TI Deep Learning Library User Guide
Getting Started with TI Deep Learning (TIDL) ecosystem


TIDL is Texas Instruments' deep learning ecosystem which can be used to import networks trained to solve problems like image classification, object detection and semantic segmentation and execute the networks for inference on Jacinto7 SoC exercising the C7x/MMA cores.

Using TIDL, you are expected to be able to:

  • Import trained network models into .bin files that can be used by TIDL.
    • tidlModelImport converts networks trained via open frameworks (like Caffe or Tensorflow) into a format that TIDL can use to execute these networks for inference.
    • tidlModelImport uses quantization statistics tool internally to measure any deviation in infernce accuracies and layer level outputs arising due to quentization.
    • tidlModelImport uses graph compiler tool internally which serves the folllowing purposes
      • Generate optimized execution order and dataflow sequences to maximize inference performance.
      • Estimate the expected performance of the network while executing the network for inference on TI SoC.
        • Performace estimations include:
          • Bandwidth required for each iteration of execution
          • Number of computation cycles required for each iteration of execution (GMACs), and
          • Time taken for each iteration of execution / Number of possible executions per second (FPS).
  • Execute the network on PC using the imported .bin files and validate the results
  • Execute the network on TI Jacinto7 SoC using the imported .bin files and validate the results

The following model formats are currently supported:

  • Caffe models (using .caffemodel and .prototxt files)
  • Tensorflow models (using .pb or .tflite files)
  • ONNX models (.onnx files)
Fundamental blocks of TI Deep Learning Library

This guide demonstrates the above features and documents the steps that will help you get started on TIDL framework.

If you are not familiar with concepts of deep learning or machine learning, and if this is your first experience with convolutional neural networks (CNN), it is suggested that you start here.

Setting up the environment

TIDL is installed by SDK installation and can be found inside ${PSDKRA_PATH}/tidl_j7_01_00_00_00. Run the following steps to export required variables and install tools for ease of use.

For Linux Users

Export the path of TIDL root directory as TIDL_INSTALL_PATH. All examples in this guide will use paths and filenames relative to this directory.

user@ubuntu-pc$ export TIDL_INSTALL_PATH=${PSDKRA_PATH}/tidl_j7_01_00_00_00

If you want to visualize the network after importing, it is required to build tidlModelGraphviz tool after installation. The visualisation tool generates .svg files indicating the network flow. The details of the network visualisation tool can be found here

For Linux Users

To build tidlModelGraphviz tool, install graphviz-dev package (needed for building tidlModelGraphviz) and export the variable TIDL_GRAPHVIZ_PATH.

user@ubuntu-pc$ sudo apt install graphviz-dev
user@ubuntu-pc$ export TIDL_GRAPHVIZ_PATH=/usr

Build the tidlModelGraphviz tool by running make in TIDL_INSTALL_PATH.

user@ubuntu-pc$ cd ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}
user@ubuntu-pc$ TARGET_PLATFORM=PC make gv

For Windows Users

tidlModelGraphviz is not supported on Windows.

Importing models

In this section, we will show you some examples of how to import models trained with Caffe and Tensorflow into TIDL. We will use the following models in this guide:

  • MobileNetV2 Tensorflow model for image classification
  • PeleeNet Caffe model for object detection
  • JSegNet21V2 Caffe model for semantic segmentation

The installation does not create the directories required for storing the downloaded models mentioned in this guide. You should create the directories as required, if they are not already present.

The paths used in this guide are for the purpose of representation alone. You can create your own configuration file (containing the appropriate paths for collecting input models and storing output files), and pass that file's location as an argument to the tidlModelImport tool.

Importing MobileNetV2 model for image classification

Downloading model

Download the tarball containing the trained model from here..

You need to extract mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_frozen.pb from the tarball and put it inside ti_dl/test/testvecs/models/public/tensorflow/mobilenet_v2 directory.

