
CC26xx Power Manager

Calling Context

Function Hwi Swi Task Main Startup
getConstraintInfo Y Y Y Y Y
getDependencyCount Y Y Y Y Y
getTicksUntilWakeup N N Y N N
getTransitionLatency Y Y Y Y Y
getTransitionState Y Y Y Y Y
getXoscStartupTime Y Y Y Y Y
registerNotify N N Y Y N
releaseConstraint Y Y Y Y Y
releaseDependency Y Y Y Y Y
setConstraint Y Y Y Y Y
setDependency Y Y Y Y Y
shutdown N N Y Y N
sleep N N Y N N
unregisterNotify N N Y Y N
  • Hwi: API is callable from a Hwi thread
  • Swi: API is callable from a Swi thread
  • Task: API is callable from a Task thread
  • Main: API is callable from main()
  • Startup: API is callable during any module startup
  • Y: Yes
  • Y*: Yes, but see API description for restrictions
  • N: No
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/sysbios/family/arm/cc26xx/Power.xdc
#include <ti/sysbios/family/arm/cc26xx/Power.h>
Power_registerNotify// Register a function to be called upon a specific power event(Power_NotifyObj *pNotifyObj, UInt32 eventTypes, Fxn notifyFxn, UArg clientArg, UArg arg);
Functions common to all target modules
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Bool 
enum Power_Constraint

Constraints that can be registered with Power

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_Constraint {
    // disallow loss of cache context during Power_STANDBY (i.e., retain the cache)
    // disallow transition to SHUTDOWN
    // disallow transition to Power_STANDBY
    // disallow power down of the CPU domain during idle time (IDLE_PD)
    // need to keep Flash powered in IDLE_PD
} Power_Constraint;
enum Power_Event

Power Event enumerations

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_Event {
    // device is transitioning into Power_STANDBY
    // device is transitioning into SHUTDOWN
    // device has awoken from Power_STANDBY, I/O latches are still frozen
    // device has awoken from Power_STANDBY, I/O latches are open again
    // the high frequency (HF) crystal oscillator has stabilized, and is now the HF clock source
} Power_Event;
enum Power_LatencyType

Type of transition latency to query

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_LatencyType {
    // the total latency, to enter the sleep state, and to wake and resume
    // the latency to wake the device and resume execution
} Power_LatencyType;
enum Power_NotifyResponse

Return values from a notify function

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_NotifyResponse {
    // success, done processing the notification
    // an error occurred while processing the notification
} Power_NotifyResponse;
enum Power_SleepState

Sleep states

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_SleepState {
    // STANDBY state
} Power_SleepState;
enum Power_Status

Function return codes

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_Status {
    // success
    // success, context has been restored
    // error, the operation failed
    // error, an invalid pointer was specified
    // error, the requested change is not allowed
    // error, a timeout occurred
    // error, the operation is not allowed; another transition is not completed yet
} Power_Status;
enum Power_TransitionState

Sleep transition states

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_TransitionState {
    // device is active; no transition in progress
    // device is entering into a sleep state
    // device is exiting a sleep state
    // device is transitioning to the SHUTDOWN state
} Power_TransitionState;
config Power_A_tooManyCallsReleaseConstraint  // module-wide

Assert when Power_releaseConstraint is called too many times

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Power_A_tooManyCallsReleaseConstraint;
config Power_A_tooManyCallsReleaseDependency  // module-wide

Assert when Power_releaseDependency is called too many times

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Power_A_tooManyCallsReleaseDependency;
config Power_idle  // module-wide

Idle the CPU during idle time?

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Power_idle;
When this configuration parameter is set to true, the Power module will insert a power policy function into the list of Idle loop functions. When the policy function executes, it will take action to save power until the next CPU interrupt occurs. The default power policy will simply invoke a wait for interrupt (WFI) instruction.
Power_doWFI()  // module-wide

A power policy function that invokes wait-for-interrupt (WFI) during idle time

C synopsis target-domain
Void Power_doWFI();
This is the most basic power policy function, which will invoke WFI upon entry to the Idle loop. This is the default policy function that is invoked when CPU idling is enabled with the idle configuration parameter:
  Power.idle = true;
Power_getClockHandle()  // module-wide

