PDK API Guide for J721E
CSL_UdmapCfg Struct Reference

Detailed Description

UDMAP configuration structure.

This structure contains configuration information for the UDMAP.

Data Fields

CSL_udmap_gcfgRegs * pGenCfgRegs
CSL_udmap_rxfcfgRegs * pRxFlowCfgRegs
CSL_udmap_txccfgRegs * pTxChanCfgRegs
CSL_udmap_rxccfgRegs * pRxChanCfgRegs
CSL_udmap_txcrtRegs * pTxChanRtRegs
CSL_udmap_rxcrtRegs * pRxChanRtRegs
uint32_t cap0
uint32_t cap1
uint32_t txChanCnt
uint32_t rxChanCnt
uint32_t rxFlowCnt
uint32_t txExtUtcChanCnt
uint32_t txHighCapacityChanCnt
uint32_t txUltraHighCapacityChanCnt

Field Documentation

◆ pGenCfgRegs

CSL_udmap_gcfgRegs* CSL_UdmapCfg::pGenCfgRegs

[IN] Pointer to the general configuration registers

◆ pRxFlowCfgRegs

CSL_udmap_rxfcfgRegs* CSL_UdmapCfg::pRxFlowCfgRegs

[IN] Pointer to the rx flow configuration registers

◆ pTxChanCfgRegs

CSL_udmap_txccfgRegs* CSL_UdmapCfg::pTxChanCfgRegs

[IN] Pointer to the tx channel configuration registers

◆ pRxChanCfgRegs

CSL_udmap_rxccfgRegs* CSL_UdmapCfg::pRxChanCfgRegs

[IN] Pointer to the rx channel configuration registers

◆ pTxChanRtRegs

CSL_udmap_txcrtRegs* CSL_UdmapCfg::pTxChanRtRegs

[IN] Pointer to the tx channel real-time registers

◆ pRxChanRtRegs

CSL_udmap_rxcrtRegs* CSL_UdmapCfg::pRxChanRtRegs

[IN] Pointer to the rx channel real-time registers

◆ cap0

uint32_t CSL_UdmapCfg::cap0

[OUT] Contains the contents of the Capabilities Register 0 (populated by the CSL_udmapGetCfg function)

◆ cap1

uint32_t CSL_UdmapCfg::cap1

[OUT] Contains the contents of the Capabilities Register 1 (populated by the CSL_udmapGetCfg function)

◆ txChanCnt

uint32_t CSL_UdmapCfg::txChanCnt

[OUT] Tx channel count (populated by the CSL_udmapGetCfg function)

◆ rxChanCnt

uint32_t CSL_UdmapCfg::rxChanCnt

[OUT] Rx channel count (populated by the CSL_udmapGetCfg function)

◆ rxFlowCnt

uint32_t CSL_UdmapCfg::rxFlowCnt

[OUT] Rx flow count (populated by the CSL_udmapGetCfg function)

◆ txExtUtcChanCnt

uint32_t CSL_UdmapCfg::txExtUtcChanCnt

[OUT] Tx external UTC channel count (populated by the CSL_udmapGetCfg function)

◆ txHighCapacityChanCnt

uint32_t CSL_UdmapCfg::txHighCapacityChanCnt

[OUT] Tx external UTC channel count (populated by the CSL_udmapGetCfg function)

◆ txUltraHighCapacityChanCnt

uint32_t CSL_UdmapCfg::txUltraHighCapacityChanCnt

[OUT] Tx external UTC channel count (populated by the CSL_udmapGetCfg function)