PDK API Guide for J721E
UDMAP Functions



uint32_t CSL_udmapGetRevision (const CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg)
 Return revision of the UDMAP module. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapGetRevisionInfo (const CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, CSL_UdmapRevision *pRev)
 Return revision information of the UDMAP module. More...
void CSL_udmapGetCfg (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg)
 Return UDMAP configuration information. More...
void CSL_udmapInitTxChanCfg (CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg *pTxChanCfg)
 Initialize a CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg structure. More...
void CSL_udmapInitRxChanCfg (CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg *pRxChanCfg)
 Initialize a CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg structure. More...
void CSL_udmapInitRxFlowCfg (CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg *pFlow)
 Initialize a CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg structure. More...
void CSL_udmapSetPerfCtrl (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t rxRetryTimeoutCnt)
 Set performance control parmeters. More...
void CSL_udmapSetUtcCtrl (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t startingThreadNum)
 Set UTC control parmeters. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapRxFlowCfg (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t flow, const CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg *pFlow)
 Configure an RX flow. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapRxChanCfg (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, const CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg *pRxChanCfg)
 Configure an RX channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapTxChanCfg (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, const CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg *pTxChanCfg)
 Configure a TX channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapRxChanSetTrEvent (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, uint32_t trEventNum)
 Configure an RX channel TR event. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapTxChanSetTrEvent (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, uint32_t trEventNum)
 Configure an TX channel TR event. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapRxChanSetBurstSize (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, CSL_UdmapChanBurstSize burstSize)
 Configure RX channel burst size. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapTxChanSetBurstSize (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, CSL_UdmapChanBurstSize burstSize)
 Configure TX channel burst size. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapGetRxRT (const CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, CSL_UdmapRT *pRT)
 Get an RX channel's real-time register values. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapGetTxRT (const CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, CSL_UdmapRT *pRT)
 Get a TX channel's real-time register values. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapSetRxRT (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, const CSL_UdmapRT *pRT)
 Set an RX channel's real-time register values. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapSetTxRT (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, const CSL_UdmapRT *pRT)
 Set a TX channel's real-time register values. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapEnableTxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Enable a transmit channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapDisableTxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Disable a transmit channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapTeardownTxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, bool bForce, bool bWait)
 Teardown a transmit channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapPauseTxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Pause a transmit channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapUnpauseTxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Un-pause a transmit channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapTriggerTxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Send a trigger event to a TX channel. More...
void CSL_udmapClearTxChanError (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Clear error indication in a transmit channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapEnableRxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Enable a receive channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapDisableRxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Disable a receive channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapTeardownRxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, bool bForce, bool bWait)
 Teardown a receive channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapPauseRxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Pause a receive channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapUnpauseRxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Un-pause a receive channel. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapTriggerRxChan (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Send a trigger event to an RX channel. More...
void CSL_udmapClearRxChanError (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx)
 Clear error indication in a receive channel. More...
void CSL_udmapCfgRxFlowIdFirewall (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t outEvtNum)
 Configure the receive flow ID range firewall. More...
bool CSL_udmapGetRxFlowIdFirewallStatus (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, CSL_UdmapRxFlowIdFirewallStatus *pRxFlowIdFwStatus)
 Get receive flow ID range firewall status information. More...
void CSL_udmapGetChanStats (const CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, CSL_UdmapChanDir chanDir, CSL_UdmapChanStats *pChanStats)
 Get channel statistics. More...
void CSL_udmapDecChanStats (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, CSL_UdmapChanDir chanDir, const CSL_UdmapChanStats *pChanStats)
 Decrement channel statistics. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapGetChanPeerReg (const CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, CSL_UdmapChanDir chanDir, uint32_t regIdx, uint32_t *pVal)
 Read a channel peer register. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapSetChanPeerReg (const CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, CSL_UdmapChanDir chanDir, uint32_t regIdx, uint32_t *pVal)
 Write a TX channel peer register. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapEnableLink (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, uint32_t chanIdx, CSL_UdmapChanDir chanDir)
 Enable a directional data flow for a paired link. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapSetAutoClockGatingEnable (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, CSL_UdmapAutoClkgateBlock blockIds, bool bEnable)
 Enable or disable automatic dynamic clock gating for one or more blocks. More...
int32_t CSL_udmapSetCommandThrottleThreshold (CSL_UdmapCfg *pCfg, CSL_UdmapMasterInterface interfaceId, uint32_t readCountThresh, uint32_t writeCountThresh)
 Set the command throttle threshold for a UDMAP VBUSM master interface. More...

