enum Timer0_B7.CAP_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.CAP_t
const Timer0_B7.CAP_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.CAP;
enum Timer0_B7.CCIE_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.CCIE_t
const Timer0_B7.CCIE_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.CCIE;
enum Timer0_B7.CCIFG_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.CCIFG_t
const Timer0_B7.CCIFG_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.CCIFG;
enum Timer0_B7.CCIS_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.CCIS_t
const Timer0_B7.CCIS_0;
// CCIxA
const Timer0_B7.CCIS_1;
// CCIxB
const Timer0_B7.CCIS_2;
// GND
const Timer0_B7.CCIS_3;
// Vcc
enum Timer0_B7.CCI_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.CCI_t
const Timer0_B7.CCI_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.CCI;
enum Timer0_B7.CLLD_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.CLLD_t
const Timer0_B7.CLLD_0;
const Timer0_B7.CLLD_1;
const Timer0_B7.CLLD_2;
const Timer0_B7.CLLD_3;
enum Timer0_B7.CM_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.CM_t
const Timer0_B7.CM_0;
// No Capture
const Timer0_B7.CM_1;
// Rising Edge
const Timer0_B7.CM_2;
// Falling Edge
const Timer0_B7.CM_3;
// Both Edges
enum Timer0_B7.CNTL_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.CNTL_t
const Timer0_B7.CNTL_0;
// 16-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFFFh
const Timer0_B7.CNTL_1;
// 12-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFFh
const Timer0_B7.CNTL_2;
// 10-bit, TBR(max) = 03FFh
const Timer0_B7.CNTL_3;
// 8-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFh
enum Timer0_B7.COV_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.COV_t
const Timer0_B7.COV_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.COV;
enum Timer0_B7.ID_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.ID_t
const Timer0_B7.ID_0;
// Divider - /1
const Timer0_B7.ID_1;
// Divider - /2
const Timer0_B7.ID_2;
// Divider - /4
const Timer0_B7.ID_3;
// Divider - /8
enum Timer0_B7.IVValues |
TB07IV Definitions
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.IVValues
const Timer0_B7.TB0IV_NONE;
// No Interrupt pending
const Timer0_B7.TB0IV_TBCCR1;
const Timer0_B7.TB0IV_TBCCR2;
const Timer0_B7.TB0IV_TBCCR3;
const Timer0_B7.TB0IV_TBCCR4;
const Timer0_B7.TB0IV_TBCCR5;
const Timer0_B7.TB0IV_TBCCR6;
const Timer0_B7.TB0IV_TBIFG;
enum Timer0_B7.MC_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.MC_t
const Timer0_B7.MC_0;
// Stop Mode
const Timer0_B7.MC_1;
// Up Mode
const Timer0_B7.MC_2;
// Continuous Mode
const Timer0_B7.MC_3;
// Up/Down Mode
enum Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_t
const Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_0;
// PWM output mode: 0 - OUT bit value
const Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_1;
// PWM output mode: 1 - Set
const Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_2;
// PWM output mode: 2 - PWM toggle/reset
const Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_3;
// PWM output mode: 3 - PWM set/reset
const Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_4;
// PWM output mode: 4 - Toggle
const Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_5;
// PWM output mode: 5 - Reset
const Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_6;
// PWM output mode: 6 - PWM toggle/set
const Timer0_B7.OUTMOD_7;
// PWM output mode: 7 - PWM reset/set
enum Timer0_B7.OUT_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.OUT_t
const Timer0_B7.OUT_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.OUT;
enum Timer0_B7.SCCI_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.SCCI_t
const Timer0_B7.SCCI_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.SCCI;
enum Timer0_B7.SCS_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.SCS_t
const Timer0_B7.SCS_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.SCS;
enum Timer0_B7.TBCLGRP_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.TBCLGRP_t
const Timer0_B7.TBCLGRP_0;
const Timer0_B7.TBCLGRP_1;
const Timer0_B7.TBCLGRP_2;
const Timer0_B7.TBCLGRP_3;
enum Timer0_B7.TBCLR_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.TBCLR_t
const Timer0_B7.TBCLR_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.TBCLR;
enum Timer0_B7.TBIE_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.TBIE_t
const Timer0_B7.TBIE_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.TBIE;
enum Timer0_B7.TBIFG_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.TBIFG_t
const Timer0_B7.TBIFG_OFF;
const Timer0_B7.TBIFG;
enum Timer0_B7.TBSSEL_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
values of type Timer0_B7.TBSSEL_t
const Timer0_B7.TBSSEL_0;
const Timer0_B7.TBSSEL_1;
const Timer0_B7.TBSSEL_2;
const Timer0_B7.TBSSEL_3;
struct Timer0_B7.ForceSetDefaultRegister_t |
Force Set Default Register
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var obj = new Timer0_B7.ForceSetDefaultRegister_t;
obj.register = String ...
obj.regForceSet = Bool ...
