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CERuntime.h File Reference

Detailed Description

The Codec Engine Runtime init module. Provides system wide initialization of the Codec Engine Runtime.

#include <ti/sdo/ce/Engine.h>
Include dependency graph for CERuntime.h:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define CE_NULL_algs   NULL
#define CE_DECLARE_TYPE(name, types)
 Macros for runtime configuration. These macros can be used to create a static table of algorithms. However, the preferred method of building engine and alg tables, is to use the run-time APIs, Engine_add() and Engine_addAlg().
#define CE_LOCAL_ALG(name, algName, ialgFxns, idma3Fxns, iresFxns, groupId, memType)
 Generates a structure containing data for a local algorithm.
#define CE_LOCAL_ALG2(algName, ialgFxns, idma3Fxns, iresFxns, groupId, memType, types)
 Generates a structure containing data for a local algorithm. This macro takes a 'types' string as an argument to avoid having to use the CE_DECLARE_TYPES() macro call.
#define CE_DECLARE_LOCAL_ALG(name, algName, ialgFxns, idma3Fxns, iresFxns, groupId, memType, types)
 Generates a static variable of type Engine_AlgDesc. It is used in this manner:
#define ALG_TABLE_NAME_LHS(name)   CE_##name
 Use this macro and the CE_END_ALG_TABLE() macro around CE_LOCAL_ALG() to generate an algorithm table for an engine.
#define ALG_TABLE_RHS(name)   name##_algs[]
#define CE_BEGIN_ALG_TABLE(name)   static Engine_AlgDesc ALG_TABLE_RHS(ALG_TABLE_LHS(name))
#define CE_END_ALG_TABLE(name)
 Use this macro after CE_BEGIN_ALG_TABLE() and CE_LOCAL_ALG() for generating an algorithm table for an engine.
#define CE_ENGINE(algTab, engName, serverName, memMap, useExtLoader, heapId)
 Generates a structure containing data for an engine.
 Use this macro and the CE_END_ENGINE_TABLE() macro around CE_ENGINE() to generate an engine table for the application.
#define CE_END_ENGINE_TABLE(name)
 Use this macro and the CE_BEGIN_ENGINE_TABLE() macro around CE_ENGINE() to generate an engine table for the application.


Void CERuntime_exit (Void)
 Exit the Codec Engine Runtime.
Void CERuntime_init (Void)
 Initialize the Codec Engine Runtime.
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