Spi_Cfg.h File Reference


This file contains generated pre compile configuration file for SPI MCAL driver.

Go to the source code of this file.


 SPI Build Variant. Build variants.(i.e Pre Compile,Post Build or Link time) More...
 Pre Compile config macro name. More...
#define SPI_IB_MAX_LENGTH   (64U)
 Internal Buffer length in bytes - applicable only for SPI_IB. More...
 Enable/disable SPI dev detect error. More...
#define SPI_JOB_LOG   (STD_ON)
 Enable/disable SPI job log. More...
#define SPI_MAX_JOB_LOG   (100U)
 Maximum job log entries when logging is ON. More...
#define SPI_MAX_HW_DMA_UNIT   (0U)
 Enable/disable SPI DMA Support. More...
 Enable/disable SPI DMA Support. More...
#define SPI_LEVEL_0   (0U)
 Basic Synchronous functions. More...
#define SPI_LEVEL_1   (1U)
 Basic Asynchronous functions. More...
#define SPI_LEVEL_2   (2U)
 Synchronous and Asynchronous functions. More...
 Concurrent sync transmit support - by defualt this is off. More...
 Scalability level. More...
 Enable/disable SPI get version info API. More...
 Enable/disable SPI HW Status API. More...
 Enable/disable SPI cancel API. More...
 Maximum channels allowed per job. More...
#define SPI_MAX_JOBS_PER_SEQ   (1U)
 Maximum jobs allowed per sequence. More...
#define SPI_MAX_CHANNELS   (1U)
 Maximum channels across all jobs/sequence/hwunit. More...
#define SPI_MAX_JOBS   (1U)
 Maximum jobs across all sequence/hwunit. More...
#define SPI_MAX_SEQ   (1U)
 Maximum sequence across all hwunit. More...
#define SPI_MAX_HW_UNIT   (8U)
 Maximum HW unit - This should match the sum for the below units ISR which are ON. More...
#define SPI_MAX_EXT_DEV   (11U)
 Maximum external device cfg. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCU MCSPI0 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCU MCSPI1 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCU MCSPI2 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCSPI0 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCSPI1 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCSPI2 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCSPI3 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCSPI4 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCSPI5 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCSPI6 unit ISR. More...
 Enable/disable SPI MCSPI7 unit ISR. More...
 ISR type. More...
#define SPI_OS_COUNTER_ID   ((CounterType)OsCounter_0)
 OS counter ID - used for timeout in case of error. More...
#define SPI_TIMEOUT_DURATION   (32000U)
 SPI timeout - used in McSPI IP reset Each tick is 31.25us (for 32K Counter). Wait for 100ms which comes to below value. More...
 Enable/disable SPI register read back API. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiChannel_SpiChannel_0   (0U)
 Symbolic Name Channel Id - 0 SpiChannel_0. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiExternalDevice_CS0   (SPI_CS0)
 Symbolic Name Chip Select - 0. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiJob_SpiJob_0   (0U)
 Symbolic Name Job Id - 0 SpiJob_0. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiSequence_SpiSequence_0   (0U)
 Symbolic Name Sequence Id - 0 SpiSequence_0. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiExternalDevice_HwUnitId0   (CSIB0)
 Symbolic Name HW Unit - 0. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiExternalDevice_HwUnitId1   (CSIB1)
 Symbolic Name HW Unit - 1. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiExternalDevice_HwUnitId2   (CSIB2)
 Symbolic Name HW Unit - 2. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiExternalDevice_HwUnitId3   (CSIB3)
 Symbolic Name HW Unit - 3. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiExternalDevice_HwUnitId4   (CSIB4)
 Symbolic Name HW Unit - 4. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiExternalDevice_HwUnitId5   (CSIB5)
 Symbolic Name HW Unit - 5. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiExternalDevice_HwUnitId6   (CSIB6)
 Symbolic Name HW Unit - 6. More...
#define SpiConf_SpiExternalDevice_HwUnitId7   (CSIB7)
 Symbolic Name HW Unit - 7. More...
SPI DEM Error codes to report

Pre-compile switches for enabling/disabling DEM events

#define DemConf_DemEventParameter_SPI_DEM_NO_EVENT   (0xFFFFU)
#define SPI_DEM_NO_EVENT   DemConf_DemEventParameter_SPI_DEM_NO_EVENT
#define SPI_E_HARDWARE_ERROR   (DemConf_DemEventParameter_SPI_E_HARDWARE_ERROR)
 Hardware failed. More...


void SpiApp_wbInvCache (uint8 *buf, uint16 len)
 Cache write-back invalidate function. More...
void SpiApp_wbCache (uint8 *buf, uint16 len)
 Cache write-back function. More...
void SpiApp_invCache (uint8 *buf, uint16 len)
 Cache invalidate function. More...


const struct Spi_ConfigType_s SpiDriver
 SPI Configuration struct declaration. More...
const struct Spi_ChannelConfigType_PC_s Spi_ChannelConfig_PC [SPI_MAX_CHANNELS]
 SPI Channel PC Configuration struct declaration. More...
const struct Spi_JobConfigType_PC_s Spi_JobConfig_PC [SPI_MAX_JOBS]
 SPI Job PC Configuration struct declaration. More...
const struct Spi_SeqConfigType_PC_s Spi_SeqConfig_PC [SPI_MAX_SEQ]
 SPI Sequence PC Configuration struct declaration. More...