Type to store if each register needs to be forced initialized
even if the register is in default state.
struct Timer0_B7.TBCCTLx_t |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var obj = new Timer0_B7.TBCCTLx_t;
// Capture mode
00 No capture
01 Capture on rising edge
10 Capture on falling edge
11 Capture on both rising and falling edges
// Capture/compare input select. These bits select the TBCCRx input signal.
See the device-specific data sheet for specific signal connections.
00 CCIxA
01 CCIxB
10 GND
11 VCC
// Synchronize capture source. This bit is used to synchronize the capture input
signal with the timer clock.
0 Asynchronous capture
1 Synchronous capture
// Compare latch load. These bits select the compare latch load event.
00 TBCLx loads on write to TBCCRx
01 TBCLx loads when TBR counts to 0
10 TBCLx loads when TBR counts to 0 (up or continuous mode)
TBCLx loads when TBR counts to TBCL0 or to 0 (up/down mode)
11 TBCLx loads when TBR counts to TBCLx
// Capture mode
0 Compare mode
1 Capture mode
// Output mode. Modes 2, 3, 6, and 7 are not useful for TBCL0 because EQUx
= EQU0.
000 OUT bit value
001 Set
010 Toggle/reset
011 Set/reset
100 Toggle
101 Reset
110 Toggle/set
111 Reset/set
// Capture/compare interrupt enable. This bit enables the interrupt request of
the corresponding CCIFG flag.
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
// Capture/compare input. The selected input signal can be read by this bit
// Output. For output mode 0, this bit directly controls the state of the output.
0 Output low
1 Output high
// Capture overflow. This bit indicates a capture overflow occurred. COV must
be reset with software.
0 No capture overflow occurred
1 Capture overflow occurred
// Capture/compare interrupt flag
0 No interrupt pending
1 Interrupt pending
struct Timer0_B7.TBCTL_t |
Timer_B Control Register
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var obj = new Timer0_B7.TBCTL_t;
// TBCLx group
00 Each TBCLx latch loads independently
01 TBCL1+TBCL2 (TBCCR1 CLLDx bits control the update)
TBCL3+TBCL4 (TBCCR3 CLLDx bits control the update)
TBCL5+TBCL6 (TBCCR5 CLLDx bits control the update)
TBCL0 independent
10 TBCL1+TBCL2+TBCL3 (TBCCR1 CLLDx bits control the update)
TBCL4+TBCL5+TBCL6 (TBCCR4 CLLDx bits control the update)
TBCL0 independent
(TBCCR1 CLLDx bits control the update)
// Counter Length
00 16-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFFFh
01 12-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFFh
10 10-bit, TBR(max) = 03FFh
11 8-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFh
// Timer_B clock source select.
11 Inverted TBCLK
// Input divider. These bits select the divider for the input clock.
00 /1
01 /2
10 /4
11 /8
// Mode control. Setting MCx = 00h when Timer_B is not in use conserves
00 Stop mode: the timer is halted
01 Up mode: the timer counts up to TBCL0
10 Continuous mode: the timer counts up to the value set by CNTLx
11 Up/down mode: the timer counts up to TBCL0 and down to 0000h
// Timer_B clear. Setting this bit resets TBR, the clock divider, and the count
direction. The TBCLR bit is automatically reset and is always read as zero
// Timer_B interrupt enable. This bit enables the TBIFG interrupt request.
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
// Timer_B interrupt flag.
0 No interrupt pending
1 Interrupt pending
struct Timer0_B7.regIntVect_t |
Interrupt vector description
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var obj = new Timer0_B7.regIntVect_t;
obj.registerName = String ...
obj.registerDescription = String ...
obj.isrToggleString = String ...
obj.priorityName = String ...
obj.interruptEnable = Bool ...
obj.interruptHandler = Bool ...
obj.priority = Int ...
