SDL API Guide for J7200
POK Enum Data defines


POK types

This enumerator defines the possible POK module types

typedef uint8_t SDL_pok_type
#define SDL_TYPE_POK   ((SDL_pok_type) 1U)
#define SDL_TYPE_POK_SA   ((SDL_pok_type) 2U)

POK/POR Deglitch types

This enumerator defines the possible ping-pong control values for the Power Subsystem modules

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_deglitch
#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_5US   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 0U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_10US   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 1U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_15US   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 2U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_20US   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 3U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_GET_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 4U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 5U)

POK/POR Ping/Pong types

This enumerator defines the possible deglitch control values for the Power Subsystem modules

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_pp
#define SDL_PWRSS_PP_MODE_DISABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_pp) 0U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_PP_MODE_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_pp) 1U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_PP_MODE_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_pp) 2U)

POK/POR hysteresIs types

This enumerator defines the possible hysteresis control values for the Power Subsystem modules

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_hysteresis
#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_HYSTERESIS_DISABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_hysteresis) 0U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_HYSTERESIS_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_hysteresis) 1U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_GET_HYSTERESIS_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_hysteresis) 2U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_HYSTERESIS_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_hysteresis) 3U)


This enumerator defines the possible trim value for POK/POR modules Any value between 0 through 127 is valid TRIM value


*     POK        | Under Voltage   | Over Voltage     |                 
*                | Detection       | Detection        | Step Resolution 
*    ----------- | --------------- | ---------------- | ----------------
*     CORE_POK   | 475mV - 1.35V   |  725mV - 1.65V   | 0.0125V         
*     POK1.8     | 1.432V - 2.168V |  1.432V - 2.168V | 0.02V           
*     POK3.3     | 2.625V - 3.975V |  2.625V - 3.975V | 0.0375V         

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_trim
#define SDL_PWRSS_MAX_TRIM_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_trim) 127U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_TRIM_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_trim) 128U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_GET_TRIM_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_trim) 129U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_INVALID_TRIM_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_trim) 255U)

POK/POR Voltage detection modes

This enumerator defines the possible values of Voltage Detection modes

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_vd_mode
#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_UNDER_VOLTAGE_DET_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 0U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_OVER_VOLTAGE_DET_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 1U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_PP_VOLTAGE_DET_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 2U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_GET_VOLTAGE_DET_MODE   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 3U)
#define SDL_PWRSS_VOLTAGE_DET_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 4U)

POK detection status

This enumerator defines the POK Detection status values

typedef uint8_t SDL_POK_detection_status
#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_DISABLED   ((SDL_POK_detection_status) 0U)
#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_ENABLED   ((SDL_POK_detection_status) 1U)

POK detection values

This enumerator defines the POK Detection values

typedef uint8_t SDL_POK_detection
#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_DISABLE   ((SDL_POK_detection) 0U)
#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_ENABLE   ((SDL_POK_detection) 1U)
#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_POK_detection) 2U)
#define SDL_POK_GET_DETECTION_VALUE   ((SDL_POK_detection) 3U)

POK Enable Selection source Values

This enumerator defines the POK Enable selection source

Selection source values

typedef uint8_t SDL_POK_enSelSrc
#define SDL_POK_ENSEL_PRG_CTRL   ((SDL_POK_enSelSrc) 1U)
#define SDL_POK_ENSEL_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_POK_enSelSrc) 2U)
#define SDL_POK_GET_ENSEL_VALUE   ((SDL_POK_enSelSrc) 3U)

POK trim selection values from HHV default or CTRL registers

This enumerator defines the trim selection values

typedef uint8_t SDL_por_trim_sel
#define SDL_POR_TRIM_SELECTION_NO_CHANGE   ((uint8_t) 2U)
#define SDL_POR_TRIM_SELECTION_GET_VALUE   ((uint8_t) 3U)

POR Module state values

This enumerator defines the POR Module State

typedef uint8_t SDL_por_module_status
#define SDL_POR_MODULE_STATUS_FUNCTIONAL_MODE   ((SDL_por_module_status) 0U)
#define SDL_POR_MODULE_STATUS_RESET_MODE   ((SDL_por_module_status) 1U)

POK POK ID values

This enumerator defines the Wake up control MMR register

typedef SDL_wkup_ctrl_mmr_cfg0Regs SDL_wkupCtrlRegsBase_t

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SDL_TYPE_POK   ((SDL_pok_type) 1U)

POK type Power System Module


#define SDL_TYPE_POK_SA   ((SDL_pok_type) 2U)

POK_SA type Power System Module


#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_5US   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 0U)

Deglitch period 5us


#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_10US   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 1U)

Deglitch period 10us


#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_15US   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 2U)

Deglitch period 15us


#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_20US   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 3U)

