Codec Engine System Programming Interface (SPI)  ce-w08
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCEngine_AlgDescDescriptor for an alg. This object can be passed to Engine_addAlg(), to dynamically add an alg to an engine
oCEngine_AlgInfoProperties of an Engine algorithm
oCEngine_AlgInfo2Properties of an Engine algorithm
oCEngine_AttrsAttributes of an Engine
oCEngine_DescThis structure is passed to Engine_add(), and contains parameters to specify an engine
oCEngine_DllAlgDescDescriptor for a dynamically loaded alg. A dynamic library for a codec must export a function that fills in a structure of this type
oCIALG_FxnsDefines the fields and methods that must be supplied by all XDAIS algorithms
oCIALG_MemRecMemory records
oCIALG_ObjAlgorithm instance object definition
oCIALG_ParamsAlgorithm instance creation parameters
oCIALG_StatusPointer to algorithm specific status structure
oCSKEL_FxnsTable of functions defining the interface of a skeleton
oCti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_AllocParamsParameters for ti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_alloc() & ti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_free()
oCVISA_MsgHeaderVISA message header
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