The downloaded tensorflow models cannot be imported until they are optimized for inference. Run optimize_for_inference.py (distributed with tensorflow installation) to create an optimized model file.

user@ubuntu-pc$ python optimize_for_inference.py \
--input=${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/test/testvecs/models/public/tensorflow/mobilenet_v2/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_frozen.pb \
--output=${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/test/testvecs/models/public/tensorflow/mobilenet_v2/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_final.pb \
--input_names="input" \

Importing model

To import models using tidlModelImport tool, you need to use a configuration file that provides the import parameters to the tool. The various parameters and the supported values for each parameters are documented here.

You can use the configuration file ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/import/public/tensorflow/tidl_import_mobileNetv2.txt (distributed with the installation) to import this model.

Run the import tool to import the model.

For Linux Users

user@ubuntu-pc$ cd ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/utils/tidlModelImport
user@ubuntu-pc$ ./out/tidl_model_import.out ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/import/public/tensorflow/tidl_import_mobileNetv2.txt --numParamBits 15

For Windows Users

C:\> cd %TIDL_INSTALL_PATH%\ti_dl\utils\tidlModelImport
C:\> out/tidl_model_import.out.exe %TIDL_INSTALL_PATH%\ti_dl\test\testvecs\config\import\public\tensorflow\tidl_import_mobileNetv2.txt  --numParamBits 15

MobileNetV2 trained on tensorflow needs 16 bits for better accuracy. Therefore, it is required to override the default value of numParamBits while importing.

The import tool will run quantization and carry out graph compilation and performance simulation internally and generate the following files:

  • Compiled network and I/O .bin files used for inference
    • Compiled network file in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tensorflow/tidl_net_mobilenet_v2_1.0_224.bin containing the layers in the order of execution, and the layers parameters (weights , bias etc).
    • Compiled I/O file in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tensorflow/tidl_net_mobilenet_v2_1.0_2241.bin containing the dataflow sequences.
  • Performance simulation results for network analysis in ti_dl/utils/perfsim/tidl_import_mobileNetv2.txt/tidl_import_mobileNetv2.txt_Analysis_DSP1_FRQ1000_DATA1_MSMCS7936_DDRE0.60_EMIFP1_DDRMTS3733_224x224.csv

If you built the tidlModelGraphviz tool as described in Setting up the environment, the network graph representation is also generated in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tensorflow/tidl_net_mobilenet_v2_1.0_224.bin.svg.

Importing PeleeNet model for object detection

Downloading model

Download the tarball containing the trained model from here.

You need to extract pelee_304x304_acc7094.caffemodel and deploy.prototxt from the tarball and put it inside ti_dl/test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/peele/pelee_voc/ directory.

The downloaded pelee model should be imported with a higher confidence_threshold parameter for better accuracy. Modify the file ti_dl/test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/peele/pelee_voc/deploy.prototxt to use 0.4 as confidence_threshold.

keep_top_k: 200
confidence_threshold: 0.4

Importing model

After the above changes are made to the model, it can be imported by following the steps similar to the ones described in Importing MobileNetV2 model for image classification. You can use ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/import/public/caffe/tidl_import_peeleNet.txt (distributed with the installation) to import the model.

For Linux Users

user@ubuntu-pc$ cd ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/utils/tidlModelImport
user@ubuntu-pc$ ./out/tidl_model_import.out ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/import/public/caffe/tidl_import_peeleNet.txt

For Windows Users

C:\> cd %TIDL_INSTALL_PATH%\ti_dl\utils\tidlModelImport
C:\> out/tidl_model_import.out.exe %TIDL_INSTALL_PATH%\ti_dl\test\testvecs\config\import\public\caffe\tidl_import_peeleNet.txt

The following files are generated by the import:

  • Compiled network and I/O .bin files used for inference
    • Compiled network file in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_peele_300.bin
    • Compiled I/O file in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_io_peele_300_1.bin
  • Performance simulation results for network analysis in ti_dl/utils/perfsim/tidl_import_peeleNet.txt/tidl_import_peeleNet.txt_Analysis_DSP1_FRQ1000_DATA0_MSMCS7936_DDRE0.60_EMIFP1_DDRMTS3733_1024x512.csv

If you built the tidlModelGraphviz tool as described in Setting up the environment, the network graph representation is also generated in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_peele_300.bin.svg.