Function Documentation

◆ CSL_udmapGetRevision()

uint32_t CSL_udmapGetRevision ( const CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg)

Return revision of the UDMAP module.

This function returns the contents of the UDMAP revision register. Consult the UDMAP module documentation for a description of the contents of the revision register.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
The 32-bit revision register is returned.

◆ CSL_udmapGetRevisionInfo()

int32_t CSL_udmapGetRevisionInfo ( const CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
CSL_UdmapRevision pRev 

Return revision information of the UDMAP module.

This function returns revision information for the UDMAP module.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
pRev[OUT] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRevision structure where the revision information is returned
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapGetCfg()

void CSL_udmapGetCfg ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg)

Return UDMAP configuration information.

This function returns configuration and capability information for the UDMAP module. See the CSL_UdmapCfg structure for details on the information that is returned.

pCfg[IN/OUT] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure

◆ CSL_udmapInitTxChanCfg()

void CSL_udmapInitTxChanCfg ( CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg pTxChanCfg)

Initialize a CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg structure.

This function initializes the specified CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg structure to known, safe values. Software then only needs to configure elements that are different than their initialized values prior to calling the CSL_udmapTxChanCfg function.

All elements of the CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg structure are initialized to zero except for the following:

fetchWordSize   = CSL_UDMAP_FETCH_WORD_SIZE_16;
trEventNum      = CSL_UDMAP_NO_EVENT;
errEventNum     = CSL_UDMAP_NO_EVENT;
pTxChanCfg[OUT] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg structure

◆ CSL_udmapInitRxChanCfg()

void CSL_udmapInitRxChanCfg ( CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg pRxChanCfg)

Initialize a CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg structure.

This function initializes the specified CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg structure to known, safe values. Software then only needs to configure elements that are different than their initialized values prior to calling the CSL_udmapRxChanCfg function.

All elements of the CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg structure are initialized to zero except for the following:

chanType            = CSL_UDMAP_CHAN_TYPE_REF_PKT_RING;
fetchWordSize       = CSL_UDMAP_FETCH_WORD_SIZE_16;
trEventNum          = CSL_UDMAP_NO_EVENT;
errEventNum         = CSL_UDMAP_NO_EVENT;
pRxChanCfg[OUT] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg structure

◆ CSL_udmapInitRxFlowCfg()

void CSL_udmapInitRxFlowCfg ( CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg pFlow)

Initialize a CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg structure.

This function initializes the specified CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg structure to known, safe values. Software then only needs to configure elements that are different than their initialized values prior to calling the CSL_udmapRxFlowCfg function.

All elements of the CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg structure are initialized to zero.

pFlow[OUT] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg structure

◆ CSL_udmapSetPerfCtrl()

void CSL_udmapSetPerfCtrl ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  rxRetryTimeoutCnt 

Set performance control parmeters.

This function is used to set performance control paramaters available in the UDMAP module.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
rxRetryTimeoutCnt[IN] This parameter specifies the minimum amount of time (in clock cycles) that an Rx channel will be required to wait when it encounters a buffer starvation condition and the Rx error handling bit is set to 1

◆ CSL_udmapSetUtcCtrl()

void CSL_udmapSetUtcCtrl ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  startingThreadNum 

Set UTC control parmeters.

This function is used to set UTC control paramaters available in the UDMAP module.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
startingThreadNum[IN] This parameter specifies the starting PSI-L thread number for the external UTC

◆ CSL_udmapRxFlowCfg()

int32_t CSL_udmapRxFlowCfg ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  flow,
const CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg pFlow 

Configure an RX flow.

This function initializes a receive flow with values specified in the CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg structure.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
flow[IN] Index of the receive flow to initialize
pFlow[IN] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRxFlowCfg structure containing initialization values
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapRxChanCfg()

int32_t CSL_udmapRxChanCfg ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
const CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg pRxChanCfg 

Configure an RX channel.