Deglitch period 20us


#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_GET_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 4U)

Get the Deglitch value


#define SDL_PWRSS_DEGLITCH_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_deglitch) 5U)

No update on hysteresis for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_PP_MODE_DISABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_pp) 0U)

Ping Pong Disable


#define SDL_PWRSS_PP_MODE_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_pp) 1U)

Ping Pong Enable


#define SDL_PWRSS_PP_MODE_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_pp) 2U)

No update on ping pong for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_HYSTERESIS_DISABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_hysteresis) 0U)

Disable hysteresis for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_HYSTERESIS_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_hysteresis) 1U)

Enable hysteresis for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_GET_HYSTERESIS_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_hysteresis) 2U)

Get hysteresis value for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_HYSTERESIS_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_hysteresis) 3U)

No update on hysteresis for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_MAX_TRIM_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_trim) 127U)

TRIM is 7 bit value, when the trim value is <= to the MAX value, that value would be written to trim register Any other values, would be treated as the command as described belowTRIM is 7 bit value, and hence the maximum value is 127


#define SDL_PWRSS_TRIM_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_trim) 128U)

No update on trim value read/write for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_GET_TRIM_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_trim) 129U)

Command to read the TRIM value


#define SDL_PWRSS_INVALID_TRIM_VALUE   ((SDL_pwrss_trim) 255U)

Invalid TRIM value


#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_UNDER_VOLTAGE_DET_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 0U)

Enable under voltage detection for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_OVER_VOLTAGE_DET_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 1U)

Enable over voltage detection for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_SET_PP_VOLTAGE_DET_ENABLE   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 2U)

Enable ping-pong voltage detection for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_GET_VOLTAGE_DET_MODE   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 3U)

Get voltage detection for the module


#define SDL_PWRSS_VOLTAGE_DET_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_pwrss_vd_mode) 4U)

No update on voltage detection mode update for the module


#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_DISABLED   ((SDL_POK_detection_status) 0U)

POK Detection disabled


#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_ENABLED   ((SDL_POK_detection_status) 1U)

POK Detection Enabled


#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_DISABLE   ((SDL_POK_detection) 0U)

POK Detection disabled


#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_ENABLE   ((SDL_POK_detection) 1U)

POK Detection Enabled


#define SDL_POK_DETECTION_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_POK_detection) 2U)

POK Detection No action


#define SDL_POK_GET_DETECTION_VALUE   ((SDL_POK_detection) 3U)

POK Detection get value



POK enables come from hardware tie offs


#define SDL_POK_ENSEL_PRG_CTRL   ((SDL_POK_enSelSrc) 1U)

POK enables come from CTRLMMR_WKUP_PRG0_CTRL register


#define SDL_POK_ENSEL_NO_ACTION   ((SDL_POK_enSelSrc) 2U)

POK enable selection no action


#define SDL_POK_GET_ENSEL_VALUE   ((SDL_POK_enSelSrc) 3U)

POK enable selection Get value



Trim selections for Bandgap and PORs come from HHV defaults



Trim selections for Bandgap and POKs come from CTRLMMR_WKUP_POR_BANDGAP_CTRL and POR_POKxxx_CTRL registers


#define SDL_POR_TRIM_SELECTION_NO_CHANGE   ((uint8_t) 2U)

Trim selections for Bandgap and POKs No Change


#define SDL_POR_TRIM_SELECTION_GET_VALUE   ((uint8_t) 3U)

Trim Read selections Bandgap and POKs


#define SDL_POR_MODULE_STATUS_FUNCTIONAL_MODE   ((SDL_por_module_status) 0U)

POR in functional mode


#define SDL_POR_MODULE_STATUS_RESET_MODE   ((SDL_por_module_status) 1U)

POR in Reset mode

Typedef Documentation

◆ SDL_pok_type

typedef uint8_t SDL_pok_type

◆ SDL_pwrss_deglitch

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_deglitch

◆ SDL_pwrss_pp

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_pp

◆ SDL_pwrss_hysteresis

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_hysteresis

◆ SDL_pwrss_trim

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_trim

◆ SDL_pwrss_vd_mode

typedef uint8_t SDL_pwrss_vd_mode

◆ SDL_POK_detection_status

typedef uint8_t SDL_POK_detection_status

◆ SDL_POK_detection

typedef uint8_t SDL_POK_detection

◆ SDL_POK_enSelSrc

typedef uint8_t SDL_POK_enSelSrc

◆ SDL_por_trim_sel

typedef uint8_t SDL_por_trim_sel

◆ SDL_por_module_status

typedef uint8_t SDL_por_module_status

◆ SDL_wkupCtrlRegsBase_t

typedef SDL_wkup_ctrl_mmr_cfg0Regs SDL_wkupCtrlRegsBase_t