Importing JSegNet21V2 model for semantic segmentation

Downloading model

Download the trained model from here and put it in ti_dl/test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/jsegNet21 directory.

Do not use save link as or copy link location options to download binary files from github.com, use the Download button instead.

Download the deploy.prototxt file from here and put it in ti_dl/test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/jsegNet21 directory.

Do not use save link as or copy link location options to download text files from github.com, use the Raw button to open the file and then use save as ... option.

Importing model

The model can be imported by following steps similar to the the ones described in Importing MobileNetV2 model for image classification. You can use ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/import/public/caffe/tidl_import_jSegNet.txt (distributed with the installation) to import the model.

For Linux Users

user@ubuntu-pc$ cd ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/utils/tidlModelImport
user@ubuntu-pc$ ./out/tidl_model_import.out ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/import/public/caffe/tidl_import_jSegNet.txt

For Windows Users

C:\> cd %TIDL_INSTALL_PATH%/ti_dl/utils/tidlModelImport
C:\> out/tidl_model_import.out.exe %TIDL_INSTALL_PATH%\ti_dl\test\testvecs\config\import\public\caffe\tidl_import_jSegNet.txt

The following files are generated by the import:

  • Compiled network and I/O .bin files used for inference
    • Compiled network file in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_jSegNet_1024x512.bin
    • Compiled I/O file in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_io_jSegNet_1024x512_1.bin
  • Performance simulation results for network analysis in ti_dl/utils/perfsim/tidl_import_jSegNet.txt/tidl_import_jSegNet.txt_Analysis_DSP1_FRQ1000_DATA0_MSMCS7936_DDRE0.60_EMIFP1_DDRMTS3733_1024x512.csv

If you built the tidlModelGraphviz tool as described in Setting up the environment, the network graph representation is also generated in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_jSegNet_1024x512.bin.svg.

Running imported models in PC simulation

The installation comes with a PC simulation tool ti_dl/test/PC_dsp_test_dl_algo.out that can be used to execute imported .bin files and verify the inference result before running them on TI Jacinto7 SoC. This helps in easily identifying the issues with the model and debugging.

The PC simulation tool uses the file ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/config_list.txt to read the list of inference tests to run. The format of the file is as follows:

1 /path/to/inference/parameter/file/to/be/executed/1
1 /path/to/inference/parameter/file/to/be/executed/2
1 /path/to/inference/parameter/file/to/be/executed/3
2 /comment/line/./continue/to/the/next/line
2 /comment/line/./continue/to/the/next/line
1 /path/to/inference/parameter/file/to/be/executed/4
1 /path/to/inference/parameter/file/to/be/executed/5
0 /stop/processing/after/this/line

Each line that starts with 1 must point to a file containing the inference parameters to run an imported model. The various parameters and the supported values for each parameters are documented here.

The lines that start with 2 are ignored.
The test sequence stops when it hits a line that starts with 0.

The paths in the file ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/config_list.txt (e.g. /path/to/inference/parameter/file/to/be/executed/1) must be relative to ti_dl/utils/test.
For example, to add the inference parameter file ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_pelee.txt to the list, you must add the following:

1 testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_pelee.txt

In this section, we will test the models imported in Importing models using the inference parameter files distributed with the installation.

Running MobileNetV2 for image classification

Add the following lines at the beginning of ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/config_list.txt:

1 testvecs/config/infer/public/tensorflow/tidl_infer_mobileNetv2.txt

Run PC_dsp_test_dl_algo.out from ti_dl/test directory.

user@ubuntu-pc$ cd ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/test
user@ubuntu-pc$ ./PC_dsp_test_dl_algo.out
Processing config file #0 : testvecs/config/infer/public/tensorflow/tidl_infer_mobileNetv2.txt
----------------------- TIDL Process with REF_ONLY FLOW ------------------------
# 0 . .. T 655.09 ... A : 896, 1.0000, 1.0000, 896 .... .....