This function initializes a receive channel with values specified in the CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg structure.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the receive channel to initialize
pRxChanCfg[IN] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRxChanCfg structure containing initialization values
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapTxChanCfg()

int32_t CSL_udmapTxChanCfg ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
const CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg pTxChanCfg 

Configure a TX channel.

This function initializes a transmit channel with values specified in the CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg structure.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the transmit channel to initialize
pTxChanCfg[IN] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapTxChanCfg structure containing initialization values
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapRxChanSetTrEvent()

int32_t CSL_udmapRxChanSetTrEvent ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
uint32_t  trEventNum 

Configure an RX channel TR event.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the receive channel to initialize
trEventNum[IN] Specifies a global event number to generate anytime the required event generation criteria specified in a TR are met Set to CSL_UDMAP_NO_EVENT for no event generation.
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapTxChanSetTrEvent()

int32_t CSL_udmapTxChanSetTrEvent ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
uint32_t  trEventNum 

Configure an TX channel TR event.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the transmit channel to initialize
trEventNum[IN] Specifies a global event number to generate anytime the required event generation criteria specified in a TR are met Set to CSL_UDMAP_NO_EVENT for no event generation.
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapRxChanSetBurstSize()

int32_t CSL_udmapRxChanSetBurstSize ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
CSL_UdmapChanBurstSize  burstSize 

Configure RX channel burst size.

This function enables configuration of the nominal burst size and alignment for data transfers on the specified RX channel. The default burst size is 64 bytes (a value of CSL_UDMAP_CHAN_BURST_SIZE_64_BYTES).

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the receive channel to initialize
burstSize[IN] Burst size value. See CSL_UdmapChanBurstSize for a list of valid burst size values.
0 if successful, or -1 if burstSize is invalid or this function is not available in the version of UDMAP being used

◆ CSL_udmapTxChanSetBurstSize()

int32_t CSL_udmapTxChanSetBurstSize ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
CSL_UdmapChanBurstSize  burstSize 

Configure TX channel burst size.

This function enables configuration of the nominal burst size and alignment for data transfers on the specified TX channel. The default burst size is 64 bytes (a value of CSL_UDMAP_CHAN_BURST_SIZE_64_BYTES).

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the transmit channel to initialize
burstSize[IN] Burst size value. See CSL_UdmapChanBurstSize for a list of valid burst size values.
0 if successful, or -1 if burstSize is invalid or this function is not available in the version of UDMAP being used

◆ CSL_udmapGetRxRT()

int32_t CSL_udmapGetRxRT ( const CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
CSL_UdmapRT pRT 

Get an RX channel's real-time register values.

This function returns the real-time register values for the specified receive channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the receive channel
pRT[OUT] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRT structure where values are returned
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapGetTxRT()

int32_t CSL_udmapGetTxRT ( const CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
CSL_UdmapRT pRT 

Get a TX channel's real-time register values.

This function returns the real-time register values for the specified transmit channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the transmit channel
pRT[OUT] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRT structure where values are returned
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapSetRxRT()

int32_t CSL_udmapSetRxRT ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
const CSL_UdmapRT pRT 

Set an RX channel's real-time register values.

This function sets the real-time register values for the specified receive channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the receive channel
pRT[IN] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRT structure containing initialization values
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapSetTxRT()

int32_t CSL_udmapSetTxRT ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
const CSL_UdmapRT pRT 

Set a TX channel's real-time register values.

This function sets the real-time register values for the specified transmit channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the transmit channel
pRT[IN] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRT structure containing initialization values
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapEnableTxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapEnableTxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Enable a transmit channel.

This function enables the transmit channel specified by 'chanIdx'.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the transmit channel
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapDisableTxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapDisableTxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Disable a transmit channel.

This function disables the transmit channel specified by 'chanIdx'.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the transmit channel
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapTeardownTxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapTeardownTxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
bool  bForce,
bool  bWait 

Teardown a transmit channel.

This function tears down the transmit channel specified by 'chanIdx' at the next packet boundary.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the transmit channel
bForce[IN] If true, the channel is torn down without attempting to preserve data or wait for events (flushes the channel). If false, any packets in flight are completed prior to the channel being torn down.
bWait[IN] If true, wait for the teardown operation to complete. Otherwise, return immediately.
0 = Success, -1 = Operation prohibited (channel is disabled)

◆ CSL_udmapPauseTxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapPauseTxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Pause a transmit channel.

