TI-RTOS Drivers  tidrivers_cc32xx_2_16_00_08
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
Power.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Power manager interface.


The Power header file should be included in an application as follows:


The Power manager facilitates the transition of the MCU from active state to one of the sleep states and vice versa. It provides drivers the ability to set and release dependencies on hardware resources and keeps a reference count on each resource to know when to enable or disable the peripheral clock to the resource. It provides drivers the ability to register a callback function upon a specific power event. In addition, drivers and apps can set or release constraints to prevent the MCU from transitioning into a particular sleep state.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <ti/drivers/utils/List.h>
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Data Structures

struct  Power_NotifyObj
 Power notify object structure. More...


#define Power_TOTAL   1
#define Power_RESUME   2
#define Power_NOTIFYDONE   0
#define Power_NOTIFYERROR   1
#define Power_SOK   0
#define Power_EFAIL   1
#define Power_EINVALIDPOINTER   2
#define Power_ECHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED   3
#define Power_EBUSY   4
#define Power_ACTIVE   1
#define Power_ENTERING_SLEEP   2
#define Power_EXITING_SLEEP   3
#define Power_ENTERING_SHUTDOWN   4
#define Power_CHANGING_PERF_LEVEL   5


typedef void(* Power_PolicyInitFxn) (void)
 Power policy initialization function pointer. More...
typedef void(* Power_PolicyFxn) (void)
 Power policy function pointer. More...
typedef int(* Power_NotifyFxn) (unsigned int eventType, uintptr_t eventArg, uintptr_t clientArg)
 Power notify function pointer. More...
typedef struct Power_NotifyObj Power_NotifyObj
 Power notify object structure. More...


void Power_enablePolicy (void)
 Enable the configured power policy to run when the CPU is idle. More...
unsigned int Power_getConstraintMask (void)
 Get the constraints that have been declared with Power. More...
unsigned int Power_getDependencyCount (unsigned int resourceId)
 Get the current dependency count for a resource. More...
unsigned int Power_getPerformanceLevel (void)
 Get the current performance level. More...
uint32_t Power_getTransitionLatency (unsigned int sleepState, unsigned int type)
 Get the hardware transition latency for a sleep state. More...
unsigned int Power_getTransitionState (void)
 Get the current transition state of the Power manager. More...
void Power_idleFunc (void)
 Power function to be added to the application idle loop. More...
void Power_init (void)
 Power initialization function. More...
unsigned int Power_registerNotify (Power_NotifyObj *pNotifyObj, unsigned int eventTypes, Power_NotifyFxn notifyFxn, uintptr_t clientArg)
 Register a function to be called upon a specific power event. More...
void Power_releaseConstraint (unsigned int constraintId)
 Release a previously declared constraint. More...
void Power_releaseDependency (unsigned int resourceId)
 Release a previously declared dependency. More...
void Power_setConstraint (unsigned int constraintId)
 Declare an operational constraint. More...
void Power_setDependency (unsigned int resourceId)
 Declare a dependency upon a resource. More...
unsigned int Power_setPerformanceLevel (unsigned int level)
 Set the MCU performance level. More...
unsigned int Power_shutdown (unsigned int shutdownState, uint32_t shutdownTime)
 Put the device into a shutdown state. More...
unsigned int Power_sleep (unsigned int sleepState)
 Transition the device into a sleep state. More...
void Power_unregisterNotify (Power_NotifyObj *pNotifyObj)
 Unregister previously registered notifications. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define Power_TOTAL   1

total latency

#define Power_RESUME   2

resume latency

#define Power_NOTIFYDONE   0

OK, notify completed

#define Power_NOTIFYERROR   1

an error occurred during notify

#define Power_SOK   0

OK, operation succeeded

#define Power_EFAIL   1

general failure

#define Power_EINVALIDPOINTER   2

invalid pointer

#define Power_ECHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED   3

change is not allowed

#define Power_EBUSY   4

busy with another transition

#define Power_ACTIVE   1

normal active state

#define Power_ENTERING_SLEEP   2

entering a sleep state

#define Power_EXITING_SLEEP   3

exiting a sleep state

#define Power_ENTERING_SHUTDOWN   4

entering a shutdown state

#define Power_CHANGING_PERF_LEVEL   5

moving to new performance level

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* Power_PolicyInitFxn) (void)

Power policy initialization function pointer.

typedef void(* Power_PolicyFxn) (void)

Power policy function pointer.

typedef int(* Power_NotifyFxn) (unsigned int eventType, uintptr_t eventArg, uintptr_t clientArg)

Power notify function pointer.