Decoding the output

The test uses the ti_dl/test/testvecs/input/airshow.bmp as input image and 896 as test label.

Input image for classification

This information is obtained from the input configuration file ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/classification_list_1.txt.
The input configuration file is provided as inData parameter in ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/infer/public/tensorflow/tidl_infer_mobileNetv2.txt

The numbers printed by the classification test represent the following information:

  • Time taken by PC simulation
  • Classification Results
    • Test image label
    • TOP-1 accuracy
    • TOP-5 accuracy
    • Inferred label

For example, the above output indicates that the simulation took 655.09 milliseconds, the test input label was 896, the inferred label was 896, and the TOP-1 and TOP-5 accuracies are both 1.0.

Running PeleeNet for object detection

Add the following lines at the beginning of ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/config_list.txt:

1 testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_pelee.txt

Run PC_dsp_test_dl_algo.out from ti_dl/test directory.

user@ubuntu-pc$ cd ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/test
user@ubuntu-pc$ ./PC_dsp_test_dl_algo.out
Processing config file #0 : testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_pelee.txt
----------------------- TIDL Process with REF_ONLY FLOW ------------------------
# 0 . .. T 8213.45 ... .... .....

Decoding the output

The test uses the ti_dl/test/testvecs/input/ti_lindau_000020.bmp as input image for object detection.

The test prints the time taken by PC simulation and stores the list of detected objects and the coordinates for each detected object in ti_dl/test/testvecs/output/pelee.bin_ti_lindau_000020.bmp_000000.txt. It also generates a post-processed output image at ti_dl/test/testvecs/output/pelee.bin_ti_lindau_000020.bmp_000000_tidl_post_proc2.png that shows the detected objects and the bounding boxes.

Input output --------------------—
Input image to object detection application
output of object detection application

Running JSegNet21V2 for semantic segmentation

Add the following lines at the beginning of ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/config_list.txt:

1 testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_jSegNet.txt

Run PC_dsp_test_dl_algo.out from ti_dl/test directory.

user@ubuntu-pc$ cd ${TIDL_INSTALL_PATH}/ti_dl/test
user@ubuntu-pc$ ./PC_dsp_test_dl_algo.out
Processing config file #0 : testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_jSegNet.txt
----------------------- TIDL Process with REF_ONLY FLOW ------------------------
# 0 . .. T 5236.66 ... .... .....

The test uses the ti_dl/test/testvecs/input/ti_lindau_I00000.bmp as input image for semantic segmentation.

The test prints the time taken by PC simulation and stores the generates a post-processed output image at ti_dl/test/testvecs/output/jsegNet1024x512.bin_ti_lindau_I00000.bmp_000000_tidl_post_proc3.png that shows the generated segmentation masks for the detected objects.

Input output --------------------—
Input image to semantic segmentation application
output of semantic segmentation application

You can also run all 3 of the above tests in a single run of PC_dsp_test_dl_algo.out by adding the following lines in the beginning of ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/config_list.txt:

1 testvecs/config/infer/public/tensorflow/tidl_infer_mobileNetv2.txt
1 testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_pelee.txt
1 testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_jSegNet.txt

Running imported models on target

The .bin files generated by tidlModelImport can be tested on Jacinto7 SoC using the TI_DEVICE_a72_test_dl_algo_host_rt.out binary (distributed with the installation). This section will describe the steps required to run the imported models on target. We will use the three models from Importing models.

