Adc_GroupConfigType Struct Reference

Detailed Description

ADC Group configuration structure.

Data Fields

Adc_GroupType groupId
Adc_GroupPriorityType groupPriority
Adc_HWUnitType hwUnitId
Adc_GroupEndNotifyType Adc_GroupEndNotification
Adc_StreamNumSampleType streamNumSamples
Adc_ResolutionType resolution
Adc_GroupConvModeType convMode
Adc_TriggerSourceType triggSrc
Adc_GroupAccessModeType accessMode
Adc_StreamBufferModeType streamBufMode
Adc_HwTriggerSignalType hwTrigSignal
Adc_HwTriggerTimerType hwTrigTimer
Adc_GroupReplacementType groupReplacement
uint32 highRange
uint32 lowRange
uint32 numChannels
Adc_ChannelConfigType channelConfig [ADC_NUM_CHANNEL]

Field Documentation

◆ groupId

Adc_GroupType Adc_GroupConfigType::groupId

Group ID - This should be same as that of the index in to the groupCfg[] array

◆ groupPriority

Adc_GroupPriorityType Adc_GroupConfigType::groupPriority

Group priority

◆ hwUnitId

Adc_HWUnitType Adc_GroupConfigType::hwUnitId

HWUnit associated with this group

◆ Adc_GroupEndNotification

Adc_GroupEndNotifyType Adc_GroupConfigType::Adc_GroupEndNotification

Group end notification callback fxn pointer

◆ streamNumSamples

Adc_StreamNumSampleType Adc_GroupConfigType::streamNumSamples

Contains how many samples fit into result buffer

◆ resolution

Adc_ResolutionType Adc_GroupConfigType::resolution

Group resolution - This is not configurable and should be set to ADC_DEF_CHANNEL_RESOLUTION

◆ convMode

Adc_GroupConvModeType Adc_GroupConfigType::convMode

Operation mode of the group

◆ triggSrc

Adc_TriggerSourceType Adc_GroupConfigType::triggSrc

Determines the trigger source (hw or sw trigger). Note: Only SW trigger is supported

◆ accessMode

Adc_GroupAccessModeType Adc_GroupConfigType::accessMode

Defines the type of the groups buffer

◆ streamBufMode

Adc_StreamBufferModeType Adc_GroupConfigType::streamBufMode

Use linear or circular stream buffer

◆ hwTrigSignal

Adc_HwTriggerSignalType Adc_GroupConfigType::hwTrigSignal

Use rising or falling edge for event pin trigger. Note: Since HW trigger is not supported, this parameter is not used

◆ hwTrigTimer

Adc_HwTriggerTimerType Adc_GroupConfigType::hwTrigTimer

Hardware trigger event. Note: Since HW trigger is not supported, this parameter is not used. Set it to 0.

◆ groupReplacement

Adc_GroupReplacementType Adc_GroupConfigType::groupReplacement

Group replacement logic when priority mechanism is ON - i.e prioritySupport is not ADC_PRIORITY_NONE.

◆ highRange

uint32 Adc_GroupConfigType::highRange

Sampled ADC data is compared to this value. If the sampled data is greater than this value, then interrupt is generated. Valid values: ADC_MIN_RANGE to ADC_MAX_RANGE.

This check can be enabled/disabled individually for each of the channel (step) using rangeCheckEnable parameter.

Note: Since there are no standard MCAL API for this feature, this is not supported by the ADC driver

◆ lowRange

uint32 Adc_GroupConfigType::lowRange

Sampled ADC data is compared to this value. If the sampled data is lesser than this value, then interrupt is generated. Valid values: ADC_MIN_RANGE to ADC_MAX_RANGE.

This check can be enabled/disabled individually for each of the channel (step) using rangeCheckEnable parameter.

Note: Since there are no standard MCAL API for this feature, this is not supported by the ADC driver

◆ numChannels

uint32 Adc_GroupConfigType::numChannels

Number of channels in this group

◆ channelConfig

Adc_ChannelConfigType Adc_GroupConfigType::channelConfig[ADC_NUM_CHANNEL]

Channel (HW step) configuration. numChannels elements should be initialized