TIOVX User Guide
tivx.h File Reference

Interface to TI extension APIs. More...

#include <VX/vx.h>
#include <VX/vx_khr_pipelining.h>
#include <VX/vx_khr_user_data_object.h>
#include <TI/tivx_debug.h>
#include <TI/tivx_log_rt.h>
#include <TI/tivx_kernels.h>
#include <TI/tivx_nodes.h>
#include <TI/tivx_mem.h>
#include <TI/tivx_tensor.h>
#include <TI/tivx_ext_raw_image.h>
#include <TI/tivx_ext_super_node.h>
#include <TI/tivx_soc.h>

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Data Structures

struct  tivx_resource_stats_t
 Struct containing config parameters of given static value. More...


#define TIVX_TARGET_MAX_NAME   (64u)
 Max possible name of a target.
 String to name a OpenVX Host. More...
#define TIVX_RESOURCE_NAME_MAX   (39u)
 Max size of macro.
#define TIVX_CONFIG_PATH_LENGTH   (512u)
 Max size of config file path.
 Flag used with tivxGraphParameterEnqueueReadyRef to indicate that this enqueue call if for pipeup phase. More...
 When sending a control command to a replicated node, this can be used to send control command to all replicated node. More...
#define dimof(x)   (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
 Macro to find size of array.


enum  tivx_attribute_extensions_e {
 TI attribute extensions. More...
enum  tivx_df_image_e {
  TIVX_DF_IMAGE_P12 = VX_DF_IMAGE('P','0','1','2'),
  TIVX_DF_IMAGE_NV12_P12 = VX_DF_IMAGE('N','1','2','P'),
  TIVX_DF_IMAGE_RGB565 = VX_DF_IMAGE('R','5','6','5'),
 Based on the VX_DF_IMAGE definition. More...
enum  tivx_status_e {
  TIVX_STATUS_BASE = -(vx_int32)100,
 The enumeration of all TIVX operational error codes. More...


void tivxInit (void)
 Function to initialize OpenVX framework. More...
void tivxDeInit (void)
 Function to de-initialize OpenVX framework. More...
void tivxHostInit (void)
 Function to initialize OpenVX HOST side functionality. More...
void tivxHostDeInit (void)
 Function to de-initialize OpenVX HOST side functionality. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxAddKernelTarget (vx_kernel kernel, const char *target_name)
 Associate a target with a kernel. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetKernelSinkDepth (vx_kernel kernel, uint32_t num_sink_bufs)
 Set the number of sink buffers.
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxRegisterModule (const char *name, vx_publish_kernels_f publish, vx_unpublish_kernels_f unpublish)
 Register publish and unpublish functions against a module name. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxUnRegisterModule (const char *name)
 UnRegister publish and unpublish functions if previously registered.
vx_enum tivxGetSelfCpuId (void)
 Return CPU ID of the CPU on which this API is called.
vx_status tivxQueryResourceStats (const char *resource_name, tivx_resource_stats_t *stat)
 Query resource for resource stats.
void tivxPrintAllResourceStats (void)
 Prints out resource stats.
vx_status tivxExportAllResourceMaxUsedValueToFile (void)
 Exports the max used values to a file. More...
vx_node tivxCreateNodeByKernelEnum (vx_graph graph, vx_enum kernelenum, vx_reference params[], vx_uint32 num)
 Utility function to create a node given parameter references and kernel enum. More...
vx_node tivxCreateNodeByKernelRef (vx_graph graph, vx_kernel kernel, vx_reference params[], vx_uint32 num)
 Utility function to create a node given parameter references and kernel reference. More...
vx_node tivxCreateNodeByKernelName (vx_graph graph, const char *kernel_name, vx_reference params[], vx_uint32 num)
 Utility function to create a node given parameter references and kernel name. More...
vx_bool tivxIsReferenceVirtual (vx_reference ref)
 Utility function to check if the given reference is virtual or not. More...
vx_reference tivxGetReferenceParent (vx_reference child_ref)
 Utility function to extract the parent reference from an element. More...
vx_bool tivxIsTargetEnabled (char target_name[])
 Utility function to know if target is enabled or not. More...
uint64_t tivxPlatformGetTimeInUsecs (void)
 Get the time in micro seconds. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxExportGraphToDot (vx_graph graph, const char *output_file_path, const char *output_file_prefix)
 Export graph representation as DOT graph file. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetNodeParameterNumBufByIndex (vx_node node, vx_uint32 index, vx_uint32 num_buf)
 Set number of buffers to allocate at output of a node parameter. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxGetNodeParameterNumBufByIndex (vx_node node, vx_uint32 index, vx_uint32 *num_buf)
 Get number of buffers to allocate at output of a node parameter. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetGraphPipelineDepth (vx_graph graph, vx_uint32 pipeline_depth)
 Indicates to the implementation the depth of the graph pipeline. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxGraphParameterEnqueueReadyRef (vx_graph graph, vx_uint32 graph_parameter_index, vx_reference *refs, vx_uint32 num_refs, vx_uint32 flags)
 Same as vxGraphParameterEnqueueReadyRef except that it take an additional TIOVX specific flag parameter. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxNodeSendCommand (vx_node node, uint32_t replicate_nodex_idx, uint32_t node_cmd_id, vx_reference ref[], uint32_t num_refs)
 Send node specific Control command. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxNodeSendCommandTimed (vx_node node, uint32_t replicate_nodex_idx, uint32_t node_cmd_id, vx_reference ref[], uint32_t num_refs, uint32_t timeout)
 Send node specific Control command. More...
vx_node tivxGraphGetNode (vx_graph graph, uint32_t index)
 This API is used to get a reference to a node within a graph at a given index within the graph. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetUserDataObjectAttribute (vx_user_data_object user_data_object, vx_enum attribute, const void *ptr, vx_size size)
 Sets attributes on the user data object. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetNodeTileSize (vx_node node, vx_uint32 block_width, vx_uint32 block_height)
 Sets the tile size for a given node in a graph. This is only valid for BAM-enabled kernels on C66 DSP. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetReferenceAttribute (vx_reference ref, vx_enum attribute, const void *ptr, vx_size size)
 Sets reference attributes for the below enums: TIVX_REFERENCE_TIMESTAMP. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_bool VX_API_CALL tivxIsReferenceMetaFormatEqual (vx_reference ref1, vx_reference ref2)
 Check for equivalence between the meta formats of two reference objects. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxReferenceImportHandle (vx_reference ref, const void *addr[], const uint32_t size[], uint32_t num_entries)
 Updates a reference object with the supplied handles (pointers to memory). More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxReferenceExportHandle (const vx_reference ref, void *addr[], uint32_t size[], uint32_t max_entries, uint32_t *num_entries)
 Exports the handles from a reference object. More...

Detailed Description

Interface to TI extension APIs.

Definition in file tivx.h.