USBLib API Guide
Data Structures | Macros | Enumerations | Functions

Data Structures

struct  tHIDKeyboardInstance
struct  tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice


#define KEYB_SUCCESS   0
 This return code from USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange() indicates success. More...
#define KEYB_ERR_TX_ERROR   2
#define KEYB_ERR_NOT_FOUND   3




void * USBDHIDKeyboardInit (uint32_t ui32Index, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice *psHIDKbDevice)
void * USBDHIDKeyboardCompositeInit (uint32_t ui32Index, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice *psHIDKbDevice, tCompositeEntry *psCompEntry)
void USBDHIDKeyboardTerm (void *pvKeyboardDevice)
void * USBDHIDKeyboardSetCBData (void *pvKeyboardDevice, void *pvCBData)
uint32_t USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange (void *pvKeyboardDevice, uint8_t ui8Modifiers, uint8_t ui8UsageCode, bool bPress)
void USBDHIDKeyboardPowerStatusSet (void *pvKeyboardDevice, uint8_t ui8Power)
bool USBDHIDKeyboardRemoteWakeupRequest (void *pvKeyboardDevice)

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


((sizeof(g_psHIDSections) / \
sizeof(g_psHIDSections[0])) - 1)
const tConfigSection * g_psHIDSections[]
Definition: usbdhidmouse.c:237



The maximum number of simultaneously-pressed, non-modifier keys that the HID BIOS keyboard protocol can send at once. Attempts to send more pressed keys than this results in a rollover error being reported to the host and KEYB_ERR_TOO_MANY_KEYS being returned from USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange().

Referenced by USBDHIDKeyboardCompositeInit().







This event indicates that the keyboard LED states are to be set. The ui32MsgValue parameter contains the requested state for each of the LEDs defined as a collection of ORed bits where a 1 indicates that the LED is to be turned on and a 0 indicates that it should be turned off. The individual LED bits are defined using labels HID_KEYB_NUM_LOCK, HID_KEYB_CAPS_LOCK, HID_KEYB_SCROLL_LOCK, HID_KEYB_COMPOSE and HID_KEYB_KANA.


#define KEYB_SUCCESS   0

This return code from USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange() indicates success.



This return code from USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange() indicates that an attempt has been made to record more than 6 simultaneously pressed, non-modifier keys. The USB HID BIOS keyboard protocol allows no more than 6 pressed keys to be reported at one time. Until at least one key is released, the device reports a roll over error to the host each time it is asked for the keyboard input report.


#define KEYB_ERR_TX_ERROR   2

This return code from USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange() indicates that an error was reported while attempting to send a report to the host. A client should assume that the host has disconnected if this return code is seen.


#define KEYB_ERR_NOT_FOUND   3

USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange() returns this value if it is called with the bPress parameter set to false but with a ui8UsageCode parameter which does does not indicate a key that is currently recorded as being pressed. This may occur if an attempt was previously made to report more than 6 pressed keys and the earlier pressed keys are released before the later ones. This condition is benign and should not be used to indicate a host disconnection or serious error.



USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange() returns this value if it is called before the USB host has connected and configured the device. Any key usage code passed is stored and passed to the host once configuration completes.

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ tKeyboardState


Function Documentation

§ USBDHIDKeyboardInit()

void * USBDHIDKeyboardInit ( uint32_t  ui32Index,
tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice psHIDKbDevice 

Initializes HID keyboard device operation for a given USB controller.

ui32Indexis the index of the USB controller which is to be initialized for HID keyboard device operation.
psHIDKbDevicepoints to a structure containing parameters customizing the operation of the HID keyboard device.

An application wishing to offer a USB HID keyboard interface to a USB host must call this function to initialize the USB controller and attach the keyboard device to the USB bus. This function performs all required USB initialization.

On successful completion, this function returns the psHIDKbDevice pointer passed to it. This must be passed on all future calls to the HID keyboard device driver.

When a host connects and configures the device, the application callback receives USB_EVENT_CONNECTED after which calls can be made to USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange() to report key presses and releases to the USB host.