Type to describe a single interrupt vector pin and all its possible
Timer0_B7.getAll() // module-wide |
Find all peripherals of a certain type
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
The type of the peripherals returned is defined by the type of the
Returns an array of IPeripheral instances
Timer0_B7.getRegisters() // module-wide |
Find all registers defined by the peripheral
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
Timer0_B7.getRegisters() returns String[]
Returns an array of register names
Instance Config Parameters |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
// Instance config-params object
params.INCLK = Float 0;
// Timer_B INCLK
params.TB0CCR0 = Bits16 0;
// TB0CCR0, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 0
params.TB0CCR1 = Bits16 0;
// TB0CCR1, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 1
params.TB0CCR2 = Bits16 0;
// TB0CCR2, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 2
params.TB0CCR3 = Bits16 0;
// TB0CCR3, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 3
params.TB0CCR4 = Bits16 0;
// TB0CCR4, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 4
params.TB0CCR5 = Bits16 0;
// TB0CCR5, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 5
params.TB0CCR6 = Bits16 0;
// TB0CCR6, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 6
// TB0CCTL0, Capture/Compare Control Register 0
// TB0CCTL1, Capture/Compare Control Register 1
// TB0CCTL2, Capture/Compare Control Register 2
// TB0CCTL3, Capture/Compare Control Register 3
// TB0CCTL4, Capture/Compare Control Register 4
// TB0CCTL5, Capture/Compare Control Register 5
// TB0CCTL6, Capture/Compare Control Register 6
// TB0CTL, Timer_B7 Control Register
params.TBCLK = Float 0;
// Timer_B TBCLK
params.baseAddr = UInt undefined;
// Address of the peripheral's control register
// Determine if each Register needs to be forced set or not
register: "TB0CTL",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL0",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL1",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL2",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL3",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL4",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL5",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL6",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR0",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR1",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR2",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR3",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR4",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR5",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR6",
regForceSet: false
params.intNum = UInt undefined;
// Interrupt source number
// Timer interrupt enables
params.isInternal = Bool false;
// Boolean that is true if a Timer is internal, meaning
it has no external inputs or outputs
params.name = String undefined;
// Specific peripheral name given by the device
params.numberOfTimers = UChar undefined;
// Stores the number of available timer capture compare blocks
params.owner = String undefined;
// String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral
config Timer0_B7.INCLK // instance |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.INCLK = Float 0;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCR0 // instance |
TB0CCR0, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 0
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.TB0CCR0 = Bits16 0;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCR1 // instance |
TB0CCR1, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 1
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.TB0CCR1 = Bits16 0;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCR2 // instance |
TB0CCR2, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 2
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.TB0CCR2 = Bits16 0;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCR3 // instance |
TB0CCR3, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 3
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.TB0CCR3 = Bits16 0;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCR4 // instance |
TB0CCR4, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 4
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.TB0CCR4 = Bits16 0;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCR5 // instance |
TB0CCR5, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 5
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.TB0CCR5 = Bits16 0;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCR6 // instance |
TB0CCR6, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 6
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.TB0CCR6 = Bits16 0;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCTL0 // instance |
TB0CCTL0, Capture/Compare Control Register 0
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCTL1 // instance |
TB0CCTL1, Capture/Compare Control Register 1
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCTL2 // instance |
TB0CCTL2, Capture/Compare Control Register 2
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCTL3 // instance |
TB0CCTL3, Capture/Compare Control Register 3
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCTL4 // instance |
TB0CCTL4, Capture/Compare Control Register 4
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCTL5 // instance |
TB0CCTL5, Capture/Compare Control Register 5
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CCTL6 // instance |
TB0CCTL6, Capture/Compare Control Register 6
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
config Timer0_B7.TB0CTL // instance |
TB0CTL, Timer_B7 Control Register
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
config Timer0_B7.TBCLK // instance |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.TBCLK = Float 0;
config Timer0_B7.baseAddr // instance |
Address of the peripheral's control register
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.baseAddr = UInt undefined;
A peripheral's registers are commonly accessed through a structure
that defines the offsets of a particular register from the lowest
address mapped to a peripheral. That lowest address is specified by
this parameter.
config Timer0_B7.forceSetDefaultRegister // instance |
Determine if each Register needs to be forced set or not
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
register: "TB0CTL",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL0",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL1",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL2",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL3",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL4",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL5",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCTL6",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR0",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR1",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR2",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR3",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR4",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR5",
regForceSet: false
register: "TB0CCR6",
regForceSet: false
config Timer0_B7.intNum // instance |
Interrupt source number
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.intNum = UInt undefined;
config Timer0_B7.interruptSource // instance |
Timer interrupt enables
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
config Timer0_B7.isInternal // instance |
Boolean that is true if a Timer is internal, meaning
it has no external inputs or outputs
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.isInternal = Bool false;
config Timer0_B7.name // instance |
Specific peripheral name given by the device
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.name = String undefined;
Devices can have more than one peripheral of the same type. In such
cases, device data sheets give different names to the instances of a
same peripheral. For example, the name for a timer module could be
TimerA3, and a device that has two such timers can name them TA0
and TA1.
config Timer0_B7.numberOfTimers // instance |
Stores the number of available timer capture compare blocks
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.numberOfTimers = UChar undefined;
config Timer0_B7.owner // instance |
String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params = new Timer0_B7.Params;
params.owner = String undefined;
Instance Creation |
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var params =
new Timer0_B7.
// Allocate instance config-params
params.config = ...
// Assign individual configs
// Create an instance-object
Timer0_B7.getTxxCCRx() // instance |
Returns TxxCCRx register value based on which CCR register
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
inst.getTxxCCRx(UChar ccrNumber) returns Bits16
Timer0_B7.setTxxCCRx() // instance |
Sets TxxCCRx register value based on which CCR register
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
inst.setTxxCCRx(UChar ccrNumber, Bits16 value) returns Void