Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
Frame_FrameBufInfo_tagStructure to frame buffer informantion in frame header
Frame_FrameHeader_TagStructure of the base frame header. FrameQ maintains list of frames to be retrieved by FrameQ reader client. Application is expected to use Helper API to extract fileds and exteneded header pointer
FrameQ_CommonOpenParams_TagCommon parameters required to open a FrameQ instance of any implementation
FrameQ_CreateParams_TagCommon parameters required to create FrameQ instance of any implementation. It should be the first element of the actual implementaton params structure
FrameQ_NotifyParams_TagStructure defining notification parameter structure
FrameQ_ParamsCommon parameters required to create FrameQ instance of any implementation. It should be the first element of the actual implementaton params structure
FrameQ_ShMem_OpenParams_tagStructure defining open parameters for the FrameQ instance on ShMem (shared memory interface)
FrameQ_ShMem_Params_tagStructure defining instance create parameters for the FrameQ on shared memory(inter core and intra core)
FrameQBufMgr_CommonOpenParams_TagCommon parameters required to open a FrameQBufMgr instance of any implementation
FrameQBufMgr_CreateParams_TagCommon parameters required to create FrameQBufMgr instance of any implementation. It should be the first element of the actual implementaton params structure
FrameQBufMgr_FrameBufParams_TagFrame buffer param structure
FrameQBufMgr_NotifyParams_TagStructure defining notification parameter structure
FrameQBufMgr_ParamsCommon parameters required to create FrameQBufMgr instance of any implementation. It should be the first element of the actual implementaton params structure
FrameQBufMgr_ShMem_OpenParams_tagStructure defining open parameters for the FrameQ instance on ShMem (shared memory interface)
FrameQBufMgr_ShMem_Params_tagStructure defining parameters for the FrameQ module
GateMP_ParamsStructure defining parameters for the GateMP module
HeapBufMP_ExtendedStatsStats structure for the HeapBufMP_getExtendedStats API
HeapBufMP_ParamsStructure defining parameters for the HeapBufMP module
HeapMemMP_ExtendedStatsStats structure for the HeapMemMP_getExtendedStats API
HeapMemMP_ParamsStructure defining parameters for the HeapMemMP module
HeapMultiBufMP_BucketStructure for bucket configuration
HeapMultiBufMP_ExtendedStatsStats structure for the HeapMultiBufMP_getExtendedStats API
HeapMultiBufMP_ParamsStructure defining parameters for the HeapMultiBufMP module
HeapQueueMgr_ParamsStructure defining parameters for the HeapQueueMgr module
IHeap_Object_tagStructure for the Handle for the Heap
List_Elem_tagStructure defining object for the list element
List_Object_tagStructure defining object for the list
List_Params_tagStructure defining params for the list
ListMP_ElemStructure defining a ListMP element
ListMP_ParamsStructure defining parameter structure for ListMP_create()
Memory_Stats_tagStructure defining memory related statistics
MemoryOS_MapInfo_tagStructure containing information required for mapping a memory region
MemoryOS_SGListStructure for scatter-gathered list
MemoryOS_UnmapInfo_tagStructure containing information required for unmapping a memory region
MessageQ_MsgHeaderRequired first field in every message
MessageQ_ParamsStructure defining parameters for the MessageQ module
NameServer_ParamsNameServer_Handle type
ProcMgr_AddrInfo_tagThis structure defines information about memory regions mapped by the ProcMgr module
ProcMgr_AttachParams_tagConfiguration parameters specific to the slave ProcMgr instance
ProcMgr_MappedMemEntryStructure containing information of mapped memory regions
ProcMgr_ProcInfo_tagCharacteristics of the slave processor
ProcMgr_SectionInfo_tagCharacteristics of sections in executable
ProcMgr_StartParams_tagConfiguration parameters to be provided while starting the slave processor
RingIO_Config_TagStructure defining config parameters for the RingIO module
RingIO_openParams_TagStructure defining config parameters for opening the RingIO instances
RingIO_Params_TagCommon parameters required to create RingIO instance of any implementation. It should be the first element of the actual implementaton params structure
RingIO_sharedMemReqDetails_tagStructure defining config parameters for opening the RingIO instances
RingIOShm_Config_TagStructure defining config parameters for the RingIOShm module
RingIOShm_Params_TagStructure defining parameters for creating the RingIOShm instances
SharedRegion_EntryStructure defining a region
SyslinkMemMgr_CreateParams_tagStructure defining common create parameters for the Memory manager module.Should be the first element in implementation specific create params
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