The application must not make any calls to the lower level USB device interfaces if interacting with USB via the USB HID keyboard device class API. Doing so causes unpredictable (though almost certainly unpleasant) behavior.
Returns NULL on failure or the psHIDKbDevice pointer on success.

References tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::pfnCallback, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::ppui8StringDescriptors, tHIDKeyboardInstance::sHIDDevice, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::sPrivateData, and USBDHIDKeyboardCompositeInit().

§ USBDHIDKeyboardCompositeInit()

void * USBDHIDKeyboardCompositeInit ( uint32_t  ui32Index,
tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice psHIDKbDevice,
tCompositeEntry psCompEntry 

Initializes HID keyboard device operation for a given USB controller.

ui32Indexis the index of the USB controller which is to be initialized for HID keyboard device operation.
psHIDKbDevicepoints to a structure containing parameters customizing the operation of the HID keyboard device.
psCompEntryis the composite device entry to initialize when creating a composite device.

This call is very similar to USBDHIDKeyboardInit() except that it is used for initializing an instance of the HID keyboard device for use in a composite device. If this HID keyboard is part of a composite device, then the psCompEntry should point to the composite device entry to initialize. This is part of the array that is passed to the USBDCompositeInit() function.

Returns zero on failure or a non-zero instance value that should be used with the remaining USB HID Keyboard APIs.

References tHIDKeyboardInstance::eKeyboardState, HID_KEYB_USAGE_RESERVED, HID_KEYBOARD_STATE_UNCONFIGURED, KEYB_MAX_CHARS_PER_REPORT, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::pfnCallback, tUSBDHIDDevice::pfnRxCallback, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::ppui8StringDescriptors, tUSBDHIDDevice::psReportIdle, tHIDKeyboardInstance::pui8KeysPressed, tHIDKeyboardInstance::sHIDDevice, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::sPrivateData, tHIDKeyboardInstance::sReportIdle, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::ui16MaxPowermA, tUSBDHIDDevice::ui16MaxPowermA, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::ui16PID, tUSBDHIDDevice::ui16PID, tHIDReportIdle::ui16TimeTillNextmS, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::ui16VID, tUSBDHIDDevice::ui16VID, tHIDReportIdle::ui32TimeSinceReportmS, tHIDReportIdle::ui8Duration4mS, tHIDKeyboardInstance::ui8KeyCount, tHIDKeyboardInstance::ui8LEDStates, tUSBDHIDDevice::ui8NumInputReports, tHIDKeyboardInstance::ui8Protocol, tUSBDHIDDevice::ui8Protocol, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::ui8PwrAttributes, tUSBDHIDDevice::ui8PwrAttributes, tHIDReportIdle::ui8ReportID, tUSBDHIDDevice::ui8Subclass, tHIDKeyboardInstance::ui8USBConfigured, USB_HID_PROTOCOL_KEYB, USB_HID_PROTOCOL_REPORT, and USB_HID_SCLASS_BOOT.

Referenced by USBDHIDKeyboardInit().

§ USBDHIDKeyboardTerm()

void USBDHIDKeyboardTerm ( void *  pvKeyboardDevice)

Shuts down the HID keyboard device.

pvKeyboardDeviceis the pointer to the device instance structure as returned by USBDHIDKeyboardInit().

This function terminates HID keyboard operation for the instance supplied and removes the device from the USB bus. Following this call, the pvKeyboardDevice instance may not me used in any other call to the HID keyboard device other than USBDHIDKeyboardInit().


References tHIDKeyboardInstance::sHIDDevice, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::sPrivateData, tHIDKeyboardInstance::ui8USBConfigured, and USBDHIDTerm().

§ USBDHIDKeyboardSetCBData()

void * USBDHIDKeyboardSetCBData ( void *  pvKeyboardDevice,
void *  pvCBData 

Sets the client-specific pointer parameter for the keyboard callback.

pvKeyboardDeviceis the pointer to the device instance structure as returned by USBDHIDKeyboardInit().
pvCBDatais the pointer that client wishes to be provided on each event sent to the keyboard callback function.

The client uses this function to change the callback pointer passed in the first parameter on all callbacks to the pfnCallback function passed on USBDHIDKeyboardInit().