Get the handle of the Clock object created for scheduling wakeups

C synopsis target-domain
Clock_Handle Power_getClockHandle();
Power_getConstraintInfo()  // module-wide

Get a bitmask representing the aggregate of constraints that have been declared

C synopsis target-domain
UInt32 Power_getConstraintInfo();
A bitmask representing all currently declared constraints
This function returns a bitmask indicating the constraints that are currently declared to the Power module (via previous calls to Power_setConstraint()). For each constraint (of type Power_Constraint) that is currently declared, the corresponding bit in the bitmask will be set. For example, if two clients have declared Power_SB_DISALLOW, and one has declared Power_SB_VIMS_CACHE_RETAIN, then the returned bitmask will have the value: Power_SB_DISALLOW | Power_SB_VIMS_CACHE_RETAIN
Power_getDependencyCount()  // module-wide

Get the count of dependencies that are currently declared upon a resource

C synopsis target-domain
UInt32 Power_getDependencyCount(UInt8 resourceID);
resourceID — The resource identifier, as specified in the device-specific header file
The number of dependencies currently declared upon this resourceID
This function returns the number of dependencies that are currently declared upon a resource.
Power_getTicksUntilWakeup()  // module-wide

Get the number of system ticks until the next scheduled wakeup event

C synopsis target-domain
UInt32 Power_getTicksUntilWakeup();
The number of system ticks (i.e., Clock module) ticks until the next scheduled wakeup
Power_getTransitionLatency()  // module-wide

Get the minimal transition latency for a sleep state, in units of system Clock ticks

C synopsis target-domain
UInt32 Power_getTransitionLatency(Power_SleepState sleepState, Power_LatencyType type);
sleepState — The sleepState whose transition latency is to be reported (e.g., Power_STANDBY)
type — The type of latency to be reported
The transition latency, in units of Clock ticks.
Note that the reported latency is the device transition latency for the specified sleep state. This latency value does not include any additional software induced latency, for example, that due to notifications of the power transition to drivers.
Power_getTransitionState()  // module-wide

Get the current Power module transition state

C synopsis target-domain
Power_TransitionState Power_getTransitionState();
The current transition state, of type Power_TransitionState
Power_getXoscStartupTime()  // module-wide

Get the estimated crystal oscillator startup time, in units of microseconds

C synopsis target-domain
UInt32 Power_getXoscStartupTime(UInt32 timeUntilWakeupInMs);
timeUntilWakeupInMs — The estimated time until the next wakeup event, in units of milliseconds
The estimated crystal oscillator startup latency, in units of microseconds.
The estimated time until wakeup is in units of milliseconds, but the the estimate crystal startup time is in microseconds.
Power_registerNotify()  // module-wide

Register a function to be called upon a specific power event

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_registerNotify(Power_NotifyObj *pNotifyObj, UInt32 eventTypes, Fxn notifyFxn, UArg clientArg, UArg arg);
pNotifyObj — The notify object to be used for queuing of the notification callback function
eventTypes — The type or types of Power_Event to be notified of
notifyFxn — The callback function Power should call to notify the client of the event
clientArg — A client-defined argument to pass with the notifyFxn call
arg — For future use, should be specified as: NULL
Power_SOK if the registration succeeded
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if either pNotifyObj or notifyFxn were NULL
This function registers a function to be called when a Power event occurs. Registrations and the corresponding notifications are processed in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The function registered must behave as described below.
The pNotifyObj parameter is a pointer to a pre-allocated, opaque object that will be used by Power to support the notification. This object could be dynamically allocated, or declared as a global object. Power_registerNotify() will properly initialized the object's fields as appropriate; the caller just needs to provide a pointer to this pre-existing object.
The eventType parameter identifies the type of power event for which the notify function being registered is to be called. This parameter is treated as a bitmask, so multiple event types can be registered for a common function. The event types are enumerated as Power_Event. For example, to call the specified function when both the entering standby and the awake from standby events occur, eventType should be specified as: (Power_ENTERING_STANDBY | Power_AWAKE_STANDBY)
The clientArg parameter is an arbitrary argument to be passed to the client upon notification. This argument may allow one notify function to be used by multiple instances of a driver (that is, the clientArg can be used to identify the instance of the driver that is being notified).
The notifyFxn parameter specifies the function to call when the specified Power event occurs. The notifyFxn must implement the following signature:
status = notifyFxn(eventType, clientArg);
Where: eventType (type of Power_Event) is the event being signalled, and clientArg is the abitrary argument specified by the client at registration. Note that multipe types of events can be specified when registering the notification callback function, but when the callback function is actually called by Power, only a single eventType will be specified for the callback (i.e., the current event).
The client notification function being registered must return one of the following constants as a status value, of type Power_NotifyResponse: Power_NOTIFYDONE if the client processed the notification function successfully, or Power_NOTIFYERROR if the notification cannot be processed (e.g., if an internal client error occurs).
Power_releaseConstraint()  // module-wide