Power notify object structure.

This struct specification is for internal use. Notification clients must pre-allocate a notify object when registering for a notification; Power_registerNotify() will take care initializing the internal elements appropriately.

Function Documentation

void Power_enablePolicy ( void  )

Enable the configured power policy to run when the CPU is idle.

Calling this function sets a flag that will cause the configured power policy function to be invoked on each pass through the Idle loop. This runtime function call will essentially override a 'false' setting of the "enablePolicy" setting in the Power manager configuration object.

For some processor families automatic power transitions are at odds with the debugger, and having the policy running by default makes application debug difficult. This convenience function allows an application to be initially configured, built, and debugged, without automatic power transitions during idle time. When the application is found to be working, this function can be called (typically in main()) to enable the policy to run, without having to change the application configuration. Note that there is no comparable 'disable' policy function; once the policy has been enabled to run, it will always run until the application is rebooted.

unsigned int Power_getConstraintMask ( void  )

Get the constraints that have been declared with Power.

This function returns a bitmask indicating the constraints that are currently declared to the Power manager (via previous calls to Power_setConstraint()). For each constraint that is currently declared, the corresponding bit in the bitmask will be set. For example, if two clients have independently declared two different constraints, the returned bitmask will have two bits set.

Constraint identifiers are device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, the constraints for MSP432 are defined in PowerMSP432.h. The corresponding bit in the bitmask returned by this function can be derived by a left-shift using the constraint identifier. For example, for MSP432, for the corresponding bit for the PowerMSP432_DISALLOW_SLEEP constraint, the bit position is determined by the operation: (1 << PowerMSP432_DISALLOW_SLEEP)

A bitmask of the currently declared constraints.
See also
unsigned int Power_getDependencyCount ( unsigned int  resourceId)

Get the current dependency count for a resource.

This function returns the number of dependencies that are currently declared upon a resource.

Resource identifiers are device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, the resources for CC3200 are defined in PowerCC3200.h.

resourceIdresource id
The number of dependencies declared upon the resource.
See also
unsigned int Power_getPerformanceLevel ( void  )

Get the current performance level.

This function returns the current device performance level in effect.

If performance scaling is not supported for the device, this function will always indicate a performance level of zero.

The current performance level.
See also
uint32_t Power_getTransitionLatency ( unsigned int  sleepState,
unsigned int  type 

Get the hardware transition latency for a sleep state.

This function reports the minimal hardware transition latency for a specific sleep state. The reported latency is that for a direct transition, and does not include any additional latency that might occur due to software-based notifications.

Sleep states are device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, the sleep states for CC3200 are defined in PowerCC3200.h.

This function is typically called by the power policy function. The latency is reported in units of microseconds.

sleepStatethe sleep state
typethe latency type (Power_TOTAL or Power_RESUME)
The latency value, in units of microseconds.
unsigned int Power_getTransitionState ( void  )

Get the current transition state of the Power manager.

This function returns the current transition state for the Power manager. For example, when no transitions are in progress, a status of Power_ACTIVE is returned. Power_ENTERING_SLEEP is returned during the transition to sleep, before sleep has occurred. And Power_EXITING_SLEEP will be returned after wakeup, as the device is being transitioned back to Power_ACTIVE.

The current Power manager transition state.
void Power_idleFunc ( void  )

Power function to be added to the application idle loop.

This function should be added to the application idle loop. (The method to do this depends upon the operating system being used.) This function will invoke the configured power policy function when appropriate. The specific policy function to be invoked is configured as the 'policyFxn' in the application-defined Power configuration object.

void Power_init ( void  )

Power initialization function.

This function initializes Power manager internal state. It must be called prior to any other Power API. This function is normally called as part of TI-RTOS board initialization, for example, from within the <board name>_initGeneral() function.

unsigned int Power_registerNotify ( Power_NotifyObj pNotifyObj,
unsigned int  eventTypes,
Power_NotifyFxn  notifyFxn,
uintptr_t  clientArg 

Register a function to be called upon a specific power event.