H/W requirements

  • TI Jacinto7 EVM
    • The EVM should be programmed to SD-boot mode as described in SDK user guide

Preparing the SD card

  • Runt the below commands in you linux machine to copy the imported models, input files and binary files required to the TIDL application on target
user@ubuntu-pc$ cd ${PSDKRA_PATH}/vision_apps
user@ubuntu-pc$ make linux_fs_install_sd

Booting up the EVM

Insert the SD card in to the EVM and power on the EVM and wait for Linux to complet the boot. Log in as root and un below to execute the TIDL application

root@ j7-evm:~# cd /opt/tidl_test root@ j7-evm:/opt/tidl_test# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib root@ j7-evm:/opt/tidl_test# ./TI_DEVICE_a72_test_dl_algo_host_rt.out

Decoding the output

Processing config file #0 : testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_jSegNet.txt
----------------------- TIDL Process with TARGET DATA FLOW ------------------------
# 0 . .. TSC Mega Cycles = 8.58 ... .... .....
Processing config file #0 : testvecs/config/infer/public/caffe/tidl_infer_pelee.txt
----------------------- TIDL Process with TARGET DATA FLOW ------------------------
# 0 . .. TSC Mega Cycles = 14.04 ... .... .....
Processing config file #0 : testvecs/config/infer/public/tensorflow/tidl_infer_mobileNetv2.txt
----------------------- TIDL Process with TARGET DATA FLOW ------------------------
# 0 . .. TSC Mega Cycles = 6.33 ... A : 896, 1.0000, 1.0000, 896 .... .....

The test output is printed on console which shows the number of megacycles taken for each test case. Assuming C7x is running at 1 GHz, the time-taken-per-frame and FPS for each test can be calculated as:

Time-taken-per-frame in milliseconds = (1000 / C7x CPU clock in MHz) x Number of mega cycles
FPS = 1 / Time-taken-per-frame in milliseconds

For example, From the output above:

Test Mega cycles count Time taken pe
JSegNet21V2 8.58 8.58 116.55
PeleeNet 10.04 10.04 96.15
MobileNetV2 6.33 6.33 157.98

For image classification tests, the input class and the inferred class is also printed (e.g. in MobileNetV2 test).

After all the tests are complete, the postprocessed images for object detection and semantic segmentation are stored in testvecs/output.

Validating test output

Take the SD card out of the EVM and plug it into PC. After the SD card is mounted in ${SDCARD_MOUNT_DIR}, you can check the contents in ${SDCARD_MOUNT_DIR}/opt/tidl_test/testvecs/output.

The postprocessed output files should be presnt in

  • Object detection output in ${SDCARD_MOUNT_DIR}/opt/tidl_test/testvecs/output/pelee.bin_ti_lindau_000020.bmp_000000_tidl_post_proc2.bmp
  • Semantic segmentation output in ${SDCARD_MOUNT_DIR}/opt/tidl_test/testvecs/output/jsegNet1024x512.bin_ti_lindau_I00000.bmp_000000_tidl_post_proc3.bmp


This document provides a step-by-step approach towards getting started with TIDL.

  1. You can refer to the TIDL data sheet here
    1. The list of all supported layers and their configurations can be found here
    2. The list of all CNN models validated by TI can be found here
      • If you choose your back bone network as one of the network that TI has already validate, then we can expect a rapid deployment of the model
  2. Import your trained network to TIDL .bin files using tidlModelImport tool on PC.
    • You can develop / train your deep learning application / network on PC using open frameworks (Tensorflow, Caffe or Pytorch)
    • Further details of tidlModelImport can be found here
  3. Validate the inference result from import process on PC emulation, and make sure this produces expected output. Enable the post-processing (if applicable) to validate the output quickly.
    • The details of post-processing can be found here
    • Further details of TIDL sample application can be found here
  4. If you want to validate your model in SDK, please refer to SDK's demo / docs.
    • SDK also supports PC emulation and we recommend this PC emulation mode for debugging integration issues if any.
  5. Execute your network on Jacinto7 EVM to measure the performance using TIDL target test application
  6. You can refer to the troubleshooting guide here for debugging issues.