If a client wants to make runtime changes in the callback pointer, it must ensure that the pvKeyboardDevice structure passed to USBDHIDKeyboardInit() resides in RAM. If this structure is in flash, callback data changes is not possible.

Returns the previous callback pointer that was set for this instance.

References tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::pvCBData.

§ USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange()

uint32_t USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange ( void *  pvKeyboardDevice,
uint8_t  ui8Modifiers,
uint8_t  ui8UsageCode,
bool  bPress 

Reports a key state change to the USB host.

pvKeyboardDeviceis the pointer to the device instance structure as returned by USBDHIDKeyboardInit().
ui8Modifierscontains the states of each of the keyboard modifiers (left/right shift, ctrl, alt or GUI keys). Valid values are logical OR combinations of the labels HID_KEYB_LEFT_CTRL, HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_LEFT_ALT, HID_KEYB_LEFT_GUI, HID_KEYB_RIGHT_CTRL, HID_KEYB_RIGHT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_RIGHT_ALT and HID_KEYB_RIGHT_GUI. Presence of one of these bit flags indicates that the relevant modifier key is pressed and absence indicates that it is released.
ui8UsageCodeis the usage code of the key whose state has changed. If only modifier keys have changed, HID_KEYB_USAGE_RESERVED should be passed in this parameter.
bPressis true if the key has been pressed or false if it has been released. If only modifier keys have changed state, this parameter is ignored.

This function adds or removes a key usage code from the list of keys currently pressed and schedules a report transmission to the host to inform it of the new keyboard state. If the maximum number of simultaneous key presses are already recorded, the report to the host contains the rollover error code, HID_KEYB_USAGE_ROLLOVER instead of key usage codes and the caller receives return code KEYB_ERR_TOO_MANY_KEYS.

Returns KEYB_SUCCESS if the key usage code was added to or removed from the current list successfully. KEYB_ERR_TOO_MANY_KEYS is returned if an attempt is made to press a 7th key (the BIOS keyboard protocol can report no more than 6 simultaneously pressed keys). If called before the USB host has configured the device, KEYB_ERR_NOT_CONFIGURED is returned and, if an error is reported while attempting to transmit the report, KEYB_ERR_TX_ERROR is returned. If an attempt is made to remove a key from the pressed list (by setting parameter bPressed to false) but the key usage code is not found, KEYB_ERR_NOT_FOUND is returned.

References HID_KEYB_USAGE_RESERVED, tHIDKeyboardInstance::pui8Report, tHIDKeyboardInstance::sHIDDevice, and tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::sPrivateData.

§ USBDHIDKeyboardPowerStatusSet()

void USBDHIDKeyboardPowerStatusSet ( void *  pvKeyboardDevice,
uint8_t  ui8Power 

Reports the device power status (bus or self powered) to the USB library.

pvKeyboardDeviceis the pointer to the keyboard device instance structure.
ui8Powerindicates the current power status, either USB_STATUS_SELF_PWR or USB_STATUS_BUS_PWR.

Applications which support switching between bus or self powered operation should call this function whenever the power source changes to indicate the current power status to the USB library. This information is required by the USB library to allow correct responses to be provided when the host requests status from the device.


References tHIDKeyboardInstance::sHIDDevice, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::sPrivateData, and USBDHIDPowerStatusSet().

§ USBDHIDKeyboardRemoteWakeupRequest()

bool USBDHIDKeyboardRemoteWakeupRequest ( void *  pvKeyboardDevice)

Requests a remote wake up to resume communication when in suspended state.

pvKeyboardDeviceis the pointer to the keyboard device instance structure.

When the bus is suspended, an application which supports remote wake up (advertised to the host via the configuration descriptor) may call this function to initiate remote wake up signaling to the host. If the remote wake up feature has not been disabled by the host, this causes the bus to resume operation within 20mS. If the host has disabled remote wake up, false is returned to indicate that the wake up request was not successful.

Returns true if the remote wake up is not disabled and the signaling was started or false if remote wake up is disabled or if signaling is currently ongoing following a previous call to this function.

References tHIDKeyboardInstance::sHIDDevice, tUSBDHIDKeyboardDevice::sPrivateData, and USBDHIDRemoteWakeupRequest().

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