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C_NoRTOS_Config | NoRTOS framework global configuration |
CADC_Config_ | ADC driver's custom configuration structure |
CADC_FxnTable | The definition of an ADC function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation |
CADC_Params | ADC Parameters used with ADC_open() |
CADCBuf_Config_ | ADC driver's custom configuration structure |
CADCBuf_Conversion | Defines a conversion to be used with ADCBuf_convert() |
CADCBuf_FxnTable | The definition of an ADCBuf function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation |
CADCBuf_Params | ADCBuf parameters used with ADCBuf_open() |
CADCBufMSP432E4_Channels | ADCBufMSP432E4 Channel Settings |
CADCBufMSP432E4_HWAttrsV1 | ADCBufMSP432E4 Hardware attributes |
CADCBufMSP432E4_Object | |
CADCBufMSP432E4_ParamsExtension | MSP432E4 ADCBuf_Params Parameter Extensions |
CADCMSP432E4_HWAttrsV1 | ADCMSP432E4 Hardware attributes These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For SimpleLink these definitions are found in: |
CADCMSP432E4_Object | ADCMSP432 Object |
CAESCBC_Config_ | AESCBC Global configuration |
CAESCBC_Operation | Struct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting a message |
CAESCBC_Params | CBC Parameters |
CAESCBCMSP432E4_HWAttrs | Hardware-specific configuration attributes |
CAESCCM_Config | AESCCM Global configuration |
CAESCCM_Operation | Struct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and authenticating/verifying a message |
CAESCCM_Params | CCM Parameters |
CAESCCMMSP432E4_HWAttrs | Hardware-specific configuration attributes |
CAESCTR_Config | AESCTR Global configuration |
CAESCTR_Operation | Struct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting a message |
CAESCTR_Params | CTR Parameters |
CAESCTRDRBG_Config | AESCTRDRBG Global configuration |
CAESCTRMSP432E4_HWAttrs | Hardware-specific configuration attributes |
CAESECB_Config | AESECB Global configuration |
CAESECB_Operation | Struct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and a message |
CAESECB_Params | ECB Parameters |
CAESECBMSP432E4_HWAttrs | Hardware-specific configuration attributes |
CAESGCM_Config | AESGCM Global configuration |
CAESGCM_Operation | Struct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and authenticating/verifying a message |
CAESGCM_Params | GCM Parameters |
CAESGCMMSP432E4_HWAttrs | Hardware-specific configuration attributes |
CButton_Config | Button configuration |
CButton_HWAttrs | Hardware specific settings for a button |
CButton_Object | Internal to Button module. Members should not be accessed by the application |
CButton_Params | Button Parameters |
CCAN_Config_ | CAN Global configuration |
Ccan_frame | CAN frame structure |
CCAN_FxnTable | The definition of a CAN function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific CAN driver implementation |
CCAN_Params | CAN Parameters |
CCANMSP432E4_HWAttrs | CANMSP432E4 Hardware attributes |
CCANMSP432E4_Object | CANMSP432E4 Object |
CComparator_Config_ | Comparator driver's custom configuration structure |
CComparator_FxnTable | The definition of a comparator function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific comparator driver implementation |
CComparator_Params | Comparator Parameters |
CComparatorMSP432E4_HWAttrs | ComparatorMSP432E4 Hardware attributes |
CComparatorMSP432E4_Object | ComparatorMSP432E4 Object |
CCRC_Config | CRC Global configuration |
CCRC_Params | Struct containing the parameters required for calculating the CRC of a data block. Default values can be set with CRC_Params_init |
CCRCMSP432E4_Object | CRCMSP432E4 Hardware Attributes |
CCryptoKey | CryptoKey datastructure |
CCryptoKey_KeyBlob | Keyblob CryptoKey datastructure |
CCryptoKey_KeyStore | Key store CryptoKey datastructure |
CCryptoKey_Plaintext | Plaintext CryptoKey datastructure |
CDisplay_Config | Display Global configuration |
CDisplay_FxnTable | The definition of a Display function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Display driver implementation |
CDisplay_Params | Display Parameters |
CDisplayGrLib_Object | |
CDisplayHost_HWAttrs | DisplayHost Attributes |
CDisplayHost_Object | DisplayHost Object |
CDisplaySharp_HWAttrsV1 | |
CDisplaySharp_Object | |
CDisplaySharpColor_t | Foreground and background color struct, compatible with GrLib |
CDisplayUart2_HWAttrs | DisplayUart2 Attributes |
CDisplayUart2_Object | DisplayUart2 Object |
CDisplayUart_HWAttrs | DisplayUart Attributes |
CDisplayUart_Object | DisplayUart Object |
CEMACMSP432E4_HWAttrs | EMACMSP432E4 Hardware attributes |
