This interface allows products describe themselves for the benefit
of development tools such as IDE's. For example, a tool
can read the information provided by a product that implements this
interface and generate an eclipse plugin that leverages the product's
By expressing the product's information in this interface, a product
can be delivered into multiple development tools without explicit
knowledge of these tools. For example, an online "product repository"
can extract sufficient information from this interface to enable it
to provide a searchable catalog of interesting products.
struct IProduct.HelpToc |
Help table of contents (TOC) element
metaonly struct HelpToc {
String label;
// Help element description
String filePath;
// Path to help doc
Bool tocFile;
// Indicates whether element is a TOC file
Summary description of help element
Path to help documentation relative to
directory specified in docsLoc
Flag indicates whether the element is a
table of content(TOC) file. Tools may
process TOC files in a special way. For
example a tool to generate eclipse plugins may
want to copy the TOC file in the plugin folder
for integrating with eclipse help.
A help element is a file inside the product that can be referenced
from a global table of contents.
struct IProduct.MacroDescriptor |
Macro Descriptor structure
metaonly struct MacroDescriptor {
String name;
// Macro name
String desc;
// Macro description
struct IProduct.PluginDescriptor |
Plugin Descriptor structure
metaonly struct PluginDescriptor {
String id;
// Plugin id
String version;
// Plugin version
String path;
// Plugin path
Plugin id
Plugin version
Path to plugin relative to IProduct implementation
struct IProduct.Target |
Structure containing information on RTSC targets
metaonly struct Target {
String deviceNamePattern;
// Device name regex eg. MSP430*
String deviceFamilyPattern;
// Device family regex eg. C6*
String compilerOptsPattern;
// Compiler opts regx; e.g. .*-me .*
String packageName;
// Package containing RTSC target
String baseTargetName;
// Name of RTSC target module
A regular expression for device names
A regular expression for device families
The name of a package containing a
target module that can be used with
the devices that match the
device name and family patterns
The name of the module
(without the package prefix) in
the package named by packageName.
Products may specify the mapping between device names and/or device
family names and a RTSC target module.
This information is leveraged by tools to derive an appropriate
RTSC target when given a device name, device family, endiness, and
OMF selection (COFF verses ELF). In particular, if the device name
and family name match deviceNamePattern and
deviceFamilyPattern, the target name generated will be:
where <packageName> and <baseTargetName> are the strings specified
by the corespondingly named fields of this structure, and the strings
".elf" and "_big_endian" are added as necessary.
Suppose, for example, a product specifies the following target mapping:
deviceNamePattern: "MSP430F5.*",
deviceFamilyPattern: "MSP430.*",
packageName: "ti.targets.msp430",
baseTargetName: "MSP430X"
If the device specified is "MSP430F5529", the family is "MSP430",
and the OMF is COFF, the generated target will be:
On the other hand, if the OMF is ELF the target will be:
struct IProduct.UrlDescriptor |
URL Descriptor structure
metaonly struct UrlDescriptor {
String url;
// Uniform Resource Locator(URL)
String text;
// Summary text for the URL
String targetText;
// (optional) Summary for target portion
Uniform Resource Locator(URL)
Summary text for the URL
Optional summary text for any target content
config IProduct.bundleName // module-wide |
Product bundle name
config String bundleName;
Product bundle name is embedded in the top level folder name of
the product. Example: The top level folder for XDCtools version is xdctools_3_16_02_31-eng. In this case the
bundle name is xdctools.
The bundle name is used by tools to discover the product
installed on a filesystem.
config IProduct.companyName // module-wide |
Name of company releasing product
config String companyName;
Example : "Texas Instruments"
config IProduct.copyRightNotice // module-wide |
Copyright notice for product
config String copyRightNotice;
config IProduct.docsLocArr // module-wide |
Directories containing documents in the product
config String docsLocArr[];
Directories are specified relative to the product installation
directory. These directories are searched when resolving URI links
to specific pages within the docs.
config IProduct.exclusive // module-wide |
This product is a singlton
config Bool exclusive = false;
This flag indicates whether multiple versions of this product are
accessable within the IDE or whether only the latest version is
When flag is set to true it indicates that only one
version of the product can be active in the system. Otherwise
the system can handle multiple versions of the same product.
config IProduct.externalPlugins // module-wide |
External plugins delivered with the product
config IProduct.externalRequirements // module-wide |
External plugins required by this product
config String externalRequirements[];
config IProduct.helpTocArr // module-wide |
Array of table of contents elements in product
Tools generating table of contents are required
to preserve the order of elements specified in this array
config // module-wide |
A unique product id
For example, product developers may choose to follow namespace
conventions for Java packages or Eclipse plugins to specify a
unique id like org.eclipse.rtsc.xdctools.product.
config IProduct.licenseDescriptor // module-wide |
License information for product
field should contain the URL containing the
license text.
field should contain a summary description of the license
config IProduct.macro // module-wide |
Macro associated with the product
Product macros are often used in IDEs for providing
portable build environments. A unique macro name should
be selected for the product.
config // module-wide |
Product name
String containing product name eg. System BIOS
config IProduct.otherFiles // module-wide |
Array of paths to files that describe the product
config String otherFiles[];
A product may wish to supply files that describing certain aspects
of itself. For example a product may provide text, images and video
files that provide branding information for the product.
These files may then be consumed by tools like IDE's via
hooks defined in the IDE framework.
The source file path is defined relative to the directory containing
the implementation of IProduct. All files are copied to the base
directory of the plugin; e.g., "../branding/about.ini" is copied to
"about.ini" at the top of the plugin.
File names that begin with the prefix "tc:" are copied into "target
content" plugin whereas file names with any other prefix (such as
"ui:" or no prefix) are copied into the "IDE plugin".
config IProduct.productDescriptor // module-wide |
Product description
the url field should contain the URL of the organization
releasing the product.
the text field should contain summary description of
the target content portion of the product. Alternate text for the
UI portion can be specified via productUIDescription`.
config IProduct.productViewModule // module-wide |
Name of module implementing
config String productViewModule;
Products must provide a module that implements the interface. This
module defines the "top-level" modules that are visible to the user
and must be delivered in the repositories defined in
config IProduct.projectSpecPath // module-wide |
Directory containing project spec files
config String projectSpecPath = "resources";
This path is relative to the product install location.
config IProduct.repositoryArr // module-wide |
Repositories contained in the product
config String repositoryArr[];
Repositories are specified relative to the product installation
config IProduct.targetArr // module-wide |
RTSC target modules contained in product
The RTSC target modules should be delivered
in the repositories defined in
config IProduct.templateModule // module-wide |
Name of module implementing
config String templateModule;
Products that deliver examples provide a module that implements the interface. This module
must be delivered in one of the repositories defined in
config IProduct.tocIndexFile // module-wide |
Top level index file referred in table of contents
config String tocIndexFile;
config IProduct.updateSite // module-wide |
Update site for product
the url field should contain the URL containing
product upgrades.
the text field should contain summary description of
the update site
config IProduct.version // module-wide |
Product version
The product version should follow the format
-major.minor.service.qualifier where
major,minor and service are integers and
qualifier is a string. Example -
Products may specify their own guidelines for
updating major,minor,service and qualifier portions of the
version number as long as they are unique for the product.
Products may also choose to follow popular versioning conventions
like those followed for versioning Eclipse plugins.