typedef ITimer.IPeripheralArray |
typedef ITimer.StringArray |
typedef String StringArray[];
struct ITimer.ForceSetDefaultRegister_t |
Force Set Default Register
metaonly struct ForceSetDefaultRegister_t {
String register;
Bool regForceSet;
Type to store if each register needs to be forced initialized
even if the register is in default state.
struct ITimer.regIntVect_t |
Interrupt vector description
metaonly struct regIntVect_t {
String registerName;
String registerDescription;
String isrToggleString;
String priorityName;
Bool interruptEnable;
Bool interruptHandler;
Int priority;
Type to describe a single interrupt vector pin and all its possible
ITimer.getAll() // module-wide |
Find all peripherals of a certain type
The type of the peripherals returned is defined by the type of the
Returns an array of IPeripheral instances
ITimer.getRegisters() // module-wide |
Find all registers defined by the peripheral
Returns an array of register names
config ITimer.baseAddr // instance |
Address of the peripheral's control register
A peripheral's registers are commonly accessed through a structure
that defines the offsets of a particular register from the lowest
address mapped to a peripheral. That lowest address is specified by
this parameter.
config ITimer.intNum // instance |
Interrupt source number
config ITimer.isInternal // instance |
Boolean that is true if a Timer is internal, meaning
it has no external inputs or outputs
config Bool isInternal = false;
config ITimer.name // instance |
Specific peripheral name given by the device
Devices can have more than one peripheral of the same type. In such
cases, device data sheets give different names to the instances of a
same peripheral. For example, the name for a timer module could be
TimerA3, and a device that has two such timers can name them TA0
and TA1.
config ITimer.numberOfTimers // instance |
Stores the number of available timer capture compare blocks
config UChar numberOfTimers;
config ITimer.owner // instance |
String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral
Instance Creation |
// Create an instance-object
ITimer.getTxxCCRx() // instance |
Returns TxxCCRx register value based on which CCR register
Bits16 getTxxCCRx(UChar ccrNumber);
ITimer.setTxxCCRx() // instance |
Sets TxxCCRx register value based on which CCR register
Void setTxxCCRx(UChar ccrNumber, Bits16 value);