Release a constraint that was previously declared with Power_setConstraint()

C synopsis target-domain
Void Power_releaseConstraint(Power_Constraint constraint);
constraint — The constraint being released, of type Power_Constraint
This function releases a constraint that was previously declared with Power_setConstraint(). For example, if a device driver is starting a transaction and wants to prohibit activation of the Power_STANDBY sleep mode, it uses Power_setConstraint to declare the constraint, before starting the transaction. When the transaction completes, the driver calls this function to release the constraint, and allow the power manager to once again transition into the Power_STANDBY sleep mode, if appropriate.
Power_releaseConstraint() must not be called more than Power_setConstraint() has been called for the same constraint. If asserts are enabled, one will be generated in this case.
Power_releaseDependency()  // module-wide

Release a dependency that had been previously declared with Power_setDependency()

C synopsis target-domain
Void Power_releaseDependency(UInt8 resourceID);
resourceID — The resource identifier, as specified in the device-specific header file
This function is the companion to Power_setDependency(). If this release is for the last outstanding dependency upon the resource, the resource will be de-activated as part of this function call.
Power_releaseDependency() must not be called more than Power_setDependency() has been called for the same resource. If asserts are enabled, one will be generated in this case.
Power_setConstraint()  // module-wide

Declare an operational constraint

C synopsis target-domain
Void Power_setConstraint(Power_Constraint constraint);
constraint — The constraint being declared, of type Power_Constraint
Before taking certain actions, Power checks to see if the requested action would conflict with a client-declared constraint. If the action does conflict, Power will not proceed with the request. This is the function that allows clients to declare their constraints with Power.
It is critical that clients call Power_releaseConstraint() when operational constraints no longer exists. Otherwise, Power may be left unnecessarily restricted from activating power savings.
Power_setDependency()  // module-wide

Declare a dependency upon a power-manageable resource

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Power_setDependency(UInt8 resourceID);
resourceID — The resource identifier, as specified in the device-specific header file (for example, PERIPH_UART0, as defined in PowerCC2650.h)
TRUE if resource is active
FALSE if resource was not yet active when the function return was initiated
This function declares a dependency upon a resource. If the resource had been inactive, it will be activated during this function call.
This function is the companion to Power_releaseDependency().
When a dependency is declared upon a resource for the first time, the resource will be activated before the call to Power_setDependency() returns to the caller. There is only one exception to this rule: the XOSC_HF resource for CC26xx. The latency to startup the crystal is much longer than that for other resources. To avoid blocking in Power_setDependency() for this duration, for the XOSC_HF resource only, Power_setDependency() will return quickly, after initiating the activation of XOSC_HF. Once the switchover to the XOSC_HF happens, notifications will be sent to clients registered for the Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED event.
Power_setDependency() will return a Boolean status to indicate if the resource is active as the function is initiating a return to the caller. For all resources other than XOSC_HF, the return status will always be TRUE, because the resource will be active before the return to the caller. For XOSC_HF, the return status may be TRUE if the XOSC_HF is already active. For example, if XOSC_HF was already activated with an earlier call to Power_setDependency(XOSC_HF). If the return status is FALSE, this indicates to the caller that XOSC_HF hadn't been switched by the time the function initiated a return, and that the caller should wait for the Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED event notification before proceeding to the work that requires XOSC_HF to be active.
The recommended sequence for a caller to activate XOSC_HF is:
1) Caller registers for a Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED notification. For example, the specified callback function might set a global flag, which the caller can check to see if the notification occurred.
2) Caller invokes: status = Power_setDependency(XOSC_HF);
3) Caller checks status to see if XOSC_HF is active yet
- If status is TRUE, XOSC_HF is active, caller should proceed, and NOT wait for a Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED notification
- Else, XOSC_HF wasn't activated yet, caller needs to wait until the Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED event has been signaled. Note that depending upon timing, the event may have been signaled between the time the return status was determined within Power_setDependency() and the time the caller checks the return status. The key point is that, when the return status is FALSE, the Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED notification WILL be sent (once the XOSC_HF is switched), and the caller should wait for this notification before proceeding with any work that requires XOSC_HF to be active.
For the XOSC_HF resource (described above), the caller MUST wait for XOSC_HF activation to complete before calling Power_releaseDependency(XOSC_HF).
Power_shutdown()  // module-wide