This function pauses the transmit channel specified by 'chanIdx' at the next packet boundary. This is a more graceful method of halting processing than disabling the channel as it will not allow any current packets to underflow.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the transmit channel
0 = Success, -1 = Operation prohibited (channel is disabled)

◆ CSL_udmapUnpauseTxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapUnpauseTxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Un-pause a transmit channel.

This function un-pauses the transmit channel specified by 'chanIdx'.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the transmit channel
0 = Success, -1 = Operation prohibited (channel is disabled)

◆ CSL_udmapTriggerTxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapTriggerTxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Send a trigger event to a TX channel.

This function causes a trigger event to be sent to the specified transmit channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the transmit channel
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapClearTxChanError()

void CSL_udmapClearTxChanError ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Clear error indication in a transmit channel.

This function clears the error indication in the specified transmit channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the transmit channel

◆ CSL_udmapEnableRxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapEnableRxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Enable a receive channel.

This function enables the receive channel specified by 'chanIdx'.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the receive channel
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapDisableRxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapDisableRxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Disable a receive channel.

This function disables the receive channel specified by 'chanIdx'.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the receive channel
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapTeardownRxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapTeardownRxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
bool  bForce,
bool  bWait 

Teardown a receive channel.

This function tears down the receive channel specified by 'chanIdx' at the next packet boundary.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the receive channel
bForce[IN] If true, the channel is torn down without attempting to preserve data or wait for events (flushes the channel). If false, any packets in flight are completed prior to the channel being torn down.
bWait[IN] If true, wait for the teardown operation to complete. Otherwise, return immediately.
0 = Success, -1 = Operation prohibited (channel is disabled)

◆ CSL_udmapPauseRxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapPauseRxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Pause a receive channel.

This function pauses the receive channel specified by 'chanIdx' at the next packet boundary. This is a more graceful method of halting processing than disabling the channel as it will not allow any current packets to underflow.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the receive channel
0 = Success, -1 = Operation prohibited (channel is disabled)

◆ CSL_udmapUnpauseRxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapUnpauseRxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Un-pause a receive channel.

This function un-pauses the receive channel specified by 'chanIdx'.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the transmit channel
0 = Success, -1 = Operation prohibited (channel is disabled)

◆ CSL_udmapTriggerRxChan()

int32_t CSL_udmapTriggerRxChan ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Send a trigger event to an RX channel.

This function causes a trigger event to be sent to the specified receive channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the receive channel
0 if successful, or -1 on error

◆ CSL_udmapClearRxChanError()

void CSL_udmapClearRxChanError ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx 

Clear error indication in a receive channel.

This function clears the error indication in the specified receive channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] The index of the receive channel

◆ CSL_udmapCfgRxFlowIdFirewall()

void CSL_udmapCfgRxFlowIdFirewall ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  outEvtNum 

Configure the receive flow ID range firewall.

This function is used to configure the receive flow ID range firewall.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
outEvtNum[IN] Output event number to use when the receive flow ID range firewall detects an error

◆ CSL_udmapGetRxFlowIdFirewallStatus()

bool CSL_udmapGetRxFlowIdFirewallStatus ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
CSL_UdmapRxFlowIdFirewallStatus pRxFlowIdFwStatus 

Get receive flow ID range firewall status information.

This function returns information from the receive flow ID range firewall.

If the receive flow ID firewall has detected an out of range flow ID, the function returns true and the fields within the CSL_UdmapRxFlowIdFirewallStatus structure contain error details. The function will automatically reset the receive flow ID firewall to capture the next error.

If the receive flow ID firewall has not detected an out of range flow ID, the function returns false and the fields within the CSL_UdmapRxFlowIdFirewallStatus structure are not updated.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
pRxFlowIdFwStatus[IN] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapRxFlowIdFirewallStatus structure containing error details (valid only when true is returned)
true if the receive flow ID range firewall has detected an out of range flow ID, false if no error was detected

◆ CSL_udmapGetChanStats()

void CSL_udmapGetChanStats ( const CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
CSL_UdmapChanDir  chanDir,
CSL_UdmapChanStats pChanStats 

Get channel statistics.

