File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 ADC.hAnalog to Digital Conversion (ADC) Input Driver
 ADCBuf.hAnalog to Digital Conversion Buffer (ADCBuf) Input Driver
 ADCBufMSP432E4.hADCBuf driver implementation for a MSP432E4 analog-to-digital converter
 ADCMSP432E4.hADC driver implementation for the ADC peripheral on MSP432E4
 AESCBC.hAESCBC driver header
 AESCBCMSP432E4.hAESCBC driver implementation for the MSP432E4 family
 AESCCM.hAESCCM driver header
 AESCCMMSP432E4.hAESCCM driver implementation for the MSP432E4 family
 AESCTR.hAESCTR driver header
 AESCTRDRBGXX.hGeneric AESCTRDRBG implementation based on the AESCTR driver
 AESCTRMSP432E4.hAESCTR driver implementation for the MSP432E4 family
 AESECB.hAESECB driver header
 AESECBMSP432E4.hAESECB driver implementation for the MSP432E4 family
 AESGCM.hAESGCM driver header
 AESGCMMSP432E4.hAESGCM driver implementation for the MSP432E4 family
 Board.hPortable board-specific symbols
 Button.hButton driver
 CAN.hPRELIMINARY CAN driver interface
 CANMSP432E4.hCAN driver implementation for a MSP432E4 CAN controller
 Comparator.hPRELIMINARY Comparator Driver Interface
 CRC.hCRC driver interface
 CRCMSP432E4.hCRC driver implementation for MSP432E4
 CryptoKey.hThe CryptoKey type is an opaque representation of a cryptographic key
 CryptoResourceMSP432E4.hShared resources to arbitrate access to the keyStore, AES, and SHA2 engine
 CryptoUtils.hA collection of utility functions for cryptographic purposes
 Display.hGeneric interface for text output
 DisplayExt.hExtention of Display to access GrLib functionality in capable displays
 DisplayHost.hDisplay driver for printf-like output
 DisplayUart.hDisplay.h implementation for UART output
 DisplayUart2.hDisplay.h implementation for UART output
 EMACMSP432E4.hEthernet Media Access Control (EMAC) MSP432E4 Driver
 GPIO.hGeneral Purpose I/O driver interface
 GPIOMSP432E4.hMSP432E4 GPIO driver
 I2C.hInter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Driver
 I2CMSP432E4.hI2C driver implementation for a MSP432E4 I2C controller
 LED.hLED driver
 List.hLinked List interface for use in drivers
 NoRTOS.hNoRTOS framework module
 NVS.hNon-Volatile Storage driver interface
 NVSMSP432E4.hNVS driver implementation for MSP432E4 devices
 NVSRAM.hRAM implementation of the NVS driver
 NVSSPI25X.hNon-Volatile Storage driver implementation for SPI flash peripherals
 Power.hPower Manager
 PowerMSP432E4.hPower manager interface for MSP432E
 PWM.hPulse Width Modulation (PWM) driver
 PWMMSP432E4.hPWM driver implementation for MSP432E4 PWM peripherals
 Random.hInterface to generate pseudo-random numbers
 SD.hSecure Digital (SD) Driver
 SDFatFS.hFile Allocation Table File System (FATFS) Driver
 SDSPI.hSD driver implementation built on the TI SPI driver
 SHA2.hSHA2 driver header
 SHA2MSP432E4.hSHA2 driver implementation for the MSP432E4 family
 SPI.hSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Driver Interface
 SPIFFSNVS.hModule to enable the SPI Flash File System (SPIFFS) on the TI NVS driver
 SPIMSP432E4DMA.hSPI driver implementation for a MSP432E4 SPI controller using the micro DMA controller
 Timer.hTimer driver
 TimerMSP432E4.hTimer driver interface for MSP432E4 devices
 UART.hUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART) Driver
 UART2.hPRELIMINARY UART driver interface
 UART2MSP432E4.hUART driver implementation for a MSP432E4 UART controller
 UARTMSP432E4.hUART driver implementation for a MSP432E4 UART controller
 UDMAMSP432E4.hUDMA driver implementation for MSP432E4
 Watchdog.hWatchdog driver interface
 WatchdogMSP432E4.hWatchdog driver implementation for MSP432E4
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