Put the device into the SHUTDOWN state

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_shutdown(UArg arg);
arg — Reserved for future use; currently unused
Power_EBUSY if Power is currently busy with another transition
Power_ECHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED if SHUTDOWN is disallowed due to the Power_SD_DISALLOW constraint having been declared
Power_EFAIL if a notification error occurred
This function will transition the device into the SHUTDOWN state. Before the actual device transtion is initiated, notifications will be sent to any clients who've registered for the Power_ENTERING_SHUTDOWN event (via Power_registerNotify()). Once notifications have been completed, the device shutdown will commence.
If the device is successfully transitioned to SHUTDOWN, this function call will never return. Upon wakeup, the device and application will be rebooted. If the transition to SHUTDOWN is not successful, one of the error codes listed above will be returned.
This function will not prepare I/O pins for the device shutdown state. The application needs to do the appropriate I/O preparation before calling this API.
Power_sleep()  // module-wide

Put the CPU into a sleep state

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_sleep(Power_SleepState sleepState, UArg arg0, UArg arg1);
sleepState — The sleep state to be entered, of type Power_sleepState
arg0 — Reserved for future use; currently unused
arg1 — Reserved for future use; currently unused
Power_SOK upon success, the device is awake
Power_EBUSY if Power is currently busy with another transition
Power_EFAIL if a general failure occurred and the device was not transitioned into sleep
This function transitions the device into and out of a sleep state. The function returns to the caller when the device is awake again.
Power_sleep() is intended to be called from a Power Policy implementation function. This API is not normally called directly by an application.
Power_sleep() does not check the constraints that might prohibit a sleep transition. The caller of Power_sleep() must validate the transition versus active constraints, prior to calling Power_sleep().
Power_standbyPolicy()  // module-wide

A power policy function that will transition the device into the Power_STANDBY sleep state during CPU idle time

C synopsis target-domain
Void Power_standbyPolicy();
This is an agressive power policy function that will consider active constraints, sleep transition latencies, and the next expected wakeup, and automatically transition the device into the deepest sleep state possible.
The first goal is to enter Power_STANDBY; if that is not appropriate given current conditions (e.g., the sleep transition latency is greater than the time until the next scheduled Clock event), then the secondary goal is the IDLE_PD state; if that is disallowed (e.g., if the Power_IDLE_PD_DISALLOW constraint is declared), then the policy will fallback and simply invoke wait-for-interrupt, to clock gate the CPU until the next interrupt.
This policy is enabled and selected via the following application configuration steps:
  Power.idle = true;
  Power.policyFunc = Power.standbyPolicy;
Power_unregisterNotify()  // module-wide

Unregister for Power event notifications

C synopsis target-domain
Void Power_unregisterNotify(Power_NotifyObj *pNotifyObj);
pNotifyObj — The notification object that was previously used with Power_registerNotify() to register for event notifications
This function unregisters for event notifications that were previously registered with Power_registerNotify().
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Power_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool Power_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle Power_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool Power_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 Power_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void Power_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Configuration settings sourced in ti/sysbios/family/arm/cc26xx/Power.xdc
var Power = xdc.useModule('');
module-wide constants & types
        const Power.NUMCONSTRAINTS;
        const Power.NUMEVENTS;
    values of type Power.SleepState// Sleep states
        const Power.STANDBY// STANDBY state;
    values of type Power.Status// Function return codes
        const Power.SOK// success;
module-wide config parameters
        msg: "A_tooManyCallsReleaseConstraint: Power_releaseConstraint() called too many times for this constraint."
        msg: "A_tooManyCallsReleaseDependency: Power_releaseDependency() called too many times for this resource."
enum Power.Constraint