This function is used to read statistics for a transmit or receive channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the channel
chanDir[IN] Channel direction (see CSL_UdmapChanDir)
pChanStats[OUT] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapChanStats structure where the statistics are returned

◆ CSL_udmapDecChanStats()

void CSL_udmapDecChanStats ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
CSL_UdmapChanDir  chanDir,
const CSL_UdmapChanStats pChanStats 

Decrement channel statistics.

This function is used to decrement statistics for a transmit or receive channel by the counts contained in the specified CSL_UdmapChanStats structure.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the channel
chanDir[IN] Channel direction (see CSL_UdmapChanDir)
pChanStats[IN] Pointer to a CSL_UdmapChanStats structure containing the counts to decrement each statistic by

◆ CSL_udmapGetChanPeerReg()

int32_t CSL_udmapGetChanPeerReg ( const CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
CSL_UdmapChanDir  chanDir,
uint32_t  regIdx,
uint32_t *  pVal 

Read a channel peer register.

This function is used to read the value from a peer register for the specified channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the channel
chanDir[IN] Channel direction (see CSL_UdmapChanDir)
regIdx[IN] Peer register index (0..15)
pVal[OUT] Pointer where the register value is returned
0 if successful, or -1 if regIdx is out of range

◆ CSL_udmapSetChanPeerReg()

int32_t CSL_udmapSetChanPeerReg ( const CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
CSL_UdmapChanDir  chanDir,
uint32_t  regIdx,
uint32_t *  pVal 

Write a TX channel peer register.

This function is used to write a value to a peer register for the specified transmit channel.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the transmit channel
chanDir[IN] Channel direction (see CSL_UdmapChanDir)
regIdx[IN] Peer register index (0..15)
pVal[IN] Pointer to the register value to be written
0 if successful, or -1 if regIdx is out of range

◆ CSL_udmapEnableLink()

int32_t CSL_udmapEnableLink ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
uint32_t  chanIdx,
CSL_UdmapChanDir  chanDir 

Enable a directional data flow for a paired link.

This function is used to enable a directional data flow for a given UDMAP channel between UDMAP and a paired PSIL peer.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
chanIdx[IN] Index of the UDMAP channel (TX or RX)
chanDir[IN] Channel direction (TX or RX, see CSL_UdmapChanDir)
0 if successful, or -1 if chanIdx is invalid

◆ CSL_udmapSetAutoClockGatingEnable()

int32_t CSL_udmapSetAutoClockGatingEnable ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
CSL_UdmapAutoClkgateBlock  blockIds,
bool  bEnable 

Enable or disable automatic dynamic clock gating for one or more blocks.

This function is used to enable or disable automatic dynamic clock gating for one or more internal sub-blocks within the UDMAP.

UDMAP revision and later provides automatic dynamic clock gating support for internal sub-blocks based on real-time monitoring of activity.

pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
blockIds[IN] One or more block ID's created by logically or'ing one or more ID's defined in CSL_UdmapAutoClkgateBlock
bEnable[IN] If true, automatic dynamic clock gating for the specified blocks is enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled.
0 if successful, or -1 if this feature is not available

◆ CSL_udmapSetCommandThrottleThreshold()

int32_t CSL_udmapSetCommandThrottleThreshold ( CSL_UdmapCfg pCfg,
CSL_UdmapMasterInterface  interfaceId,
uint32_t  readCountThresh,
uint32_t  writeCountThresh 

Set the command throttle threshold for a UDMAP VBUSM master interface.

This function is used to set the read and/or write command throttle threshold for a UDMAP VBUSM master interface. Command dispatching will be disabled for virtualized channels whenver the current virtualized read or write count from this interface meets or exceeds the programmed value.

Note that this feature is only available in UDMAP revision and later.

The following table shows if read and/or write thresholds can be set for each available interface:

                                  Read  Write
                                  ----  -----


pCfg[IN] Pointer to the UDMAP configuration structure
interfaceId[IN] Interface ID. See CSL_UdmapMasterInterface
readCountThresh[IN] Read command threshold value. Must be > 0.
writeCountThresh[IN] Write command threshold value. Must be > 0.
0 if successful -1 if this feature is not available -2 interfaceId, readCountThresh, and/or writeCountThresh are invalid