This function registers a function to be called when a Power event occurs. Registrations and the corresponding notifications are processed in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The function registered must behave as described later, below.

The pNotifyObj parameter is a pointer to a pre-allocated, opaque object that will be used by Power to support the notification. This object could be dynamically allocated, or declared as a global object. This function will properly initialized the object's fields as appropriate; the caller just needs to provide a pointer to this pre-existing object.

The eventTypes parameter identifies the type of power event(s) for which the notify function being registered is to be called. (Event identifiers are device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, the events for MSP432 are defined in PowerMSP432.h.) The eventTypes parameter for this function call is treated as a bitmask, so multiple event types can be registered at once, using a common callback function. For example, to call the specified notifyFxn when both the entering deepsleep and awake from deepsleep events occur, eventTypes should be specified as: PowerMSP432_ENTERING_DEEPSLEEP | PowerMSP432_AWAKE_DEEPSLEEP

The notifyFxn parameter specifies a callback function to be called when the specified Power event occurs. The notifyFxn must implement the following signature: status = notifyFxn(eventType, eventArg, clientArg);

Where: eventType identifies the event being signalled, eventArg is an optional event-specific argument, and clientArg is an abitrary argument specified by the client at registration. Note that multipe types of events can be specified when registering the notification callback function, but when the callback function is actually called by Power, only a single eventType will be specified for the callback (i.e., the current event). The status returned by the client notification function must be one of the following constants: Power_NOTIFYDONE if the client processed the notification successfully, or Power_NOTIFYERROR if an error occurred during notification.

The clientArg parameter is an arbitrary, client-defined argument to be passed back to the client upon notification. This argument may allow one notify function to be used by multiple instances of a driver (that is, the clientArg can be used to identify the instance of the driver that is being notified).

pNotifyObjnotification object (preallocated by caller)
eventTypesevent type or types
notifyFxnclient's callback function
clientArgclient-specified argument to pass with notification
See also
void Power_releaseConstraint ( unsigned int  constraintId)

Release a previously declared constraint.

This function releases a constraint that was previously declared with Power_setConstraint(). For example, if a device driver is starting an I/O transaction and wants to prohibit activation of a sleep state during the transaction, it uses Power_setConstraint() to declare the constraint, before starting the transaction. When the transaction completes, the driver calls this function to release the constraint, to allow the Power manager to once again allow transitions to sleep.

Constraint identifiers are device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, the constraints for MSP432 are defined in PowerMSP432.h.

Only one constraint can be specified with each call to this function; to release multiple constraints this function must be called multiple times.

It is critical that clients call Power_releaseConstraint() when operational constraints no longer exists. Otherwise, Power may be left unnecessarily restricted from activating power savings.

constraintIdconstraint id
See also
void Power_releaseDependency ( unsigned int  resourceId)

Release a previously declared dependency.

This function releases a dependency that had been previously declared upon a resource (by a call to Power_setDependency()).

Resource identifiers are device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, the resources for CC3200 are defined in PowerCC3200.h.

resourceIdresource id
See also
void Power_setConstraint ( unsigned int  constraintId)

Declare an operational constraint.

Before taking certain actions, the Power manager checks to see if the requested action would conflict with a client-declared constraint. If the action does conflict, Power will not proceed with the request. This is the function that allows clients to declare their constraints with Power.

Constraint identifiers are device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, the constraints for MSP432 are defined in PowerMSP432.h.

Only one constraint can be specified with each call to this function; to declare multiple constraints this function must be called multiple times.

constraintIdconstraint id
See also
void Power_setDependency ( unsigned int  resourceId)

Declare a dependency upon a resource.

This function declares a dependency upon a resource. For example, if a UART driver needs a specific UART peripheral, it uses this function to declare this to the Power manager. If the resource had been inactive, then Power will activate the peripheral during this function call.

What is needed to make a peripheral resource 'active' will vary by device family. For some devices this may be a simple enable of a clock to the specified peripheral. For others it may also require a power on of a power domain. In either case, the Power manager will take care of these details, and will also implement reference counting for resources and their interdependencies. For example, if multiple UART peripherals reside in a shared serial power domain, the Power manager will power up the serial domain when it is first needed, and then automatically power the domain off later, when all related dependencies for the relevant peripherals are released.