Constraints that can be registered with Power

Configuration settings
values of type Power.Constraint
    const Power.SB_VIMS_CACHE_RETAIN;
    // disallow loss of cache context during Power_STANDBY (i.e., retain the cache)
    const Power.SD_DISALLOW;
    // disallow transition to SHUTDOWN
    const Power.SB_DISALLOW;
    // disallow transition to Power_STANDBY
    const Power.IDLE_PD_DISALLOW;
    // disallow power down of the CPU domain during idle time (IDLE_PD)
    const Power.NEED_FLASH_IN_IDLE;
    // need to keep Flash powered in IDLE_PD
    const Power.NUMCONSTRAINTS;
enum Power.Event

Power Event enumerations

Configuration settings
values of type Power.Event
    const Power.ENTERING_STANDBY;
    // device is transitioning into Power_STANDBY
    const Power.ENTERING_SHUTDOWN;
    // device is transitioning into SHUTDOWN
    const Power.AWAKE_STANDBY;
    // device has awoken from Power_STANDBY, I/O latches are still frozen
    const Power.AWAKE_STANDBY_LATE;
    // device has awoken from Power_STANDBY, I/O latches are open again
    const Power.XOSC_HF_SWITCHED;
    // the high frequency (HF) crystal oscillator has stabilized, and is now the HF clock source
    const Power.NUMEVENTS;
enum Power.LatencyType

Type of transition latency to query

Configuration settings
values of type Power.LatencyType
    const Power.TOTAL;
    // the total latency, to enter the sleep state, and to wake and resume
    const Power.RESUME;
    // the latency to wake the device and resume execution
enum Power.NotifyResponse

Return values from a notify function

Configuration settings
values of type Power.NotifyResponse
    const Power.NOTIFYDONE;
    // success, done processing the notification
    const Power.NOTIFYERROR;
    // an error occurred while processing the notification
enum Power.SleepState

Sleep states

Configuration settings
values of type Power.SleepState
    const Power.STANDBY;
    // STANDBY state
enum Power.Status

Function return codes

Configuration settings
values of type Power.Status
    const Power.SOK;
    // success
    const Power.SOK_STATE_RESTORED;
    // success, context has been restored
    const Power.EFAIL;
    // error, the operation failed
    const Power.EINVALIDPOINTER;
    // error, an invalid pointer was specified
    const Power.ECHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED;
    // error, the requested change is not allowed
    const Power.ETIMEOUT;
    // error, a timeout occurred
    const Power.EBUSY;
    // error, the operation is not allowed; another transition is not completed yet
enum Power.TransitionState

Sleep transition states

Configuration settings
values of type Power.TransitionState
    const Power.ACTIVE;
    // device is active; no transition in progress
    const Power.ENTERING_SLEEP;
    // device is entering into a sleep state
    const Power.EXITING_SLEEP;
    // device is exiting a sleep state
    const Power.SHUTDOWN;
    // device is transitioning to the SHUTDOWN state
config Power.A_tooManyCallsReleaseConstraint  // module-wide

Assert when Power_releaseConstraint is called too many times

Configuration settings
Power.A_tooManyCallsReleaseConstraint = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_tooManyCallsReleaseConstraint: Power_releaseConstraint() called too many times for this constraint."
config Power.A_tooManyCallsReleaseDependency  // module-wide

Assert when Power_releaseDependency is called too many times

Configuration settings
Power.A_tooManyCallsReleaseDependency = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_tooManyCallsReleaseDependency: Power_releaseDependency() called too many times for this resource."
config Power.idle  // module-wide

Idle the CPU during idle time?

Configuration settings
Power.idle = Bool false;
When this configuration parameter is set to true, the Power module will insert a power policy function into the list of Idle loop functions. When the policy function executes, it will take action to save power until the next CPU interrupt occurs. The default power policy will simply invoke a wait for interrupt (WFI) instruction.
metaonly config Power.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

Configuration settings
Power.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly config Power.policyFunc  // module-wide

Policy function. Default is Power_doWFI

Configuration settings
Power.policyFunc = Void(*)() Power.doWFI;
generated on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 20:38:42 GMT