Pwm_Cfg.h File Reference


This file contains generated pre compile configuration file for PWM MCAL driver.

Go to the source code of this file.


 PWM Build Variant. Build variants.(i.e Pre-compile,Post-build or Link time) More...
 Enable/Disable PWM DeInit API. More...
 Enable/Disable PWM SetDutyCycle API. More...
 Enable/Disable PWM SetOutputToIdle API. More...
 Enable/Disable PWM SetPeriodAndDuty API. More...
 Enable/Disable PWM VersionInfo API. More...
 Enable/Disable PWM RegisterReadback API. More...
 Enable/Disable PWM Dutycycle update always at the end of the period. More...
 Enable/Disable PWM Period update always at the end of the period. More...
 ISR type. More...
#define PWM_NUM_CHANNELS   (1U)
 Number of configured channels. More...
 Enable/Disable PWM dev detect error. More...
 Enable/Disable PWM notifications. More...
#define PWM_OS_COUNTER_ID   ((CounterType)OsCounter_0)
 Counter ID for counter used to count wait ticks. More...
#define PWM_INDEX   (1U)
 Instance ID for driver module to toggle between GPT and EPWM usage. More...
#define PWM_USE_GPT
#define PWM_TIMEOUT_DURATION   (32000U)
 timeout. Each tick is 31.25us (for 32K Counter). Wait for 5s which comes to below value More...
#define PwmConf_PwmChannelConfiguration_PwmChannel_0   (10U)
 Channel ID Symbolic Names Configured channel ID(s) More...
#define PWM_INIT_CONFIG_PC   PwmChannelConfigSet
 Pre Compile config macro name. More...
#define PWM_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS   (30U)
#define PWM_CHANNEL11   (10U)
 GP timer 11 instance, in MCU DOMAIN. More...


void Pwm_Ch11Isr (void)
 PWM Channel 11 ISR. More...


const uint32 Pwm_HwUnitBaseAddr [PWM_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS]
const struct Pwm_ConfigType_PC_s PwmChannelConfigSet_PC
 PWM Configuration structure declaration. More...
const struct Pwm_ConfigType_s PwmChannelConfigSet