This interface allows products to contribute examples to
development environments like IDE's. This is an experimental
interface and is subject to change.
struct IProductTemplate.FileDesc |
Structure defining properties of a file included in an example
metaonly struct FileDesc {
String path;
// path to file
Bool excludeFromBuild;
// exclude from build
Bool openOnCreation;
// open on project creation
Bool copyIntoConfiguration;
// copy into RTSC configuration
Path to file relative to the package
containing the implementation of
Flag indicating whether file
should be excluded from build inside
an IDE project
Flag indicating whether the file
should be opened when a project
containing the example file is created
by the IDE.
Flag indicating whether the file
should be copied into RTSC
configuration. This flag
applies only when the isHybrid
flag of the
template is set
to false.
struct IProductTemplate.Filter |
Structure defining filter properties for an example
metaonly struct Filter {
String deviceFamily;
String deviceVariant;
String deviceId;
String endianness;
String toolChain;
String outputFormat;
String indicating the device family
eg. "MSP430","C6000"
String indicating device variant
eg. "C674X", "CortexA8"
String indicating the device part number
eg. "TMS320C6747"
String indicating the device endianness
eg. "little", "big"
String indicating the tool chain
eg. "TI", "GNU"
String indicating the object file format
eg. "COFF", "ELF"
This structure allows products to define constraints for their
examples. IDEs use the Filter properties of an example
to decide whether the example should be presented to the user.
The filter is evaluated by performing an 'AND' operation
on its individual elements. In other words, all the defined
elements must evaluate to true for the filter to evaluate
to true.
Each example typically defines an array of more than one filter;
TemplateInfo.filterArr. This filter array
is evaluated using the 'OR' operation. In other words, the example
is presented to the user when any one of the filters evaluate
Each filter property below allows the user to define the NOT property
by inserting a "~" character at the start of the string. For
example, if the deviceFamily field is set to "~MSP430", the example
will be displayed for all device families except "MSP430".
struct IProductTemplate.TemplateGroup |
TemplateGroup structure
metaonly struct TemplateGroup {
String id;
String name;
String description;
String groups[];
Unique id for the template group
Name of the group
Description of the group
Array of group ids used to specify
membership of other groups.
This structure may be used to define a hierarchy of examples
for the product. Examples may be logically organized into groups
with an unique
id and may specify membership of other groups
by referring to their ids in the
groups array. In this manner
the example producer can define a tree topology of examples for
their product. Once the template groups are defined, the
individual examples may specify their membership within a template
group in the
groups array of
TemplateInfo. The example
provider may specify all the defined groups for their product in
struct IProductTemplate.TemplateInfo |
TemplateInfo structure
metaonly struct TemplateInfo {
String title;
// Title of this example
// List of files along with properties
for this example
String description;
// Description of this example
String target;
// RTSC target
String platform;
// RTSC platform
String buildProfile;
// RTSC build profile
String linkerCommandFile;
// Linker command file for this example
String compilerBuildOptions;
// Special compiler options for this example
String linkerBuildOptions;
// Special linker options for this example
String requiredProducts[];
// List of products required to build
this example
String groups[];
// Array of group ids for groups
containing this example
Bool legacyTcf;
String configuroOptions;
// configuro options
Bool configOnly;
// Indicates whether only a RTSC
configuration project should
be created for this example
Bool isHybrid;
// Indicates whether application and
configuration content exists in
one project
// Array of filters for this example
String options;
// Comma separated attributes for the example
String containing the title of the template
Array of FileDesc defining the
properties of the files contributed by this
String containing description of example
String containing RTSC target
String containing RTSC platform
String containing RTSC build profile
Linker command file for the example. If
this is set to the empty string then no
linker command file is added by the IDE
to the example. If this is not defined
then the wizard picks the default
linker command file for the selected device.
Special compiler options required to
build template. For example the template
may need special -I and -D options
to build and these may be specified
Special linker options to build template
Products required to build this
example. Products are identified by
their globally unique
eg. 'com.ti.bios'. Dependency on a
minimum version of a product may be
defined in the following manner
: <product-id>:<min-version>
Array of strings referring example groups
that a particular example may
belong. Products may
provide examples that are part of an
existing example group eg."Empty Projects"
that are defined elsewhere. The
groups are identified by an unique id.
Flag indicating to the IDE
whether example contributes only
to a RTSC configuration project.
This string contains options that are passed
to You must be
careful to quote embedded special characters
in this string in such a way that they can
be directly embedded in an XML file. For
example, to pass '-foo "bar"' to configuro
you must use the string
'-foo "bar"'.
Flag indicating to the IDE
whether example contains RTSC
configuration and target
content files in one project.
If this field is set to true
then the IDE consuming this example will
create one project with all the
files. Otherwise multiple projects will
be created - one containing the
target content and the other containing
the RTSC configuration files. This flag
is applies only when configOnly
flag is set to false.
Array of Filter. Used to specify
the constraints for a particular
example. The filter array is evaluated using
an OR operation on the individual array
elements. Note that individual elements
within a filter is evaluated
with the 'AND' operation.
Comma separated list of options used to
specify various configurable items for this
template. For example, the projectspec
tools recognizes the following flags:
"NPW" - display this example in the New
Project Wizard, and
"TREX" - display this example in the
Resource Explorer
config IProductTemplate.templateArr // module-wide |
Examples contained in the product
config IProductTemplate.templateGroupArr // module-wide |
Array of template group ids
This array may be optionally specified by Products that
organize their examples into groups.