Resource identifiers are device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, the resources for CC3200 are defined in PowerCC3200.h.

resourceIdresource id
See also
unsigned int Power_setPerformanceLevel ( unsigned int  level)

Set the MCU performance level.

This function manages a transition to a new device performance level. Before the actual transition is initiated, notifications will be sent to any clients who've registered (with Power_registerNotify()) for a 'start change performance level' notification. The event name is device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, for MSP432, the event is "PowerMSP432_START_CHANGE_PERF_LEVEL", which is defined in PowerMSP432.h. Once notifications have been completed, the change to the performance level is initiated. After the level change is completed, there is a comparable event that can be used to signal a client that the change has completed. For example, on MSP432 the "PowerMSP432_DONE_CHANGE_PERF_LEVEL" event can be used to signal completion.

This function will not return until the new performance level is in effect. If performance scaling is not supported for the device, or is prohibited by an active constraint, or if the specified level is invalid, then an error status will be returned.

levelthe new performance level
Power_SOK on success. Power_EFAIL if: performance scaling is not supported, or if the scaling routines encountered an error during initialization, or if the specified performance level is out of range of valid levels. Power_EBUSY is returned if the Power manager is already busy with another transition, or if a single constraint that locks any performance level changes has been declared. Power_ECHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED is returned if the requested level has been explicitly prohibited by a level-specific constraint.
See also
unsigned int Power_shutdown ( unsigned int  shutdownState,
uint32_t  shutdownTime 

Put the device into a shutdown state.

This function will transition the device into a shutdown state. Before the actual transition is initiated, notifications will be sent to any clients who've registered (with Power_registerNotify()) for an 'entering shutdown' event. The event name is device specific, and defined in the device-specific Power include file. For example, for CC3200, the event is "PowerCC3200_ENTERING_SHUTDOWN", which is defined in PowerCC3200.h. Once notifications have been completed, the device shutdown will commence.

If the device is successfully transitioned to shutdown, this function call will never return. Upon wakeup, the device and application will be rebooted (through a device reset). If the transition is not successful, one of the error codes listed below will be returned.

On some devices a timed wakeup from shutdown can be specified, using the shutdownTime parameter. This enables an autonomous application reboot at a future time. For example, an application can go to shutdown, and then automatically reboot at a future time to do some work. And once that work is done, the application can shutdown again, for another timed interval. The time interval is specified via the shutdownTime parameter. (On devices that do not support this feature, any value specified for shutdownTime will be ignored.) If the specified shutdownTime is less than the total shutdown latency for the device, then shutdownTime will be ignored. The shutdown latency for the device can be found in the device-specific Power include file. For example, for the CC3200, this latency is defined in PowerCC3200.h, as "PowerCC3200_TOTALTIMESHUTDOWN".)

shutdownStatethe device-specific shutdown state
shutdownTimethe amount of time (in milliseconds) to keep the the device in the shutdown state; this parameter is not supported on all device families
An error status if the transition did not occur: Power_ECHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED if the transition is prohibited by a constraint; Power_EBUSY if the Power manager is already busy with another transition.
unsigned int Power_sleep ( unsigned int  sleepState)

Transition the device into a sleep state.

This function is called from the power policy when it has made a decision to put the device in a specific sleep state. This function returns to the caller (the policy function) once the device has awoken from sleep.

This function must be called with interrupts disabled, and should not be called directly by the application, or by any drivers. This function does not check declared constraints; the policy function must check constraints before calling this function to initiate sleep.

sleepStatethe sleep state
A status code indicating success or failure: Power_SOK if the device was put to sleep and then awoken; Power_EFAIL if a failure occurred during client notifications; or Power_EBUSY if the Power manager is already busy with another transition.
void Power_unregisterNotify ( Power_NotifyObj pNotifyObj)

Unregister previously registered notifications.

This function unregisters for event notifications that were previously registered with Power_registerNotify(). The caller must specify a pointer to the same notification object used during registration.

pNotifyObjnotify object
See also
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