcId[IN] Specifies the source processor identifier