Codec Engine System Programming Interface (SPI)  ce-w08
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
| o-ti
| |\-xdais
| | o*ialg.hThis header defines all types, constants, and functions defined by XDAIS for algorithms
| | \*xdas.hThis header defines all types and constants used in the XDAS interfaces
| \-xdc
|  \-runtime
|   \*Memory.h
| \-sdo
|  \-ce
|   o-osal
|   |\*Memory.hThe Codec Engine OSAL Memory interface. Provides the user an OS-independent Memory abstraction
|   o*Engine.hThe Codec Engine Runtime
|   o*skel.hThe Codec Engine System Programming Interface (SPI) for skeleton developers
|   \*visa.hThe Codec Engine System Programming Interface. Provides system developers with services necessary to implement stubs and skeletons
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