Data Fields
I2SCC32XX_Interface_ Struct Reference

#include <I2SCC32XX.h>

Collaboration diagram for I2SCC32XX_Interface_:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

uint16_t delay
I2S_Callback callback
uint32_t udmaConfig

Field Documentation

§ delay

uint16_t I2SCC32XX_Interface_::delay

Number of WS cycles to wait before starting the first transfer. This value is mostly used when performing constant latency transfers.

§ activeTransfer

I2S_Transaction* I2SCC32XX_Interface_::activeTransfer

Pointer on the ongoing transfer

§ callback

I2S_Callback I2SCC32XX_Interface_::callback

Pointer to callback

§ udmaConfig

uint32_t I2SCC32XX_Interface_::udmaConfig

Bit field. It's a OR of UDMA_SIZE_xx, UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_xx, UDMA_DSTINC_xx, UDMA_ARB_xx.

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