CGPIOMSP432E4_Config | GPIO device specific driver configuration structure |
CI2C_Config_ | I2C driver's custom configuration structure |
CI2C_FxnTable | The definition of an I2C function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2C driver implementation |
CI2C_Params | I2C parameters used with I2C_open() |
CI2C_Transaction | Defines a transaction to be used with I2C_transfer() or I2C_transferTimeout() |
CI2CMSP432E4_HWAttrs | I2CMSP432E4 Hardware attributes |
CI2CMSP432E4_Object | I2CMSP432E4 Object |
CLED_Config | LED configuration |
CLED_HWAttrs | Hardware specific settings for a LED module |
CLED_Object | LED Object structure |
CLED_Params | LED Parameters |
CList_Elem_ | |
CList_List | |
CNVS_Attrs | NVS attributes |
CNVS_Config_ | NVS Global configuration |
CNVS_FxnTable | The definition of an NVS function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific NVS driver implementation |
CNVS_Params | NVS Parameters |
CNVSMSP432E4_HWAttrs | NVSMSP432E4 attributes |
CNVSMSP432E4_Object | |
CNVSRAM_HWAttrs | NVSRAM Hardware Attributes |
CNVSRAM_Object | |
CNVSSPI25X_HWAttrs | NVSSPI25X attributes |
CNVSSPI25X_Object | |
CPower_NotifyObj | Power notify object structure |
CPowerMSP432E4_Config | Power global configuration structure |
CPWM_Config_ | PWM Global configuration |
CPWM_FxnTable | The definition of a PWM function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific PWM driver implementation |
CPWM_Params | PWM Parameters |
CPWMMSP432E4_HWAttrs | PWMMSP432E4 Hardware attributes |
CPWMMSP432E4_Object | PWMMSP432E4 Object |
CPWMMSP432E4_Status | PWMMSP432E4_Status |
CRingBuf_Object | |
CSD_Config_ | SD Global configuration |
CSD_FxnTable | The definition of a SD function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SD driver implementation |
CSD_Params | SD Parameters |
CSDFatFS_Config | SDFatFS Global configuration |
CSDFatFS_Object | SDFatFS Object The application must not access any member variables of this structure! |
CSDSPI_HWAttrs | SDSPI Hardware attributes |
CSDSPI_Object | SDSPI Object |
CSHA2_Config | SHA2 Global configuration |
CSHA2_Params | SHA2 Parameters |
CSHA2MSP432E4_HWAttrs | Hardware-specific configuration attributes |
CSPI_Config_ | SPI Global configuration |
CSPI_FxnTable | The definition of a SPI function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SPI driver implementation |
CSPI_Params | SPI Parameters |
CSPI_Transaction | A SPI_Transaction data structure is used with SPI_transfer(). It indicates how many SPI_FrameFormat frames are sent and received from the buffers pointed to txBuf and rxBuf. The arg variable is an user-definable argument which gets passed to the SPI_CallbackFxn when the SPI driver is in SPI_MODE_CALLBACK |
Cspiffs_config | |
Cspiffs_DIR | |
Cspiffs_dirent | |
Cspiffs_stat | |
Cspiffs_t | |
CSPIFFSNVS_Data_ | SPIFFSNVS data object |
CSPIMSP432E4DMA_HWAttrs | SPIMSP432E4DMA Hardware attributes |
CSPIMSP432E4DMA_Object | |
CStructRingBuf_Object | |
CTimer_Config_ | Timer Global configuration |
CTimer_FxnTable | The definition of a timer function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific timer driver implementation |
CTimer_Params | Timer Parameters |
CTimerMSP432E4_HWAttrs | TimerMSP432E4 Hardware Attributes |
CTimerMSP432E4_Object | TimerMSP432E4_Object |
CUART2_Config_ | UART2 Global configuration |
CUART2_FxnTable | The definition of a UART2 function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific UART2 driver implementation |
CUART2_Params | UART2 Parameters |
CUART2MSP432E4_HWAttrs | UART2MSP432E4 Hardware attributes |
CUART2MSP432E4_Object | UART2MSP432E4 Object |
CUART_Config_ | UART Global configuration |
CUART_FxnTable | The definition of a UART function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific UART driver implementation |
CUART_Params | UART Parameters |
CUARTMSP432E4_FxnSet | Complement set of read functions to be used by the UART ISR and UARTMSP432E4_read(). Internal use only |
CUARTMSP432E4_HWAttrs | UARTMSP432E4 Hardware attributes |
CUARTMSP432E4_Object | UARTMSP432E4 Object |
CUDMAMSP432E4_Config | UDMAMSP432E4 Global configuration |
CUDMAMSP432E4_HWAttrs | UDMAMSP432E4 Hardware attributes |
CUDMAMSP432E4_Object | UDMAMSP432E4 object |
CWatchdog_Config_ | Watchdog Global configuration |
CWatchdog_FxnTable | The definition of a Watchdog function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Watchdog driver implementation |
CWatchdog_Params | Watchdog Parameters |
CWatchdogMSP432E4_HWAttrs | Watchdog hardware attributes for MSP432E4 |
CWatchdogMSP432E4_Object | Watchdog Object for MSP432E4 |