CC26xx Driver Library
cpu.c File Reference
#include <driverlib/cpu.h>

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uint32_t CPUcpsid (void)
 Disable all external interrupts. More...
uint32_t CPUprimask (void)
 Get the current interrupt state. More...
uint32_t CPUcpsie (void)
 Enable all external interrupts. More...
uint32_t CPUbasepriGet (void)
 Get the interrupt priority disable level. More...
 __asm (" .sect \".text:NOROM_CPUdelay\"\n"" .clink\n"" .thumbfunc NOROM_CPUdelay\n"" .thumb\n"" .global NOROM_CPUdelay\n""NOROM_CPUdelay:\n"" subs r0, #1\n"" bne.n NOROM_CPUdelay\n"" bx lr\n")
 Provide a small delay. More...

Function Documentation

__asm ( " .sect \".text:NOROM_CPUdelay\"\n"" .clink\n"" .thumbfunc NOROM_CPUdelay\n"" .thumb\n"" .global NOROM_CPUdelay\n""NOROM_CPUdelay:\n"" subs  r0,
#1\n""bne.n NOROM_CPUdelay\n""bx lr\n"   

Provide a small delay.

Referenced by CPUbasepriGet(), CPUbasepriSet(), CPUcpsid(), CPUcpsie(), CPUprimask(), CPUsev(), CPUwfe(), and CPUwfi().